=Dev, Story, Art= Letter delivered. ATTN: Paxia. (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> =Dev, Story, Art= Letter delivered. ATTN: Paxia. (6/20/2013 2:03:11)

Dear Paxia,

As I have given myself time to evaluate the world Lore is and all it has to offer me, I have stayed away from the island of Paxia, more because, well, you aren't exactly significant. The leaders of Lore turn from you. The important people who actually mean something ignore you. I even hear... that there are those who wish that you would just sink into the ocean and be forgotten for all time.

How sad, Paxia.

It is a travesty that a place such as Paxia is so loathed. In all my travels, men and women of Paxia, I have never, ever seen such disunity and painful inconsideration towards others. I seek out creativity so that I may destroy it, because it breeds discontent, pain, war, horror... but it seems you can attract that without creativity... Oh, whoops, did I write that?

So, now that my camps litter the continent, my world grows ever larger, and I have found who my real targets are, I turn my eyes towards you. Mostly because, I have nothing better to do. What is it that makes this island so... pathetically hated? There are eight clans, each headed by an entity that is supposedly a good leader. There are two major powers that sit... idly by and watch, as if they could care less. I guess when your leaders show no pride in their people, their people have none themselves. Degenerate, weak and hopeless people freckle the land there. Most clans are so small they can barely be called clans.

I've seen your gatherings, your lack of distinction. I've seen the limp, slothful actions of so few... Yet, I know the history, and if your forefathers could see you now, they would die of disappointment and heartbreak. Their once... strong, empowering philosophy withstood so much, to establish an island of protectors and fighters. You have failed them, Paxia.

So, so much.

I have sent each of your clan heads this letter, in an attempt to see how you react. Though I have turned my eyes towards you, I have yet to discover if you are even worth my time. Your... mere presence is amazing. Surely, you are just as broken and fragmented as you seem. If I choose to come to your doorstep, I expect you to just lay down and let me walk all over you. Because, ultimately, you have to have a spine and a reason to exist to fight. And thus far, I am less than impressed.

See you soon... or not. Most likely, not...

Xov Arakue
Leader of the Truphma
Extinguisher of Creativity and Imagination
Destroyer of Worlds

P.S. And one more thing. I would advise you to refrain from relying on Eukara Vox for help. She has always failed the people who needed her. She cannot defeat me. She cannot help you bring me down. She is just another useless seeker, in need of validation. When your world lies broken and scarred, and your cries for aid go unanswered, perhaps then you will start to wake up. She is still recovering from her wounds, Paxia, so she won't be able to lift a finger to help staunch yours. Paxia... does that sound like someone you can rely on to have your back?

You stand alone - and if I will it, you'll fall alone.

Eukara Vox -> RE: =Dev, Story, Art= Letter delivered. ATTN: Paxia. (8/8/2013 15:15:51)

Oh, you poor, poor fools.

You have so much hope in you, but so misplaced. You have no idea what I can do, what I have planned, what will happen once your sad little island, so full of hurt, war, backbiting... is mine. Each one of your leaders, if you care to really call them that, have much to learn about their own clans. Many have been blind to your plight. They reign on high, and forget that you need attention. Once you are mine, I will give you that attention. And you will appreciate the very nature of such simplistic, freeing attention. Once you see it my way, you will never want to return to this life you think you lead to such fullness.

And after Paxia, there are more concerns of mine that will be addressed. I will tell you now, since you will be a part of that plan. There is a people out there... on your world, who need to be guided to the freeing o f the mind and heart of imagination and creativity. And if it costs lives, so be it.

I will have my way.

So, fight me, little ones.

Take note that if you end up fighting one of your precious elementals, that I can use them too, to my further our best interests. Yes, you read that right. I've taken elementals before, I can take them again. It would be just easier, and better, for you to just lay down your weapons and come to me willingly. Surely you don't want more of your own hurt?

Xov Arakue
Leader of the Truphma
Extinguisher of Creativity and Imagination
Destroyer of Worlds

P.S. And where is your precious Guardian? IS she still hurting from our encounter? Perhaps she isn't as wonderful as you imagined.

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