RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (Full Version)

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flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 11:02:09)

Anybody who is going to put Wyrm at his full power should PM me.

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 11:29:54)

@darksaber I need to get a few more votes. At the moment I only have 4 people who have voted (including myself) and I want to get at least a few more people to PM me about their choice.

And unfortunately I won't be able to write until there is a definite choice.

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 18:04:36)

Part of Part five of my story is up right now.

0Neo -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 19:20:56)

@hict98 I corrected those two typos.....That's it, I'm making every chapter that follows in word.

The first one you pointed was intentional. I added another phrase asking "what could make Hikari feel like this?" and the answer would be "It must have been....." so it is grammatically correct but who knows.

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 19:53:26)

@Neo Nobody ever know with you!

Travis Touchdown -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 20:36:59)

My story's up: Ill Met By Pyrelight. Enjoy!

Worth noting that I penned most of this a few weeks ago, before the war began, so if there's any conflicts with canon... my bad. :P

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 21:12:57)

@Travis: if you would have read any of the other stories you'll have realized that everyone here is in largely the same boat as you so far. Few things line up in canon with mine and several other forumite's stories. And I'll get to reading yours... eventually?(I really have not had time to read anyone's story very far lately so...) And nice to have some new blood here as well![:D]

My story is not going very fast at the moment. In fact I have already quadrupled what I have written since monday...

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 22:50:52)

@kors did you get my PM about Wyrm?

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 23:11:35)

Yep I did, although the link you gave me did not have any image... And it will be a while yet till I get back to Lucian. Probably around the time that Kor and 0Neo come back.

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/8/2013 23:38:26)

@kors Here is the link to the Pedia page. The eyes of the male model at the bottom:�

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/9/2013 0:09:59)

Well since I am way behind on where I wanted my story to be here is a little portion of the first part:


A layer of snow crunched under Glacius' Tri-elemental Wizard as he followed closely behind Glaciar. The forest around them began to look dead, the normally green coniferous that grew on the fringes of the territory that was considered Glacius' turned to black and leafless trees. With every step the night grew darker despite the dawn being much closer than midnight.

Hours passed, snow continued to pour down for miles ahead and behind the army. The darkness around them did not fade in the slightest, telling them they were nearing the heart of Nocturu territory. A land of eternal night, much like the lands that make up Darkovia, was filled with a fine layer of snow now. Perhaps even the Castle had been touched by the blizzard and the Truphma were suffering the blinding combination.

Hikari closed his eyes as he felt the winds change in a way that few in the Clan would notice. “Almost there... The battlefield is not far,” Glaciar looked towards the Wizard solemnly. When he finally opened his eyes the bear could tell that something had clicked in his head and told him now was the day to put aside his dislike of war.

This one part is really going to show off how powerful I would expect/hope the leaders of the Clans to actually be, after all few leaders of Lore are the weakest of their group(well except Xov, but what do you expect of her?[8D]).

Edit: broke the 45 page mark... and the 20k mark a while back too. I think if I manage to finish this in the time left, I will have a decently long short story(or is that far too long to be a short story?).

hict98 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/9/2013 1:38:44)

Well it looks like I have some reading to catch up on. Eh only two chapters. Unless Kor can upload his before I finish.
@Flashbang Your chapters always make me laugh and you still have been able to live up to that title. Nice chapter. Oh and my favorite part.

Staff: He is. He's also the leader of Nocturu's elite assassin division.
popinloopy: Why... did you say that so carefully?

@TT A good read my dear chap, a good read indeed. Oh just to know about how that trouble maker made such a ruckus in the Truphma's plans was most entertaining my dear boy. Seriously though, it was a good chapter and a nice opening. I hope to see more.

Sweet I beat Kor[:)]

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/9/2013 2:23:57)

@hict Chapter 6 will be darker.

@kors Remember the foreshadowing ominous event in my PM? That's in chapter 6.

