=OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (Full Version)

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Balu -> =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 16:32:09)


LIVE: Card Customization!

Posted on May 03, 2013 by Nulgath


Game Update v0.8.0

Card Customization Terminology Explained

  • Card Series: Each Series will consist of up to 12 cards. Rarity is measured with stars: 1 (most common) to 5 stars (rarest)
  • Card Packs. Each time you purchase from the Card Series you will randomly be given 5 cards from the series. SoulGem Packs have more chances to get rare cards.
  • Equipping Cards: You may equip up to 5 extra cards from card series for use in battle by clicking on the cards in the list. Your equipped cards are shown in the slots at the bottom of the screen.
  • Battle: These cards are mixed in with your character cards in battle. They are separate from your character's cards and are used with any character you have equipped.


    Card Series Rotation

    After the intitial release of all elemental card series we will begin to release certain Cards Packs in seasons. During these specific seasons, we will be re-releasing and introducing new card packs. These new series will probably reflect upon current things, such as Halloween and shadow Packs. As new card packs are being made, they will be out for a few weeks before going into their proper seasonal/holiday rotation

    Give us your take on the forums and post your ideas as well!

    New Characters Released!

  • Ghypsophila - Apprentice
  • Princess Ghypsophila - Veteran
  • Queen Ghypsophila - Master
  • Frost Queen - Legendary - (Will release next Friday!)
  • Cosoma Master Evolution - (Cosoma Titan)

  • TheSage -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 16:33:03)

    out of curiosity, has anyone been getting the perma freeze bug in battles since the release?

    feonix -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 16:47:57)

    Yep, keeps happening to me. I've had to reload in about half my fights, since this release came out.

    megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 16:49:35)

    TheSage: No, but I'm still getting the lag glitch. I have done all I can at this point. And I know, it's annoying hearing about it but I can't play with it on.

    OverlordCody -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 17:37:09)

    I blasted the rest of my SGs for cards to use on Cosoma.

    Finncollier -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 17:56:13)

    Well then, card customisation, the queen of frost i have, i have configured it with 5 shield cards

    Mirai Hoshino -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 18:04:55)

    I'm glad they reduced the card pack price to 15,000 gold. That's more reasonable. It looks like we don't have all the Ice card art in yet, though. Too bad.

    I suppose I can work with this kind of card customization. I was hoping to be able to get rid of cards here and there, but a couple extra cards of the right type could help out some characters.

    Lemonus -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 21:02:23)

    Nope, but I DO get frozen for like, 5+ turns.

    Finncollier -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 21:23:20)

    Nulgath why would you make a 'snow orb' its a bit silly and unoriginal, but 'ice needle' is great

    Korran46 -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 21:44:34)

    i hope there will later be a way to sell unwanted cards from these packs

    Laken1 -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/3/2013 23:06:20)

    Ah, finally! I plan to buy a pack as well.

    theholyfighter -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 3:17:42)

    Dang upset about it. Spent 15000 gold and bought a pack. Got 3 "101 damage' cards and 2 "101 pierce" cards.

    plebster -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 4:05:45)

    i just spent 4 SGs and got like the crappest pack ever lol

    Finncollier -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 4:16:59)

    Well, there's the queen, now you must release Winter the goddess of frost

    Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 5:20:52)

    Queen Ghypsophila already had an awesome! I can't imagine Frost Queen's EPIC animation! Looking forward to that but first I must get Queen Ghypsophila to 20.

    Zereldo -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 5:45:40)

    Card customisation seems great. I love the potential this has for strategy and different ways of playing characters.

    I do have one complaint though. I have 13 of the same card after buying several gold packs. Now I have no problem owning several of the same card, however, we only have 5 custom slots. Surely there should be a cap to represent this. There is literally no use for the extra 8 cards of the same type after my first 5.

    I did spend some soul gems on this and luckily I never got more then 5 of the same card in that respect. I'd just hate to see players wasting there hard earned Soul gems and Gold on a 6th card that actually can never be of any use to them.

    15000 gold takes a fair amount of time to earn. If there was a cap in place so that you could only get 5 of the same type of card, then it would take 180000 gold to get a full card series. That is a lot of effort and seems to be fair, rather then ending up with 24 of the same card. Perhaps there could be a way of making the gold cost a bit more expensive for the cards with more stars, I'm sure players would rather fork out a little more gold, then have 24 of the same type.

    TheSage -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 6:57:55)

    When ever you play a CCG and you buy booster packs for it you always ens up with extra common cards. For an example, Magic the Gathering, deck limits are 4 per card type, but if you buy booster packs trying to get multiple copies of a rare card you always end up with dozens of common cards.

    Balu -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 8:49:22)

    Time for some feedback on what we currently have as Card Customization.

    The good parts:

  • I like how the basics of the CC system have been set up. You basically have a big card pool or I like to call it a stash where you get to see all your cards you have unlocked. You can then choose 5 cards that function like a mini deck for whatever char you equip. So with the standard deck of whatever soul you use, you get these cards as well. Simple, smart and easy to understand!
  • I`m guessing when other elemental card series will be released, you will be able to click on the arrows on the left so you can scroll between different elements for easy card customization of whatever char you have equipped.
  • the standard damage cards you unlock via gold or SG purchase net you a bit more power since instead of a standard 500 dmg card you can have a 525 dmg card. Very nice! Not too little and not to much power to make things imbalanced!
  • Awesome and unique artwork. Because eye candy is always welcomed! :D

    The parts I wish and feel should be improved on by the dev team:

  • The most important bit: we need true card customization as in being able to take out/discard cards from the standard creature decks so we can use more of our customization cards (btw Nulgath stated on twitter that he wants this to happen even if it`s difficult to code). Just being able to add cards to your current creature deck isn`t improving things in the desired way, at least for me.

