New name for Robots (Full Version)

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Scyze -> New name for Robots (6/19/2013 7:26:51)

This is what robots mean:

A robot is a mechanical or virtual agent, usually an electro-mechanical machine* that is guided by a computer program or electronic circuitry.
Read more here:

Now, Robots in EpicDuel consist of living creatures - Yetis. This makes no sense to have something that is living called a robot when it isn't. When the first Robot came out, it was the Assault Bot** and it was a robot and then Gamma Bot came out...
How are Yetis robots?

I am asking for the name to be changed. Robot(s) is an invalid name now and it should be changed.
Feel free to suggest names***.

*Is a robot a living thing?

It is non living. It does not reproduce or need water.
It is also a man-made thing. It was created.
From here: *I know it is an open source but I found a discussion:*
**The first was the Assault Bot E.
***Shouldn't be called Pet.

Forgot to mention that there area a few Yetis that are like cyborgs.

Mysterion. -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 7:53:11)

The Yeti's are the one and only exceptions for the term of Robots.
All others have similarities to robots, it makes much more sense to call them Robots then to call them ''Pets''.

Besides that, this

It is non living. It does not reproduce or need water.
It is also a man-made thing. It was created.

Is an invalid statement, since.
When have you seen your Yeti reproducing, drinking water or doing a thing that proofs it is alive, eh?

Only thing my Yeti does is opening his mouth widely what no real Yeti can.

Scyze -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 7:57:33)

But the Yeti does manage to eat something. Sometimes, eat 2 things at once which does mean it is consuming something.


The Yeti's are the one and only exceptions for the term of Robots.
You're actualy forgetting about the Bio Borg. Meanie! [:@]

Mysterion. -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 8:11:23)

^ You're telling me that, Bio Borgs head, which is clearly made of iron, is bionic?
Makes no sense.
Only robots that is close to not being a robot, apart from the Yeti's, are the Botanical hazards.

Yeti's do manage to take away gun/aux, but the way they can open their mouth so wide, is not normal.

Scyze -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 8:17:56)

Why do you think I posted:

Forgot to mention that there area a few Yetis that are like cyborgs.

If you do bother to tell me about cyborgs, there are humans out there who have things inside them like magnets or some other weird things. Would they still be considered humans or cyborgs?

Mysterion. -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 8:33:56)

^A cyborg is the physical fusion of man and machine, that would even be a worse name for the Robots then ''Pets''.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 9:09:36)

just call them support unit or duel assistants

toopygoo -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 9:55:14)

i dont really see a NEED to change their names :/ its really not that big a deal. we classify scythes as swords.. and in AQW they call robots "pets"
Yeah backup Unit or something vague like that sounds good.

Khalix -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 12:57:46)

Call them reinforcements, assistance, back up or w/e.

In the end, they still serve the same purpose.

Scyze -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 19:40:51)


^A cyborg is the physical fusion of man and machine, that would even be a worse name for the Robots then ''Pets''.
I never posted that they should be called cyborgs.

Assistance sounds like a nice name.

Mother1 -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 19:55:08)

The infernal android is actually a cybrog if you think about it. Since it comes from both man (dead men/women but still humans) and machine.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 20:18:41)


both man (dead men/women but still humans) and machine


Khalix -> RE: New name for Robots (6/19/2013 21:55:20)

And androids are actually robots made to look like humans...

What's with the naming scheme?

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