xXSakuraXx -> RE: Paragons of Lore (8/16/2013 15:21:57)
Your in-game name and Character Level:Sakura1000, (Name is pretty lame but I was still a young'un back then.[:)]) I'm level 34 Alignment:Evil(but I'm not that evil![:D]) Favorite Class(es):Guardian,and Evolved Leprechaun! Why do you want to become a Paragon of Lore?I had this account 6 months after AQW was made. It was a fun game, there were a lot of cool and nice people to meet and play with. A part of my life revolved mostly on this game. Every new update, the game kept getting interesting. I told friends about the game and they seem to like it. This particular friend of mine wanted to play with my account, since I was level 20. I did the unthinkable and gave him my password. He helped me a lot with the game, until his cousin decided to hack my account and change the password. I couldn't log in anymore, and I almost gave up hope. But I managed to pull through and create a new one, which I gave to a friend of mine. I did what I had to do and asked my friend to password. He gave it to me, if only I wouldn't change the password. I was excited and I quickly played. My account wasn't the same. My former favorite class, the rustbucket that was rank 10, was deleted, and most of my gold was diminished. I knew what I had to do, and changed my account's password, even though I would lose a good friend. Anyway, we ended up being friends again, and I convinced him to make his own account, and help him with the game. I want to become a Paragon of Lore so I could help players, newbies and pros alike, in order to make them enjoy the game like I did. PS:What server does the guild go to?