=MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (Full Version)

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Caststarter -> =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 18:42:09)

Hello everyone. It is I. Caststarter or Mort to some of you. I am the new AK of DF Q&A. In which I shall help this place along the other AKs I will now work with. A MtAK, or Meet the ArchKnight, is when you just try to clobber me with questions about me and what not. And I shall answer them to the best of my abilities. The times when I seem to look very silly, or very formal on what I say well... you shall have revenge on that now. Also, if you know any other alias you know that is me, then you are allowed to call me by that as long you know that is a alias I use.

Although a couple rules to look at to keep stability.

1) =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules apply as always.
2) 5-15 questions depending on how large they are.
3) If I see a question that is too private then I may not answer it.
4) As mentioned before. The names of mine are to be used when you are sure that I use it. (I always try to keep name confusion away from me.)
5) One post per page please. Helps others get a chance.

Now, after all that. Shall we get started?

Also I will be answering questions in this color which is
if you want to put it in yourself.

Gingkage -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 18:45:05)

First things first, CONGRATS!
Hello Gingkage and thanks!

Now onto the questions.
Oh joy.

If you could have any one thing from any book, TV show, cartoon, or comic book (or anime/manga), what would it be?
Tough question. I seen so many awesome things. But if I were to choose... I am not so sure sadly. Come on brain. Work!

And I always give new AKs a gift.
Oh how nice.

*holds out a box* In this box lies an infinite supply of one thing and one thing only. What's in it?
So one thing only? Is there Trail Mix? I like Trail Mix...

That's all I've got because I'm better at answering questions than asking them.
Ya... err... no! I want questions! ;P

Congrats again, welcome, and good luck. And for the record, I think everyone saw this coming. ;)
Thanks and bye. And how would anyone see it coming? Also, thanks for the color tags!

dragon_monster -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 18:51:20)

CONGRATS! for becoming an AK
Hi and thanks!
First Question. What AE games you play?
DF,AQ, sometimes OS and AQW along with MQ occasionally.
Second Question.What is your favorite AE game?
Isn't it obvious? :P It is DF of course.
Third question.Do you think the hero of df is stronger then all if not all rose members(not combined)
I may be sounding like a pessimist but I think hardly. If we needed Kara's help with Zadd then I truly believe that we are not stronger than all of the Rose members. And to be honest. I like when the main protagonist in story telling is not so powerful.
Fourth question.Do you think the hero of df is stronger then when he was bored 5 or more years in-game and you know 7 real life.
Respectively yes. S/he has learned many lessons upon their actions and learned from their mistakes. Thus they improved on their skills from that.
What AE npc do you like most.
Well... I don't have a true favorite NPC per say. My personal favorites however are Tomix, due to his past. Ledgermayne as the main antagonist in the AQW Arcangrove saga. I mean... he is MADE from mana! And one of the only ones to disobey Drakath! I really liked that about him compared to many other Chaos Lords. Anyways, it could turn into a list. Thanks for coming by.

Faerdin -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 19:15:30)

*Smiles and nods* Not surprised at all to see you get kidnapped inducted.
Hi Fae. And well... since we know each other. I guess you wouldn't. Getting "inducted" was nice though. :P

Congratulations, Mort! I really look forward to this opportunity for us to work together. :)
Same here! I may be a loner at times but sometimes teamwork is nice.

Now, enough formalities. You know what time it is.
But I like being formal. It is one of my QUALITIES!!! And what time is it?

That's right! It is now ADVENTURE QUESTION TIME! ;D
Oh no... It can be that time now!

1) I cannot help but notice your color. Will another Brother of BLOO be joining the Q&A?
Well... if you want to go into visual perspective then yes. Yes I am.

2) What is an EtherKnight? It sounds fascinating.
It could get into a long explanation since I have to explain two things. But to give you the fantastic short version. A Etherknight is not exactly a knight but they are someone who controls what I call Ether. Ether is essentially ALL of the primal elements COMBINED. Remember those questions that I asked what you think the opposite of Void is? Well... here you have it. Etherknights are now few and small but the ones who are remaining represent this lost substance is that of Ether. Well... in my world they do. :P If I ever come by to the L&L. You may see what they are.

3) How many Fishmongers does it take to trolololol?
Just one. Chis is the king at that.

4) What are you most looking forward to during your time in the Q&A?
I am not sure. Maybe it is finally be able to help much more than ever I guess.

