RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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TheSage -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 13:02:57)

@Jmagician : your last post IS a theory about the RNG and a superstition you have about it.....

Superstition is a belief, not based on human reason or scientific knowledge, that future events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 13:40:25)

Any news from the team about this week's release?

DarkLore -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 13:47:27)

Better yet. Why hasn't the winner of the photo contest been announced?! Come on Rainbowtheus!

Agaraoth2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 13:47:34)

@Sage RNG is a just a program so i guess we are free to make assumptions since programs are made by humans

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 13:53:18)

RNG is a random number generator. emphasis on the random. And yes humans have a tendency to search for patterns and logic, but science and math tells us that not all of the patterns we find have a correlation with facts.

Honestly, I wouldn't expect a release this week, since no announcements have been made about one, and AE is busy with Project Omni.
If we do get a release though, awesome! But I for one still need time to farm more Gold to buy Shadow CC packs.

Balu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 13:53:50)

I`d respectfully ask everyone to drop the whole RNG discussion for now please! It has been confirmed by two game testers that there isn`t any pattern or method to improve your card drops and it`s just based on chance, so please let`s not get into an extensive discussion about it. Things might get heated and arguments might start up. And I don`t want to see that. ~Balu Archknight.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 13:58:11)

@Lord Beck: Yeah, you're right. I think the main reason why they didn't keep us posted before was because they didn't want to hype us up for the chance of a disappointment. I think it is high time they roll into bi-weekly releases [;)]

Agaraoth2 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 13:58:41)

@balu so how's the farming coming and btw do you have a dark incarnate, @jmagic it would help a lot and lift some of the load off of the back of the OS team which works so hard to please us each week.

Balu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 14:07:55)

@Agaraoth2 Farming is going a bit slow. Still a ways from lvl 17 with my Dread Fiend. I also want to get 90k gold for some shadow packs but since i only have 5 perma xboosts it`s taking a while. But i am having fun! :D

Yeah, i bought a Dark Incarnate when it was released. I had a bit of gold left from buying ice packs. Haven`t touched him yet. I have other, more important plans to take care of first [;)]

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 15:51:28)

Balu Shane on you

Dark incarnate is a beast
get training

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 15:53:54)

Void Knight reflection animation is AWESOME. I can't wait to get a MoD on the pack, since the art is VOID KNIGHT :D

Balu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 16:01:53)

@Cyber doom5 I will, but first must get Dread Fiend to 20 and after that, I have another special project I plan to do. As in being the first to lvl a certain char to 20. It will be tough but fun. [:D]

necro rouge -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 17:34:00)

Can someone enlighten me on the subject of skill vs luck in this game? I will far too often get into rather stupid arguments of whether luck or skill is the most important factor in this game when it comes to PvP. I fail to see how 'skill' comes before the luck of drawing the correct cards at the appropriate times, can anyone fill me in?

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 17:41:49)

@Necro Luck goes to getting the 'best' cards, or the 'right' cards. Skill goes to knowing which cards to play, how to deal with a not-perfect draw, which cards to save/discard, etc.

TheSage -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 17:44:43)

Luck is getting a specific card right when you need it and only relaying on those specific cards for victory.
Skill is not needing specific cards to win and can make use of any card they have in their hand.

necro rouge -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 17:49:13)

Sooo... Luck is not getting refresh and skill is to know to not use refresh?
While i can see the logic behind skill vs and luck, my point is that the "maximum skill" in this game is relatively low, leaving it up to luck to ultimately decide how it goes. How I see it, skill can win a close match, while luck can win any match, is this assumption wrong?

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 17:54:55)

@Necro Yeah, essentially. Normal players need luck and good cards to win, skillful players can work with what they have. They can adapt.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 17:55:11)

Yay I got flesh void now [:D]

I really like how the voids are huge composited to humans

Also what's the difference between the void breeds and fiend breeds

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 17:55:43)

Blood Ranger with 4 MoD is beast, it helps a lot for fast DoT. Also, I stopped lvling Light Guardian (lvl 12) and Sir Galahad due to being slow. Will have fun with BR for now plus her 5 hit combo is awesome :3

Riniti -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 17:57:35)

@Deathguard If you want a slow-leveling character, try RevThurkey. @_@ Taking longer than Egg did...

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 18:03:52)

What character should I work on leveling to evolve

Non sg characters only

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 18:05:37)

@Cyber The Fiends are usually more monstrous looking they also have mouths (how do voids eat .-.)

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 18:07:04)

Also, Ice character shall not do anything to my Void Knight. My new Bloodrage...

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 18:21:43)

@Riniti: I don't got any rev character except for Cupidtheus which I don't like lol Blood Ranger's deck is interesting and small so it should let my boredom go away before finals ;3

BiasedBass -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 124 - READ THE FIRST POST (5/22/2013 19:12:32)

I'm kind of hoping for no release this week. I REALLY need to catch up on this game.

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