=MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (Full Version)

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Sora To Hoshi -> =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 19:46:27)

Greetings. For those who don't know me I'm Sora To Hoshi (The Dark Mage & Mistress of Time) and I'm the new AK here in AQW Q&A. Been a member of the AE community since 2008 when I made a DF account. I mostly work on AQW now though being an in game mod and Liaison. Feel free to call me Sora, Hoshi, Sushi, Yoshi, Yami, I answer to them all. Hopefully you all have some questions.

First a few rules to remember.

1) =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules apply as always.
2) No more then 10 questions please.
3) I reserve the right to not answer if I want.
4) One post per page.
5) Have fun.

I'll be answering in this color.

Bass Breach -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 19:51:07)

Not really important but... Why do you answer to Yami? (just wondering since that is the nickname of one of my favorite Youtubers his full name is "Yamimash")
Yami is what I normally go by on the net and what most everyone on the AQW team knows me as. It's based from Yu-Gi-Oh which I will admit I'm a fan of.

Asuka -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 19:53:05)

Hi Sora! Congrats on becoming an AK! I guess I have to ask questions. (No worries I won't use the TARDIS like I did on Zyrain C:)

1) When did you start playing AE games?
Sept of 2008 I made my DF account, I joined AQW in Dec of 2008.

2) In AQW, what`s your most favorite area and why? Favorite Armor?
Gosh picking one area is hard so I'll pick two. Arcangrove for one since being a Mage I love the area and it has Rayst. Second, Falguard. I think it's simply beautiful. J6 out did himself with it. Fave armor is my personal since Jemini did such a wonderful job on it. Before it was Black Mage Robes.

3) I'm sure you're Doctor Who fan so what would you say if Doctor Whooves came into AQW?
Oh we'd break out the bananas and party.

4) I don't have a question here, so I'm going to say goodluck. You'll need it. Have fun C:


HolyThief -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 19:53:27)


The earth says Hello!
Morning Starshine.



Have you played any Final fantasy games?
FF7 a looooooong time ago.

Are cute.

If i did 10 damage to cysero, and you did 10 damage to cysero, who did more damage?
Neither, one cannot damage the Mad Weaponsmith.

Am I?

Ebilcorp. Yay or Nay?

Because Evil is fun.

Nugget or biscuit?

Beard or No beard?

Does DUC suck or does he hax?

Am i insane?

The earth will now implode!
*Grabs umbrella*


xaru666 -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 19:58:53)

Congrats on becoming an AK! Good luck hereafter!

Just curious Sora.......

Why do you have such a fetish for wings?.....
Heh. I don't really remember how it started....

I mean I checked out your AQW account and its full of wings! :O
I don't have all of them but I have most.

Kiyone -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 20:20:56)

Excellent, question time. XD

1. What is your stance on the color blue?
I do like blue, obviously given it's my armor color. But I tend to like purple just a bit more.

2. Who's your favorite girl in the Tenchi Universe?
I was always partial to Washu.

3. Are you an "Autobots Transform and Roll Out!" or "Decepticons Rise Up" person?
Though I side with Evil, I'm an Autobots girl. Loved Prime.

4. Your magic and I need a Kamen Rider theme question to ask ya. In Kamen Rider Wizard the Kamen Riders are all magical base whos magic source is an inner phantom( a mythical type monster). Since you wouldn't give into despair and conquer your inner phantom. What would your inner phantom(mythical monsters) be?
Pegasus :D (though thats not really a monster...)

5. Whats your favorite character from league of legends?
I have never played that.

6. What is your favorite version of CM Punk?
Sadly I don't know who/what that is.

7. If you could hang out with any Doctor Who. Which Who would it be?
Eleventh, hands down.

8. Any insight on why you use a magical dragon hourglass?
Heh, that might be explained in due time.

Thank ya for your time Sora!
Thank you Kiyone!

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 20:28:27)

Favorite Comic Book(optional)?
I was a big fan of Excalibur back before it went all serious.

Whats your favorite book series(ilI think I can Guess which,lol)?

Favorite TV Show?
Fave show ever is The X Files. Current fave is Doctor Who.

Skittles or M&Ms?
Skittles and I'm not letting Solrac take any!


Good to have ya on The AK team!

Favorite AQW Event?
Oh man hard to choose. I loved the very first F13 event with Voltaire since we'd never done anything like it. The 2nd and 3rd birthday events. Mirror Realm. The ending to Bloodtusk, to name a few. The first April Fools event since I don't think anyone saw it coming.

Favorite AE Game?
DF and AQW.

Nice Raistlin Majere Profile Pic! Very wise[;)]
Thank you, he is my fave.

Theo -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 21:38:12)

Welcome to AQW Q&A
Thanks Theo!

hijinks -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 21:42:54)

*appears from a column of flames*

Hey Sushi! xD (Wow it feels weird calling one after food, now I'm hungry.)