5) When the time comes, just how thoroughly do you think the Ultimate Unity will destroy the next war?
I would think they will be the force to be reckon with. Who can exactly stop The Ultimate Unity? I see no one.

6) Can I expect to see you on the battlefield?
From past experiences then yes. I will be there when the time comes.

7) How are the shackles feeling?
Tight... and cold.

Well, that is the most magically powerful number, so question time is over.
Aww... oh well... 7 it shall be.

Once again, congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight!
Thanks and bye Faerdin.

*Disappears in a flash of lightning*
How do you do that exactly anyways...

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 19:26:46)

Heya Caststarter!
Hello there Zyrain!

Congratulations and welcome to the madness!
Thanks and oh yes... the great madness this is!

I do hope you'll be joining our Brotherhood of BLOO!
With my comment to Fae... I think I already am. :P

Us AK newbs gotta stick together if we want to survive. >.>
Yes but if we stick together too close than we could get annihilated in one event now could we?

That's all from me. Have fun, and I'll see ya around!
Alright then. You too have fun and bye Zyrain.

Dragonman -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 19:39:23)

Congrats Castrater!
Hi and thanks Dragoman.
Question Time!
1. Since it's 5-15 questions do I have to use at least 5?
Yes, it is the amount you must do. Hehehehe I mean no. Of course not.
2. What happens if I don't?
Well... nothing perhaps?
3. Did you fall into my color trap for you?
Saw it and edited it out. Sorry.
4. What about the Bold trap I've left throughout?
Wait... what bold trap? O_o
5. Is this a question?
Is this a answer?
Well, Congrats again! Goodbye!
Alright. Bye Dragonman and thanks again/

P.S. If you fell for one of my traps, leave it in!

Wah... :P At least they are sorta the same... right?

Ingo -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 19:49:12)

Hi Caststarter! Congratulations and GREAT that you are becoming the new AK for Q&A because you'll be helping this nub here (level 14 no DA... yet)!
Hi and thanks. And I wouldn't mind helping at least. Also, no one is a "nub" in my book.

1. What is your favorite item(s) in DF and why?
Well... since I used to have it on save even when there was better equipment before. They would be the Galaxy Cowl and the Escelense cape. I think that I just loved the blue in them and well... how hard I worked for them.

2. Favorite Class?
Ranger. Tis is fun to play around with although I will switch to Soulweaver if any problems arise.

3. How long have you played DF?
Ever since 2010. I think around the middle of it...

4. What other games do you play?
Is this outside of AE as well? Well if so... Oh boy is there a lot of them. As mentioned before, AQ, AQW, OS, and MQ. Outside of AE. There is the Ratchet and Clank series and a couple others are the DS classic style Megaman games and Mario. Just to name a few.

5. Apparently AKs are playing this color game. What color are you?
Well my editing color is blue so does that mean I am with blue then?

6. [:)]

Thanks! And good luck with your new position!
Alright then. And thanks and bye.
~ ingo
Behold the Zookeeper of AQW... vvvvvvvvvv (down arrows :P)
Oh that sounds a lovely thing to be...

ElementalLord -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 20:49:55)

Mort! *snugs*
Hi Cain.
So, I guess that now I get to ask you a bunch of questions, huh...
Yes... yes it is.
Soooo, what's your absolute fav AE game?
What's your favorite color?
Blue, since birth.
Would you like a cookie?
Yes. Please?
Here you go! *gives cookie*
Yay! *Grabs cookie*
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
Can't honestly remember, but I do think it is in the two hundreds.
Are you gonna be less active on TCGF now that you're an AK?
Nope. I will be on pretty much the same amount of time.
Sooo...that's about it. Cya latahs! *poofs, leaving a cake*
Alright then. Bye and thanks. Although... is it a lie?
*the cake explodonates*
*Is covered in cake* ... Of course it was.

flashbang -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 22:25:09)

Hey! Congratzzzzzzzzzzzz on becoming an AK!
Hi and thanks Flashbang.
Just a few questions.
Oh goodie.
Is you avvy from Megaman?
Why yes. ZXA to be exact and it would be Thetis if you want to know who he was.
What is your favorite thing in DF be it quest, class(not DmK), houses anything
It has to be the story telling. Why? Well... it is just that good.
Who is your favorite staff member?
No favorite. They are all great in their own right.
That's all! Have a great time AKing!
Alright then. Bye and thanks.
And Always wear your kewl shadezzzzzz even if you don't have any.