Let me just get this out. I kill someone in chapter 6, kors knows who, but he better not tell.

hict98 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/9/2013 2:29:32)

@Flashbang I have a guess


flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/9/2013 3:03:08)

@hict i cant see the spoiler but i have a feeling you have it. Just pm me for confirmation.

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/9/2013 10:49:04)


@Elryn: Will you be helping use with the war this time?

*Elryn chuckles and patpats Ss* I am afraid not.

Keep in mind, Edge of Extinction signed my retirement from active warring duty. Put simply, I have my own battles to fight now and they require that my time be focused on them in a way that I cannot reasonably expect to able to attend wars every time they come around. Even if I tried it would likely not make much of difference anyways *scratches the back of his head sheepishly*.

If ever I have a bit of free time, I may possibly join for a bit (*chuckles* If you still wish to have me that is).

Either way, as I said, it should not make much of a difference. *eyes the progress of the current war and grins* You lot are smashing regardless.

And remember, as long as you fight with heart, I am with you lot at least in spirit.

On-topic, I may have some time next week to do some reviews as I have some time off. Either way, I look forwards to reading the stories as they develop along with the war *makes note to read Travis's*.

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/9/2013 13:13:49)

But I saw you smash stuff i'm the dragon rose war is df.

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/9/2013 18:39:30)

Added one part of my story. I have not written nearly as much since the war started and at the rate this is going it likely is going to be one of the last pieces... shame too, I had a fair bit more that I wanted to do, but I will try to get as much done as possible.

Is anyone still doing anything here? It's been dead for a while now. No talk, no updates, nothing. Is anyone actually going to read any more of anyone's stories or is this thread going to be dead before the war is over even?

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/10/2013 5:42:18)

Kors I haven't had a chance to read anyone's stories since the war started but there are 3-4 chapters that have been put up that I have saving for a binge read XD

Plus I can't write anything until I've got another vote for my war story :P

hict98 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/10/2013 6:37:54)

I haven't been able to do any writing as I am warring, but once it finishes I will finish off my story with my last two chapters. As for reading, all I have is your chapter Kor which I will read in a moment. You can expect your review soon.
@Kor This last chapter can only be explained as the calm before the storm. Except for that mini fight at the end. You built the tension so well in this chapter for what's to come up despite how brief it was. I'm looking forward to what else you have. Nice job Kor.

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/10/2013 13:01:25)

Sorry about my post last night, I got a little upset cause yesterday was not the best day and I have hit the metaphorical wall and brought my story to a standstill. What I put up was not all I had planned for that Part but is about as far as I am currently. I litteraly can not keep a sentance up for longer than it takes me write it. I kinda stuck in a bad place with this, should I just bs my way through the rest or just give up and keep it from ending horribly(not like a downer type of horrible but just sloppy and poorly writen horrible)?

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/10/2013 16:12:34)

Well we've all been extremely happy reading your story kors but if it has gotten to the stage where you cannot write any more, then I don't think you should continue.

If it is as you say and you feel like the only way you can continue would be to bs your way through the rest of your story then I think that wouldn't really be fair on your readers, or yourself.

If you do decide to continue writing (for the right reasons) then I know everyone here will be sincerely glad :)

battlemaster25 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/10/2013 20:24:45)

I haven't been posting much, but believe me, I've been reading everything. My own story is finished, but I've been keeping up with everyone elses'. Just don't expect reviews or anything, I have a hard time putting my opinions into words.

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/11/2013 14:03:37)

Well thats it. I added what few paragraphs I had to my story. It really bothers me, I know where I want to go with this but just can't put it down on paper in a way that feels right. And even if I did managed to get it down I would likely not finish it before any and all interest in the stories would have vanished. I really got too ambitious with this. Far too ambitious. I'm sorry but this is likely all that will see the light of day of my story.

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/11/2013 16:40:13)

Votes have been weighed up and the decision has been made. You will find out who will live and who will die in the next chapter, but I have told the last person to have voted the outcome :)

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