Wow, I've known that you've been part of the AE mods for awhile now. How did you feel when you got chosen to be one?
I was floored. Never expected it.

*looks at above post* So... if Solrac decided to give you his favorite gummy bears, would you feel suspicious?
He'd never do that. If Solrac gives up gummi bears it's an imposter.

What was one AE event you didn't like? (For me personally, it would be the micro giants release. I was never a fan of wrestling.)
I always try to look on the positive sides for all events since AQW tries to cater to a lot of tastes.

How did purple become a favorite color of yours?
I like deep dark colors, so purple (in most cases) fits that.

When one goes into a black hole, what would an outside observer see as the person gets closer to the event horizon?

Well, a veteran player, a mod, a liaison, and now an AK! You sure keep yourself busy, I hope you get enough sleep. <.<
Sleep? What is this sleep you speak of?

Well that's all for today Purple Dark Mage! :D Bye!

*disappears in a column of purple flames and leaves a cake for Sora To Hoshi*
mmmm cake.

Sato -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 21:43:21)

Welcome to AQW Q&A

Ingo -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/25/2013 21:52:47)

Congrats Sora to Hoshi!!!

1. I'm guessing you like blue?
I do along with purple, green and black.

2. Any other AE games you play?
I play all of them though mostly AQW, DF, and OS.

3. In a rush, could only post these for now. Sorry!
That's ok.


Behold... unofficial Zookeeper of AQW! vvvvvv (down arrow signs)
I like your sig.

i like bounty hunter -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 2:04:17)

Yo sup brother congrats

Are you a girl or boy?

You have an iPad?

If yes do you play monster blade

Where you from?
I live in Michigan, US.

You play any thing besides ae games?
Yes but not many. I like the board variety of games such as Monopoly.

Favorite class ? (example Mage)

Are you a member of the legion?

You watch WWE?
I used to a loooooong time ago.

I will see you again on the next page bye !

EmbraceTheDarkness -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 2:06:43)

Congrats on you Akship. I only have one question so here goes

Was your avvy custom made or did you find it somewhere?
It is cut from this picture.

Corvus Corax -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 2:50:52)

Heh, I never thought I'd be doing a MtAK for you Sora! I expected something along the lines of MtEVPoL (Meet the Executive Vice President of Lore) xD
Hahaha!!! Yeah I never thought I'd be filling one of these out. It's fun though!

I don't have a question, just wanted to say how glad I am you've taken on another role! *super-snugs*
Thanks! *glomps Corvus*

Orian -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 3:03:39)

Hallos Gratz on the AK-shipmabob
Hello and thanks!

*opens book of questions*
This'll be fine

1.Cookies or Muffins?
I can't have both? Ok ok. Well if I have to choose, I'm going with cookies.

2.If you could have one power what would it be?

3.Moglin Juice or or um...........42?

4.So how's the shackles, heavier or rather comfy
*looks down* Oh I totally forgot about these. Hmmm they're not too bad.

5.Do you know about the anti purpler'r? deep space?
Deep space you say? :P

Well congratz again, 5 questions right?
*Leaves a moglo habilis out*

Therril Oreb -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 3:05:33)

This should be a MtMAK 'Meet The Mod and AK'

Well, this sure is a suprise but Welcome to the heap Sora!
Thanks Karasu!

Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 7:22:02)

Congratulations, Sora! Really well-deserved! *snugglehug*
Thanks Zy!

No questions from me, just dropping by.

Good luck! I know you'll do an amazing job!
Thanks again!

Drianx -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 12:02:57)

Hi and congratz!

1. What is better, banning or unbanning?
Whatever lets me yell "BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL".

2. Favourite non-AE computer game?
Always been a fan of Sim style games.

3. In my language your name sounds like 'Hoshi's Sister'. Do you have a bro named Hoshi?
I have a brother but that's not his name.

4. Is it good being an AK? 5. why? (I expect a serious answer)
I believe so or I wouldn't be doing it.

6. Is it worth being an AK? 6. why? (I expect a serious answer)
If you like keeping the forum in order it is.

7. Is it fun being an AK ? 8. why? (I expect a serious answer)
So far so good.

9. OK, and if you weren't an AK, how would you answer the previous 6 questions?
Well I wouldn't since this thread wouldn't exist.

10. What if I didn't expect serious answers?

Take care.

chisagen -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 12:20:13)


No questions really :p Just stopped by to say coongrats!
Awww but thanks!

*gives Sora a bag of fish and a hug*
Fish....ok cool! *glomps back*

apus -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 16:21:42)

Hi there!

Since you are a mage, I have a favor to ask...

