Laos -> RE: =MtAK= The Horde's Nightly Knight (8/17/2013 15:02:35)
As promised, I have before you 100 questions! And color codes too! Holy smokes! :D 1) Favourite Colour? Green ^^ 2) Favourite game? NCAA 14 Football for PS3 3) Favourite animal? Hmmm, I don't know :P 4) Least Favourite animal? SPIDERS! D:< 5) Getting bored of the favourite questions yet? Never! 6) I pre-empted 'no' so I shall continue anyhow; favourite colour? Blue! 7) Did you realise I've already asked that? Yep. So I changed my answer. 8) What academic subjects interest you the most besides the ones your studying? Law. Since I haven't started that, I'm going to say it counts :P 9) Where do you live? Currently in MD when I'm not in school. PA when I am. 10) What, if anything, have you learned today? That I do a great job cleaning my car. 11) Music Taste? Yes. 12) What accomplishment are you most proud of? Oh gosh. Well... Winning states for ice hockey, having a 4.0 in my freshman year of college, going canning for THON, more things that I can't think of. 13) When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Indiana Jones! 14) If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go, and why? I'd like to go to New Zealand. It seems nice there xP 15) Who are some people you’d like to meet someday? That special someone, my kids, possibly some people from here, and so on. 16) If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? I'd like to meet Aristotle, some other intellectuals, Da Vinci, people like that ^^ 17) What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done? Oh man. I couldn't possibly answer that ^^ 18) Would you rather be hated or forgotten? That's a tough question. I suppose forgotten. Even if you're hated by many, eventually you will be forgotten. So I'd rather just be forgotten right away. 19) If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be? Probably about 24-25. Old enough to know better, but young enough not to care ^^ 20) Still awake? Ha! Thought so, favourite AE game? AQ! 21) How hard did you have to think to answer question 10? Not very hard. 22) Did you have to go back and look at question 10? Yes... 23) Did you realise I'm stealing some of your questions you asked me? O.o Cheater! 24) Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place? To never attempt it. Edison never failed 1000 times. He just found 1000 ways you couldn't create a light bulb. 25) Where is the line between insanity and creativity? There is no line. Just perception. 26) What colour is a mirror? My color! 27) Are you sure? Yes. 28) What is infinity? A really big number/idea :D 29) What is time? A figment of man's imagination taken out of nothing to create order out of chaos. 30) Shump or Laos? Shumpeh! 31) Why is there something rather than nothing? Because nothing came from something. 32) Should I stop now or keep going? This is easy! 33) I'm carrying on anyway :p Hooway! 34) What color are your shackles? Stainless steel! 35) I really don't know how long it must have taken you to think up 100 questions. I've been going for a good half hour so far :') I'm just awesome like that :D 36) Do you play an instrument? Piano, harmonica, cello, drums, Guitar Hero! 37) Speak any foreign languages? I'm "studying" Spanish in school, but not fluently. 38) Dogs or Cats? Dogs, my dad's allergic to cats. 39) Favourite sport? Ice hockey! 40) Is time a physical entity or a metaphysical entity? Metaphysical 41) Do you like toast? With butter! 42) If you do what do you like on it? Oh. Erm :/ 43) Did you know if you placed a piece of bread on the floor, and had someone else place a bit of bread on the ground on the exact opposite side of the planet, you would technically have an 'Earth Sandwich'. Mind. Blown. Pwooh! 44) Did you realise that that wasn't technical because nothing technological was involved? Drat. 45) Why can we hear around corners but can't see around them? Because sound comes in waves, whereas light comes out in straight lines. /sagenod. 46) Favourite film? Uh. Uh. Uh... I like a lot of movies... 47) Fingers are getting a little sore now.. Sorry ^^ 48) Do you like waffles? Yummy! Had some for breakfast! 49) Do you know why I asked? Nope! 50) No, neither do I. No problem there. 51) Why is the sky blue? Because the sky was made blue by a Penn State fan :D 52) Is black the darkest colour? Sure. 53) Why is glass see-through? They wanted it to be see-through! 54) Why does glass drip? Only when it's in a liquid form. 55) Do you like cookies? Omnomnom 56) Well weather you like them or not, take a cookie. *hands Nightly a cookie* Yummeh! 57) Bath or Shower? Shower! 58) Why? Fast, simple, and nice. 59) Xbox or PS3? Or neither? PS3 60) Only 40 more to go! Aww ;-; 61) Square root of -1? Not commutable? D: 62) Know much about fluid-dynamics? Water? 63) I for one don't. Phew. 64) Do you like Chicken? Yep! 65) What came first, the chicken or the egg? The chick. 66) Do you like reading? Very much! 67) Play an instrument? You asked that already! Silly. 68) Meh mehh meh meeeeh O.o 69) Herp or Derp? Herpdaderp. 70) Do you like Dihydrogen Monoxide? H2O is awesome. 71) Did you have to find out what that was? I already knew what it was! 72) Do you like clouds? Yush! 73) What is a hiccup? Air bubbles stuck in your tummy from giggling too much at silly jokes. 74) Can germs catch germs? Germs have germs? D: 75) Do cold drinks cool you down? And hot drinks heat me up. 76) Why am I asking you questions? Who knows? 77) Why are they called apartments when they're all stuck together? They're part a ment D: 78) Why do banks leave both doors open but they chain the pens to the counter? No one steals their pens! 79) Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are dead? To make it work of course. 80) Why do you believe it when someone tells you there are four billion stars, but you always check when you see the wet paint sign? We can't touch stars I suppose. But we can shoot for the moon. 81) Why do they call it a building when it's already built? They aren't building the building any more. 82) Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat has materialized? They're hungry. Silleh. 83) Why is it called rush hour when you don't move? There's a rush to get home! 84) Almost there... Phew. 85) Having fun Being an ArchKnight? Some days. 86) Wish I would stop asking questions? Maybe. 87) Why is dirt brown? Because it's dirty. 88) Why does anything have colour? It's how our eyes see things. 89) Where is the end of a circle? At its beginning. 90) Is the 3 second rule true? There's a three second rule? 91) Why do we have two eyes? One's not enough. 92) What is not 2+1? 1+1 93) What is your favourite drink? Water :P 94) Did you realise you've already answered that? Did not! 95) It's because you haven't! Hahah 96) Almost done now! Darn. 97) Black or White? Black. 98) Mac or PC? PC 99) One more to go... Oh boy! 100) Guess How long it took me to write this up. Really long! Hope you had fun answering this. In all seriousness though congrats and good luck once again! Thanks so much! :P