(AQ) Dethhollow's Stupid Story Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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dethhollow -> (AQ) Dethhollow's Stupid Story Discussion Thread (5/16/2013 22:28:23)

Gaze upon it! Gaze upon the terror of my horrible writing from 2 years ago and dispair!!! Wahaha haaa hahaa HA hAA!!!!!!

I've come so far since I've written this story. Really, the only reason it's still up is because of nastalgia sake. To be honest, looking back, if I wrote something like this today I'd punch myself. Not because it's random and has 0 plot, buildup, payoff, or intresting ideas. But just because it's so horribly written. Almost like I was trying to make a stage play or something and just- good gosh, did it not go over well! I mean,seriously!


"salutations," Artrix said, "are you the necromancer known as Zorbak?" he also said.

What was I thinking!? No one even does anything, it's like the Star Wars prequils in text form and just... good gosh! I almost want to add onto it so there's like a page of dialogue-ridden crap followed by the awesomeness of actual literary competence! Worst part is since the RP's the only way for people to see my writing outside of a character Bio or leaving the website. And it's just so cartoon-y I might as well have linked a picture of Zorbak eating a carrot saying, "That's all, folks!"

Well, if nothing else, you've gotten an amusing rant about how bad my old writing is. So discuss away about the terrible story that is the text equivilant of Artix the Musical. Actually, that sounds kind-of cool now that I think about it....

*note to self, Artix the Musical. Make it happen one day and include a splatter zone for zombie parts.*

If Evil Dead can get one, why the heck not Artix?

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