Don't pretend I didn't saw that you changed my color.

I don't know what your talking about. <.<

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/19/2013 22:35:25)

*overdramatically inhales* OMYGAWSH YOU'RE AN AK! Congrats!
*Is blasted from the air* ... Thanks very much Amon.
Onto the interrogation questions!
There are more?
Did you expect to become an AK (I knew it would have happened sooner or later ;P)
Nope... no expectation at all. And how did you did you know how it would happen? Do you have a magic globe or something?
Cheese, on a scale of one to ten. (You're being graded on this!)
8. 'Tis is great to put it on many things like pizza but it be quite fattening to say the very least.
That's about it for now, I look forward to torturing speaking with you again!
Ahh well... hope we spe... wait... torture? Nah... seeing things... bye Amon.

Jorath -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/20/2013 11:44:17)

Salutations, Ethereal Knight Caststarter. My sincerest apologies to you for being Mel's latest victim.
... Scratch that. Congratulations once again!
Hello Leon. And thanks... Ethereal Knight... how lovely.

It's hardly a surprise that you would be inducted by Mel, would it not?
I guess not for some. When you have SOMEONE who comes to Q&A a lot... well... the rest is self-explanatory.

Let's start the 'interrogation', shall we?
... Interrogation? What is the meaning of this? <.<

What interested you in DragonFable, on the first place?
Oh the memories... it was mid-2010 that I had a slow computer and I was looking for some decent, free, online games. And I ran into Dragonfable, second AE game I played I may add, and well... after doing some things to stop freezing after doing the intro quest... I did some stuff and well... I liked it very much.

Why did you choose the path of an Ethereal Knight?
It is not so much of choosing more like coincidence. But anyways. I went on to see if I could help bring peace and balance in the world.

What kind of books do you read, if there are any?
Even though I don't have it at the moment. To Kill a Mockingbird was fine and dandy when we were reading it in the school year. Then there is The Scarlet Pimpernel. Again. Good book. Should continue reading it though.

Quick answer: What's the first thing you do when cornered by someone?
Fight back and try not to kill them so I can bring them to custody.

Don't lie. Just send him to the Etherworld.
Well... I guess that would work as well. But where is the fun of them saying they won't do it again then?

This would be all I have to ask. Best of luck with your Q&A endeavours.
Alright then. Bye and thanks.

*Watches blue and purple fight each other, before he leaves*
... That's easier said than done, I guess.

DragonlordKhan -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/20/2013 13:54:36)

First of all, Congrats Mort! You earned it.
Thanks Khan. I guess I did.

And now... *Cues dramatic music*...
What is with the dramatic music?

If you were to be transported into the world of Dragonfable... what would be your role?
To keep the peace and maintain balance. The hero may try that but I think I can do a bit better. :P

What exactly are those shackels made of?
Can't tell... because I don't know they what they are made of. :P

Would you rather go 50 years into the future, or 50 years in the past (free of paradoxes, and able to go back whenever you please)?
50 years in the past. It is better to learn from there than the future even though you can go whichever. The past defines everything and that they must be known to exist.

If you're an EtherKNIGHT... Then who knighted you?
Well as I said before. EtherKnights are not true knights in the sense. Mainly because there are so few of them but also no kingdom really honored them as one.

Well, that's it from me! Again, congrats for the promotion! Beware the Ether (or whatever it is you say);)
Ahh well. THanks for coming by and bye. Also, it is "Beware the EtherWORLD" ;P.

Legendium -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/20/2013 14:18:07)

You're an AK now? Sweet! Another AK for the Celestial Guardians! ^_^ Pity I'm no longer with you guys.
Yes. Yes I am. It is sad that you had to go but nonetheless, thanks and hello.
So, right..... Questions.....
Great... and I thought exams were tedious.
When did you first find out about the forums?
It is pretty funny if you remember my old name hehehe. I first heard of them since I tried to look at what happen after the Trumpha war in AQ. (Instead I somehow landed in L&L. xD) But when I really firsted join it was during the Second Zardbie war and I thought "Hey, I might as well tell everyone that I am going to help! Yeah!" And boy was it a good decision considering now...
If you could create any single piece of technology that has never been made before, what would you make?
I wish I could create something called the Smart-o-tron. Helps make everyone smart. [>:]
Have you ever read A Song of Ice and Fire?
Sadly no. I heard of it but I have never went to read it exactly.
If not, go read the books. You won't regret it.......
You know... if I have the time and Mom lets me then I guess I will.
If yes, aside from Tyrion Lannister (Everyone likes him, so don't count him), who is your favorite character and which is your least favorite?

