Asgoldian Thunderbolts' Precision (Full Version)

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Koree -> Asgoldian Thunderbolts' Precision (6/6/2013 3:59:54)

Asgoldian Thunderbolts' Precision

«Mastercraft Energy shield with secondary Ice resistance. Has a built-in Energy skill that can Daze.»

Related items:Location: Thunder Mountain - Shops 3 & 4
Element: Energy
Type	Z
Level	110
PowLvl	120 MC

Price 3674
S <48h	3306
  >48h	918
Melee	+15
Ranged	+12
Magic	+12

Ice	-12
Energy	-23
During your turn, you can click on* the shield to perform the following, which is treated as a normal Player attack:
    Hits: 1
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    Element: Energy
    Damage: 131-393 plus 923.6% Stats
    BTH: 30 plus Stats

    Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 (if Ranged) or INT/4 (if Magic). Regardless of type, you receive an additional +LUK/2 if a Lucky Strike occurs.

    If the hit connects and does more than 0 damage, it will attempt to Daze** the monster. The daze will last for 3 rounds, with the monster having a 33.3% chance of being unable to act each round, multiplied by its Energy resistance. The monster receives a +0 bonus to its save***:

      Level: 120 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourStat vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

      Where YourStat is either YourDEX (if the skill does Ranged damage) or YourINT (if it does Magic damage).

    Monsters with immunity to immobility are naturally immune to this status, but Energy-element monsters are not.

    Cost: 279 SP (if Ranged) or 349 SP (if Magic).

*Click on the shield to generate a dazing thunderclap! This Ranged skill costs [279 or 349] SP.
**The thunderclap from your shield's sparking assault sends your foe reeling!
***Your foe shrugs off the sonic assault on their senses.
Your opponent is immune to being dazed.

This shield has been imbued with the might of Thunder Mountain and all the past rulers of that sacred peak. It bolsters your resistance against Energy and Ice, and can unleash a thunderclap which can stun your foe!


Description thanks to Avalonmerlin. Numbers thanks to BlackAces and In Media Res.


The shield's Mastercraft bonus is used to give the shield a built-in skill without a compression penalty.

This skill starts off as a standard spell, which is 127-380 damage plus 892% Stats, with 30 BTH.
  • The skill does 159.202% damage to compensate for doing Energy damage.
  • The skill does 65.035% damage to compensate for the Daze status.

    The SP cost is 80% of a skill if it does Ranged damage and full 100% if it does Magic damage.


    May 31, 2013: The shield was released.
    June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Level	110
    Price	9955
    S <48h	8959
      >48h	4977

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