ATTN: Plagiarism alert!! (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Gaming Community] >> [Legends and Lore] >> Artists of Legend >> The Lounge


Eukara Vox -> ATTN: Plagiarism alert!! (5/2/2013 16:37:00)

It has come to my attention that some of you could be victims of Plaigiarism. So, please read carefully.


Definition of PLAGIARIZE

: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source

: to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

We have found that on this website, many of our tutorials have been reposted in there. The game advertised on these forums is forbidden to be discussed on this forum due to copyright and plagiarism issues in the past.

We encourage you, if you have a tutorial, to make sure that it is not on this forum without your permission. If it is, what this group is doing is illegal. Tutorials on AE Forums are the property of the writer and AE. If your work is on this other forum without your permission you are being plagiarised and your work is being stolen. Demand that your work be taken down if you did not give permission and you do not want them using it. If you are okay with them using it, then demand you get credit.

So far, we know these match up to tutorials on our forums:

Eukara Vox
AE Forum Administration

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