April Fool's 2013 - Donovan's Disaster! (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> April Fool's 2013 - Donovan's Disaster! (5/7/2013 16:12:21)

Donovan's Reign!

Location: April Fools' Portal Painting » 2013: Donovan's Disaster!

Note: This is the sequel to Night of the Grenwog.

«Scene: At night, in a mountainous region. The moon glows over the fields with heaps of eggs scattered throughout the place. Suddenly, the VereWog jumps in on a mountain and raises its paw.»

VereWog: Arise, my children! Ve shall take over all of Darkovia vith our armies!
VereWog: The foolish creatures think themselves invincible.... but ve shall show them vat true power is!

«In the shadows, the eggs hatch one by one, and creatures with glowing eyes emerge from the egg, one by one.»

«Scene: Interior of Donovan's fortress»

Donovan: This 'VereWog' creature is an interesting specimen indeed.
Donovan: It seems he has survived the bites of both Constantin and Safiria, transforming into a hybrid of the two. Left alone, he might be a threat to my future rule.
Donovan: Normally, a simple werepyre would be no threat, but something about this one makes him stronger than I am... which leaves me with only one option.
Donovan: I must acquire more power. Power from every species on Lore.
Donovan: Nightbane drank the blood of a thousand dragons to become what he is. So I shall drink the blood of every living thing on Lore, and surpass his power immensely!
Donovan: Then with my newfound power, the VereWog, and all the other denizens of Darkovia, will have no choice but to bow to my might!

«Donovan gestures at his minion.»

Donovan: Go, minion. Tell the others to gather blood from across the farthest reaches of Lore.
Donovan: With all that blood, I will become the greatest creature in the universe! Even the Elemental Lords will be unable to stop me!

«The scene changes to Battleon. Various heroes and personalities crowds the scene.»

«You»: Woah, quite a crowd today. What's going on?
Galanoth: It seems Donovan's minions have spread all around Lore, attacking everyone and everything!
Aquella: His minions attacked many of the sea creatures in the oceans. The Sarkanians and Mermazons were both attacked, as was the Sea Fiend.
Vephoma: They've gone after all manner of wildlife. Harpies, birds, trolls, bats, hybees, zards....
Cenara: I've witnessed his minions taking samples from the various undead throughout Darkovia, as well.
Hollow: His lousy minions even took a bite out of my bike! Took forever to repair the seats....
«You»: Does anyone happen to know why he's doing this?
Cenara: Apparently my half-brother fears the recently-created VereWog. And he's not wrong to do so. Its power is quite immense.
Cenara: Already it seems it has surpassed even we dracopyres. And, naturally, it now wants to take over Darkovia.
«You»: Of course!
Cenara: The problem is that his little experiment is already starting to mutate his followers. If he drinks this little mixture of his, there's no telling what will happen.
Cenara: We'll need to march right up to Donovan's lair and confront him if we intend to stop him. Are you up for it?
«You»: Of course!
    Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
«Cenara and you find Donovan, who is holding a cup, in a dark forest.»

Donovan: I knew you would come. Unfortunately, you're too late.
Donovan: In my hand is the key to the ultimate power... the mixed life essence of every creature on Lore!

«Donovan drinks from the cup and drops it as he transforms into a creature. The creature flies away.»

«You»: What is THAT?
Cenara: I don't know, but I don't sense any of my brother's intelligence in that thing. It's... mindless.
Cenara: All of those powers must be too much for him, it's overwhelming him and rendering him a mindless freak of nature.
«You»: How can we get him back to the way he was?

«Kamui enters the scene.»

Kamui: I have a solution to your problem! We simply craft a weapon with the power to alter a creature's genetic structure.
Kamui: Then we use it to sever his connections with the new samples he's obtained.
«You»: Can you really make something like that?
Kamui: Of course! Don't you know anything about SCIENCE!? But it will require a lot of time to construct and--
«You»: *sigh* You already have one made, don't you?
Kamui: Of course!

«Kamui exits, and promptly returns with a massive weapon.»

«You»: That's your master weapon? I'm not even sure I can swing that thing!
Kamui: Hey, don't blame me. There are so many monsters in Lore that fitting all those triggers into the weapon was tough work.
«You»: Right, well, if it works, then I suppose it doesn't really matter.
Kamui: My inventions always work!
«You»: ...not even gonna take that bait.
Cenara: {dynamic text}
«You»: Right... let's go!

«You receive NightSever as a temporary weapon.»«The VereWog and the transformed Donovan are engaged in a battle. but are interrupted by the entry of Cenara and you.»

VereWog: So, you all think you can outsmart ze VereWog? Aha, but I knew you vere coming!
«You»: Save your speech. I just want to get this over with.
VereWog: Then come. Come and face me!«The Grenwog jumps offscreen and NightReign returns to his original form.»

NightReign: All of that power... and yet I couldn't control it. It seems I am not yet ready to surpass Nightbane's legacy.
NightReign: You may have saved me, darling half-sister, but this does not change anything. I will find another way to increase my power, and all of Darkovia will be mine!

«NightReign flies away.»

«You»: Ugh. Think I'll just stay indoors for the holidays next time.

«The screen turns black in a circle. Before the circle fully closes in, an arm pops out and squeezes himself through the hole.»

Loco: Wait a minute! Wait, wait, wait! This is April Fools! How can you have an April Fools event without me?
Loco: You can't end this quest here! It's in my contract that--

«The screen begins to darken instead, since Loco is blocking the hole.»


«The scene completely fades.»

Loco: Maybe it was a meta-joke... take the punchline away, and everybody loses their minds...
Loco: Just wait until my lawyer hears about this... *grumble*

  • NightSever Z [L. 10 Z]
  • NightSever [L. 30]
  • Guardian NightSever [L. 50 G]
  • NightSever [L. 70]

  • NightSever [L. 90]
  • NightSever Z [L. 110 Z]
  • NightSever [L. 130]
  • Guardian NightSever [L. 150 G]

    House Items
  • Dracovamplantess [L. 8 Z]
  • Metalraider [L. 8 Z]
  • Alpha Dracoglin [L. 8 Z]
  • Dracofiend Lord [L. 9 Z]

  • Dracovamplantess [L. 28 Z]
  • Metalraider [L. 28 Z]
  • Alpha Dracoglin [L. 28 Z]
  • Dracofiend Lord [L. 29 Z]

  • Dracovamplantess [L. 48 Z]
  • Metalraider [L. 48 Z]
  • Alpha Dracoglin [L. 48 Z]
  • Dracofiend Lord [L. 49 Z]

  • Dracovamplantess [L. 68 Z]
  • Metalraider [L. 68 Z]
  • Alpha Dracoglin [L. 68 Z]
  • Dracofiend Lord [L. 69 Z]

  • Dracovamplantess [L. 88 Z]
  • Metalraider [L. 88 Z]
  • Alpha Dracoglin [L. 88 Z]
  • Dracofiend Lord [L. 89 Z]

  • Dracovamplantess [L. 108 Z]
  • Metalraider [L. 108 Z]
  • Alpha Dracoglin [L. 108 Z]
  • Dracofiend Lord [L. 109 Z]

  • Dracovamplantess [L. 128 Z]
  • Metalraider [L. 128 Z]
  • Alpha Dracoglin [L. 128 Z]
  • Dracofiend Lord [L. 129 Z]

  • Dracovamplantess [L. 148 Z]
  • Metalraider [L. 148 Z]
  • Alpha Dracoglin [L. 148 Z]
  • Dracofiend Lord [L. 149 Z]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Write-up thanks to BlacKitten25.
    Monster ListMonster lists thanks to In Media Res.

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