Does this count as a question if I forget to add a question mark at the end.
Yes, anything that you ask even without a question mark is a question. Grammar and English is so nice isn't it?
Well..... What else can I ask? (That doesn't count as a question!)
What should you ask? And it does count.
What is 55.4563 dived by the factor of 2^45 multiplied with 2317, divided by pi, fed to a cat, used to fertilize a tree which is later cut down to be used as a house which then burns in the Great Fire of London, later of which the ashes are used by a witch from the stone age to make a poultice which is transported to the cyberworld to be used in a video game as a healing spell. What is the outcome written in Cosine?
........ I may like math but... and what is Cosine? ._.
Yes. I am perfectly sane.
Yeah... sure you are.
Well, that should be all for now.... *starts thinking about how best to touch wolf without getting hand ripped off*
... What wolf? Is there one behind me or something?
Oh wait, this isn't one of Ging's MTAKs. Oops.
... How...
Welp, bye then. Valar Morghulis. *Changes face and walks away*
Alright then. Bye and thanks.

I saw that...

Elryn -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/20/2013 15:12:52)

*Elryn grins*
Uhh... Hi Elryn.
*Elryn grabs Caststarter*
It is THAT time isn't it? D:
*Elryn crushes and flails Caststarter around like a ragdoll in a bearhug*
*Is crushed and flung* AHHHHHH!
Congratulations on making it to the Archknights. It is good to have you.
*Is dizzy* Thanks... and... it is good to know someone like... you...
On with the questions then *sits down at a table in Yulgar's Inn and gives Caststarter a tankard of Moglinberry juice*.
Oh great... and thanks for the juice. :P
1) If a tree falls in a forest, no one is around and sound is the displacement of matter regardless of anyone's presence, does it make a sound?
Totally. Unless there is no air around then no.
2) What was your first AE game?
3) Are you a warmonger?
If I am a warmonger by my speeches and encouragement then yes.
4) Has the current war drought affected you in anyway?
Nope. In fact... I am like this peace time. It is nice and quiet...
5) What abilities do you have? Use on the battlefield?
Well... they will have to manipulating Ether in one way or another. Normally when a spell of one element comes at me then I would put up a barrier so at least it repels it. Then I could just bring up a weapon that I mastered over the course of 25 years so I can use it against singular prime elements. Then there is more but they would be too long.Use on the battlefield depends. Am I fighting a singular prime element? A duo? Or a normal attack like a sword slash?
7) What is the story behind your character?
It is pretty long since I said over the course of 25 years. First there was this training session with a group of good bandits and I had no powers back then. Then there was a accident that unlocked it. Then got rid of a betrayer... then there is this group. But then there was this Void wielder which was pretty... screwed up in terms of mentality. Then I met another Etherknight who helped train me to control my powers. And now I am here. With The Celestial Guardians as Captain of Darkness of them.
6) If your character suddenly broke out in dance, what kind of dance would it be?
... Uhh... it would be a dance that is indistinguishable.
7) Battle cry?
"For our friends, for balance and peace. We must not give up until those two things come to be."
That is all for now. See you around and on the battlefield.
Bye and thanks for coming by.

Joerte -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/20/2013 15:44:18)

What is up Mort?
Hi Joerte. Nothing besides answering your questions and listening to music.
So, other than banishing people to the Etherworld, what do you like doing with your ether?
Use it to maintain balance and peace. It is not to be used for simple task.
Do you have symptoms of war-deprivation?
Uhh... no?
Apple, Windows or Linux?
If I can remember correctly my Dell is partly from Windows so Windows.
Are you blue or BLOO (a la Faerdin)?
I am foremost neutral but why not both?
DO THE HARLEM SHAKE (Random time!)
I don't like to dance though...
Pineapple, pine or apple?
Llama or tortoise?
... Can't comment on that. Sadly. :/
That shall be all
Alright then. Bye.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/20/2013 16:34:43)