    The standard decks on plenty of creatures be they free chars, SG chars, vet, master or Legendary aren`t always optimal or built in such a way for the cards to synergize and work well with one another. You either have to discard too many cards that you don`t have a use for or you keep getting cards that do low dmg and you end up wasting charges. Now this isn`t such a bad thing because Card Customization can come in and save the day. ;-)

  • The second most important part: CC pack pricing and getting a bang for your buck! This i feel, needs to be revised and improved from how it currently stands. The dev team is awesome and took notice of the players opinions stating that 30k gold per pack was really expensive so they cut that price in half. 15K gold per pack isn`t that expensive. With a lvl 20 char and some dedication you can farm gold for five or six packs without too much trouble. Or you can spend 5 bucks and buy 5 SG packs.

    But what is important here is what you are getting for your money or your free time spend on gold farming. Currently i would have to say that what you are getting for either option isn`t enough...especially if you are using SGs. Now before you think of me as a greedy guy (:P), I should tell you what I got from 4 SG packs: 1x101 dmg card, 3xPierce(101) cards, 8x204 dmg cards, 4xDefend(515) cards, 1xFrostbite, 2xIce Orb, 1xShatter. I probably had really bad luck and the RNG was probably hating me at the time, but since I used SGs, I wish the chance of me getting better cards was increased. I`m actually really bummed out with what I got for SGs. I also spent my last 60K gold and got another 12x204 dmg cards, 3xDefend(515) cards, 2x515dmg cards and a couple of Ice Orbs.

    The amount of simple, low dmg and undesirable cards is just too high to make me spend any more SGs for Card Customization...until and if the drop formula is revised. I love OS and will continue to support it by buying SGs for char evos and boosts, but not for Card Customization.

    I would also venture to state that even the chance to get special cards by spending gold should be revised because I could potentially see people spending large amounts of hard earned gold and not getting satisfactory cards for that. It`s a matter of chance and the RNG being in a good mood, and we know that one is almost never in a good mood. :P

    That`s about it for now. To conclude, very nice system you set up for CC! Impressive in looks, coding and functionality and with a lot of potential to make the game even more fun, but I hope things are not set in stone and the randomness of the card drops is revised to reward more the paying customers but also the gold grinders.

    Oh yeah, sorry for the wall of text. I went a bit mental with my words. XD

  • jlnod15 -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 9:52:36)

    Mmmm I still think the gold card pack option should be higher in price. Just wish I knew. What the amount of gold we get at level 20 with 20X PERM Boosts. Also I wouldn't mind if the rolls on the SG Card packs were a "bit" better. I found myself mostly getting the lower rank cards with my SG's. But I guess that how the dice rolls.

    EDIT: Plus I hope the OS Team reworks the Gold prices for Card packs. When Stats comes out. It could speed up the gold farming progress. But I have a feeling. they are already keeping a eye out for that.

    Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 9:56:32)

    Still, you need to think of those player who can't afford a lot of x-boost and need to farm for a lot of gold to obtain 15K gold. The gold card pack price is already very fair to everyone and if it increase, there will be arguments and dissatisfaction here and there.

    jlnod15 -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 10:13:16)

    @Mega. Yet remember OS Servers and OS itself can't run on free players. It needs to help get those players buying SG's. So I think they should rework the Gold packs price. Once Stats comes out. Just to see how fast a player can gain gold. With or without boosts. And I will admit i hadn't done the math. So right now. I just shooting concerns out of my behind.

    "Card Series Rotation"

    I will admit. I like the idea of seasonal rare card series. But still like I always complain about AQW. Do not overuse the word "rare". Do not make something rare for the sake of making it rare. And Let alone. Don't add something just as a temp. Like Halloween Card Pack 1. Instead of removing it and making a whole new card pack. How about instead you make MORE Cards ontop of the old ones. And just up the SG price a bit more to get the new cards? Maybe not a wise idea. But it would allow the content to grow. Instead of being "rare" to death. Much like AQW has done to itself.

    Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 10:20:20)

    Can't say you are right or wrong. But we will see how OS will progress.

    For rares, knowing Nulgath, he personally hate permanent rare so even if the element and seasonal card series are limited, i am sure there will be plan for it to return. Beside, Nulgath stated he will re-releasing the card packs and introduce new one as well so no worries. [;)]

    TheSage -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 12:06:21)

    @jlnod15 : In the home page post there is not a single mention of the word "rare" so i don't know know where you are getting the idea for the misuse of the word rare here...

    The CC system is still in development and things can and will change, that includes previously released character decks (more specific the ones inflicted with the "Alpha Curse") and a few other things. The game is still bumpy but in time the bumps WILL get smoothed out and become better then before, just look how far it has come since the early days of alpha.

    so0meone -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 12:22:48)


    Nulgath why would you make a 'snow orb' its a bit silly and unoriginal, but 'ice needle' is great

    Personally, I think that Snow Orb is a lot better than Ice Orb. Only 5 energy for 1000 damage tops, which is on the same ratio as Ice Orb, but 5 energy is a lot easier to work with than 10, you don't need an ungodly number of shields to maximize effectiveness ad even if you DO have over 1000 shields it leaves you with some defense without converting the entire thing to damage. Just because of this I'd actually say Snow Orb is one of the best cards Ice has right now. All I'd add to my Ghypsophila's deck is one or two of those, at least for now.

    Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= May 3rd, 2013: LIVE: Card Customization! (5/4/2013 13:52:27)

    It was very unexpected that Snow orb would be one of the 2 new Ice card. Ice Needle being the second new Ice card was also a surprised as it does pierce 500 damage at the cost of 6 energy. Those 2 new Ice Cards are unexpected and pure genious! Nulgath, another surprisingly job well done! You really never fail to surprise us! [:D]

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