Galvawk's Bond (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Galvawk's Bond (7/31/2013 16:47:55)

Galvawk's Bond

«Energy spell with Melee and Magic hits.»

Also see other Galvawk Spells: Obligation, Duty, Compulsion Z, Compulsion, Binding, Geas, Service, Bond, Charge

Level: 130
Power Level: 130
MP Level: 130
Price: 2,729,352 Gold
Sellback: 1,364,676 Gold
Location: Galvawk's Plot

Element: Energy
Cost: 532 MP

Hits: 8
Type: Magic, Magic, Magic, Melee, Magic, Magic, Melee, Magic
Element: Energy

  • All Magic Hits (6): 16.76-50.17 damage plus 113.10% Stats each
  • All Melee Hits (2): 18.86-56.45 damage plus 127.23% Stats* each
  • All Magic Hits (6): +37 plus Stats each
  • All Melee Hits (2): +27 plus Stats each
*Melee hits use the same stats as the Magic hits (INT/4 for damage, +LUK/2 on a LS; INT/16 + DEX/16 + LUK/20 for BTH).

Galvawk almost electrocuted the entire world! You defeated him--Now you get to summon him to do your dirty work!

Alternate Image

Numbers thanks to In Media Res.

  • Starts out as 142-425 plus 958% Stats along with 32 BTH.

  • All Magic Hits receive +5 BTH and deal 85/90 damage.
  • All Melee Hits receive -5 BTH and deal 85/80 damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

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