Greetings Mort, loser hero!
Hi Nix. How is the terror spree if any? :P
If you know me I ask the same questions on every mtak thread...
That I do...
Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
Melissa of course.
How are the shackles.....may i tighten them?
Cold.. .and I think they are as tight as they can be without squishing my bones...
Ready to play?
Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
At best, my Ether barrier.
Does this shirt make me look fat?
No. Of course not. Why would that be a thing?
Does it make you look fat?
Uhh... no?
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the DF Q/A? Did you party, dance....
I went to my bed and started to be pretty much a goofball as the happiest person ever...
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Sent to the Ether.
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix! May the undead penguins eat you alive!
I wouldn't say control though... and bye Nix and I don't see any penguins. All I need to do is go up a tree and laugh at them.
Lastly a surprise, part 2 of your clans backstory will be up today, been working at it all week. Till then....Guardian.
Which it is a surprise... can't wait to read it then.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/20/2013 16:38:16)

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*
Hmm? Who is there?
Greetings Caststarter.
Oh hello there Dwelling Dragonlord.
What is thy favourite monster in Dragonfable?
It is hard to pick a favorite out of a bunch such as this... I guess it is a tie between the Mana Elemental and the Sand Elf mummies since both of them are unique in their own right.
Who is thy favourite villain in Dragonfable?
Many would pick Xan but he isn't exactly a villain per say in my view... I can't pick one. Many of them are too good to handle. :P
Has thou ever visited and read some of the contents of the L&L?
Yes, I went there many times just to give myself time to just read.
Congratulations on thy ArchKnighthood, may thou persevere in thy duties.
Alright then. Thanks and I will.
*Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*
Bye... and you like to do that do you?

Melissa4Bella -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/21/2013 16:56:23)

Hi there, Mort!
Hello Melissa.

No questions from me, can you believe it?
After exams... I can. :S

Just want to say: Welcome to our corner of the AE world :)
Well... thanks then.

Now, I'll just check these shackles before I go


What are you-

*tightens them slightly*
My bones... :(

See ya around!
Bye Mel. Thanks for coming by.

Hopeful Guy -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/22/2013 3:38:22)

Hi Hopeful.
I can't actually think of any questions, you're probably the person on the forums who I know best.
Perhaps, perhaps. Well that is good for me I guess.
So I'll just congratulate you yet again.
Well... thanks.
And possibly put a bomb under your chair...
... >.>'
And blow up the Etherworld...
... *Checks under seat and sees a bomb* *Throws the bomb at Hopeful and it explodes* I am watching you. '<.<
So, congrats again!

Rose Executioner -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/25/2013 21:27:09)

So I see you wish to become an Etherknight.
Aint I-

NO! You aren't one yet!!
May I finish-

Castsarter. You may be strong, but you lack finesse.
How can I lack it when I been doing this for 25 years though? :P

If you can answer these questions, then you deserve to become an Etherknight.
... Are you sure you have the correct terminology here?

1) Would an Etherknight wield the ULTIMATEDRAGONAMULETSCYTHEOFELEMENTALS as his primary weapon?
... No? Seven elements individually =/= 8 elements combined.

2) What kind of cape/wings would an Etherknight wear?
... Isn't that their own choice? ._.

3) What is an Etherknight's ULTIMATE purpose?
... ._. Ultimate purpose? It used to be that... no... I can't say it yet. That is a secret.
4) What would be the final move of an Etherknight?
The Ultimate Shield. And you shall not know what it does. :P

And finally,
... That is the individuals choice though... but mine is nice though... pizza... yeah... although that may change soon though. >.>

Congratulations! You are now an Etherknight!
... My trainer already said I was though. :S

You can train your Etherknight skills by collecting Ethereal studs! (3 studs per skill)
... But we don't follow a set skill-set. We make our own. :P Although some are a trend...

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (6/29/2013 20:39:03)

Hey Caststarter! Congratulations and welcome to the family! ^-^
*Looks around for Elryn* Hello James, and thanks.
How are your shackles?
*Points up to other posts* Cold and tight.
/me tugs at the shackles
*Is tugged as well* Why are you...?
Would you like some warmers?
Please... pretty please? :P
Which of the 3 Books are you favourite in DF?
If Book 3 in my eyes been handled better. It would've been that. But noooo... we always make the Rose look like villains about 90% of the time... >:/ No moral conflict here, no mental conflict at all to me. That said, Book 1/2 together are my favorites with Book 1 a bit higher. Not that Book 2 was rushed but it did not have that lore that came with it from Book 1.
Which quest chain was your favourite?
Ravenloss would be it simply because the elements in it were superior than all of the sagas in Book 1. Tone? Setting? All were great. Main antagonist however was not my forte. But nonetheless it is my favorite.
That is all! Bye! *runs*
Bye... and why are you running?