About some time last week, I asked Zyrain to turn me cyan and he did. After seeing myself in cyan, I regret it and now I would like to ask you to use your magic and turn me back to normal.
I could turn you purple :D

If you turned me back to normal, thanks.
Uhhh sure, sure I did.

I understand that you're a moderator and therefore have many responsibilities, so I want to ask, why did you want to take up the responsibilities of an archknight also? Don't you have enough responsibilities to worry about?
It's all about balance really since I do other things for AE not just mod. Since Mritha was nice to ask me I figure it couldn't hurt "adding to the resume" so to speak. This was one of the few things I had no prior knowledge about so I decided to try it. I do have a lot of responsibilities but since there are many other AKs and in game mods I know I'm not alone. :)

What do you think of the color purple?
Love it.

That would be all, congratulations!

Oops, one more question that I have to edit in that I forgot to ask. How do you resist dog and cat faces that people make to you in game? I can't seem to resist them for now. I must be getting soft.

(~ '')~

~('' ~)

Alright, fair enough.
No problem.


dark hyper tails -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 17:08:58)

Hello, Sora To Hoshi and welcome.

Fist i'd like to ask, what's your favourite color?
I have a few. Black. Purple. Blue. Green.

What My Little Pony character (even if you don't like the show) is your favourite.
Luna/Nightmare Moon

What's your stance in politics?
I try to stay out of that.

What do you think of google?

What do you think of windows (as in the type you can see through)?
*looks* Oh hey a bird!

What would you do with 100,000,000 Acs?
Jump into that ala Scrooge McDuck.

Your fellow forum user, Dark Hyper Tails [8D]

Ianthe -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/26/2013 21:00:00)

Hey! So I had a few questions, but I ran them through the Bad Translator. What I want you to do is to answer the questions, but run your answers through the Bad Translator so that we're speaking the same language.
This is going to be interesting

On the phone?
And now I'm not on my laptop

You can use 16 tons. What is Kegiatanm?
The question is still valid?

He wants to. Fans know that other people have not heard about people like you.
Who is it? Those!

Most popular Teletubbies?
Tintin on

Lions and tigers?
The bear, Oh my!

What is an SOS mother, your life, your favorite soups cleaning?
SOS save our soaps. There is no noodle soup.

Affinity -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/27/2013 6:36:41)

Hi! First of all, I'd like to congratulate you! Now time for some questions.

Who's your favourite anime character?
I'm gonna pick two. 1) Suoh Tamaki from Ouran High school Host Club. 2) Naru from Ghost Hunt.

Favourite AE character?

Favourite item in AQWorlds?
Being midly biased I could say my DragonGlass but since it's not availiable to everyone, I'll say Mystic Pencil just cuz I loved the first April Fools event. *should add that to he above answer of fave event.

That's all. Congratulations and see you around!
Thanks again! *waves*

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/27/2013 10:03:41)

Hello there Sora To Hoshi :3
Hey Coxy!
Welcome to the Mad house of the Archknights :D
Now then, are you ready for Coxy Time :D?
Do I have a choice? :P
What is that cheese cow doing over there?
Don't call SanRobin a cow!
Favorite villain in AE?
Stop eating my head D: I don't care if its cover in Ice Cream :O, also, did you see this before you edit the post? (Please answer this part hidden to like this)
Haha no I didn't.
Favorite monster from any of the AE games? (if possible, a favorite monster from each game that you play)
Hmmm okay
AQ - Twig. I love that he drops a whale on us
DF - Mana Elemental.
AQW - Kitsune
OS - Toss between Earth Wizard and Jack Frost

Think thats enough Coxy Time for here since I be bugging you later anyway, right :P?
Haha ok.
Congratz on becoming an ArchKnight and hope you have fun here in Q&A :3
Have an awesome day now
*waves* and thanks for adding my edit color. :)

Zarutan -> RE: =MtAK= The Dark Mage appears in AQW Q&A (6/27/2013 10:18:04)

Hello, nice to meet you. Resident critic and AE fan, Zarutan, bearer of the Eyes of God reporting.

Now, my questions:

Do you prefer Staves, Wands, or something else?
Being a Mage I prefer having a staff, though I carry an hourglass.

What do you think is a better weapon, a scythe or a naginata?
Depends on what kind of damage you want done. Naginata might be better for piercing.

Did you farm for the BoA in AQW? If so, how long did it take you?
I have not, I'm probably one of the few people who don't have it.

I assume you're familiar with a few "magic eyes" from games, anime, etc. In your experience, what's the most powerful you've seen?
Probably either Lelouch's Geass eyes or Shinigami eyes from Death Note.

Are you a "Fate" fan?
Are we talking Nanoha or Fate/Zero?

If so, favorite character?
If we're talking Fate/Zero (which I dont think we are) it's Lancer. I've never seen Nanoha.

That's all. Good day.

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