Tigirosa -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (7/6/2013 21:12:46)

*jumps from the tree and lands on Caststarter*
Hey Caststarter! I was waiting when you come by.
Hi... and why were you waiting? To Drag me away somewhere and perhaps torture me unwillingly?
Congrats on becoming an AK!
Are you good at answering questions?
Why yes. Yes I am. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. :P
Favorite element?
For symbolism, Darkness of the tranquility it truly can bring.
Do you think Darkness is opposite to light?
Saw that thread. DF-wise yes. However real-life wise, darkness may be a lack of light but the thing is since it is a lack of it, it would be an opposite simply because of that.
Are you shure?
Are you good at healing?
Sadly, I can not... :P
Are you ready to kill for pie? *shows a pie*
*Brings knife out to try to steal the pie*... Nah... a plunger is better. :P
Not me! I ment Rose!
Of course. I already beaten up a bunch of them. Can I have my pie then? ;P
Hmm... It seems your left sock is missing.
I ain't wearing any socks though so hah! ;D Missing nothing!
This is a dangerous place so i should move on. See you in action!
Alright then. By-
*runs away with a speed of sound and leave Caststarter in the dust cloud*
*Coughs* ... Bye...

Galbotorix -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (7/10/2013 0:34:40)

Hi Caststarter and congrats.
Hello and thanks. Have we met before?
*gives Chaststarter a chair*
That is a new one... and two chairs to have one to sit in and the other to put my legs on? Yay!
Question time?
Hmm... [8|]
I guess I shall wait...
Who knighted you in AK's?
*Points at my answer for Nix* Oh the great purple fairy of all.
Favorite skill?
Never thought about it... they are all just a thing I say that I really never pay attention to... and DF-exclusive or in general? If it is just for DF... I really don't have one... for a skill-set though, it has to be Rangers, generally since it is quite useful in many situations, plus it matches my RP-character somewhat. Even though it is, obviously, inferior to many of the higher-tier classes which sucks!
What is your horoscope?
... Okay what the hell is a horoscope? *Looks it up* Oh, just another term for my sign huh? Well I am a cusp of Taurus and Gemini.
Favorite multi player game?
Ehh... I played such a few... maybe hardly any for that matter. I can't say to be honest. I prefer to play single-player games.
If you put heater into refrigerator and turn them both on, who would win?
Depends on the brand and how high you put them on. That is if you are doing a temperature battle. Sooner or later they should equal out in someway though. Physics I know.
You have officially broke a window. (Bad humor is bad.)
On the roof is 20 birds. I killed 3 of them. How many birds there is now?
0... you would scare them all off if you killed any of them! Unless you glued them somehow which would be cruel so it would be 17.. and if no more birds came on the roof.
Ok thats all for now.
Have fun[8D]
Alright then. See you later and thanks for coming by.

The Odor -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (7/10/2013 12:36:09)

Hello Caststarter
Hello Odor.

What is your opinion of Cats?
Does cute and cuddly count?

Favorite DF weapon?
*Points at character page* At this moment my Escelense Dagger.

Weapon of choice?
RP-wise: Swords mainly because of their balance of defense and offense the way I see them in a general area. Sadly though in the real world.... when armor came stronger... blunt weapons took over. At least their ceremonial use never faded though. :P

Favorite DF Pet?
... I don't really use pets but if I were not to be mainstream... yeah... can't think of any... >.>

Well I think that is all for right now.
Alright then. Bye and thanks for coming by.

docblade -> RE: =MtAK= The Etherknight has wandered into DF Q&A. (7/10/2013 13:34:55)

*pulls down the hood, revealing my skull* Hello....i think i call you castie
Heh, ain't new. Hi.

Are you ready to meet your DOOM...err...ready for the questions?
Yes. No matter what I am ready. Go.

Snake or Scorpion?
Is neither a choice? *Sigh* Scorpion, they are just easier to manage. Ever tried to lift up a snake before?

On a scale from 1 to shaved chickencow, how crazy are you
Heh... it is a 2... yes... I am just not crazy... it would've been 1 if a certain someone didn't decide to make me fluffy...

if you could be any DF-Monster, what would it be?
Bandit. Hehehehe... they ARE monsters technically. ;P

What color are your shackles?
...Ehh... no comment.

I think i let you go
Alright then.

*poofs away*

*stands behind you* BOOOO
*Rolls eyes* Been there. Done that. Sorry but bye.

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