Clan Councils & Clan Government (Full Version)

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Scakk -> Clan Councils & Clan Government (8/6/2013 22:38:39)

Clan Councils & Clan Government

What is a Clan Council and why do they exist?
The Paxia Clans are ultimately led by the NPC in-game. Due to the large size of the clans, the NPCs of Paxia have graciously allowed the Paxian Clans to organize themselves to help keep the clan active, organized and fun for everyone.

A Clan Council (CC) is any sort of “government” established by the members of a clan to help organize things and keep the clan active and fun for everyone. Each clan has their own unique CC, some do not even have one and instead go for a direct democracy approach, but each one follows a set of guidelines, listed later in this post.

What is a Clan Head?
Every clan has a Clan Head that acts as the official representative of the clan if the clan does not have an appointed diplomat. One large problem in Paxia is random clan members going to another clan and trying to propose alliances or declaring war. This makes it important for someone to officially represent the clan to others when negotiations are taking place and to prevent any incidents from occurring.

Whether the clan has a CC or not, the Clan Head is in charge of making sure that discussion within the clan’s meeting grounds is conducted in a fair manner. Every member should feel free to visit the CC or meeting place of their clan to propose their ideas, questions, etc to allow for discussion and the Clan Head will facilitate to ensure everybody has a say. The Clan Head also bears the responsibility of calling the vote when it is time, and act as tie-breaker in the event that the need for one arises.
The Clan Head is an elected position in a clan that bears the holder no special rank. The Clan Head is not the leader of the clan, that role is reserved for the Clan’s NPC. The Clan Head may not make decisions without the consent of the clan he/she represents. A person can not be a Clan Head in more than one clan at time no matter the clan(s) their character(s) are in.

Guidelines for Direct Democracies
If your clan decides to not have a CC, then the clan falls under the Direct Democracy category, in which every member is equal in the clan in responsibility and power (excluding the Clan Head, previously defined) and therefore will have a meeting place instead of a CC thread to discuss all things political, organizational, etc. for the clan.

Guidelines for the CCs
1) The CC exists because the clan allows it to. No one on the CC is “above” anyone else. Any “power” granted to the CC is allowed by the will of the clan and can be taken away by the clan at any time through due process.
2) The CC exists to help keep the clan organized, active and fun. This means that the CC exists to serve the clan in order to make it better, and being on it is a responsibility that one should not take lightly
3) All members of the CC are voted in, and will be periodically rotated out (time depends on the clan)
4) The Clan Head possess no more authority then other members of the CC aside from the responsibility of calling the vote, tie breaker and ensuring fair discussion time on an issue
5) A CC must have at least 3 members excluding the Clan Head except during times of prolonged inactivity.
6) Each clan may come up with its own rules/regulations for how and when elections occur, the positions/responsibility of the CC, and the qualifications for candidates.

Can People in multiple clans join multiple CC’s, vote and do other stuff?
Yes, a person is allowed to be in more then one clan PROVIDED they have an active char in that clan (Make sure it’s registered with your Clan’s roll call/roster for proof)
Provided that the person has provided this proof, they are allowed to vote and participate in all clans they have an active character in.
Multi-clanners are allowed to run for a Clan’s CC, but keep in mind the responsibility of each CC before being in more than one.

How do AKs/Mods factor into the CCs?
An AK/Mod is only in/on a CC because they are voted in, and as such they are the same as everyone else in that reguard as AKs are expected to keep their AKing duties separate from their responsibilities form the clan.

AKs/Mods will not intervene into a clan unless there is a dispute that requires an AK to mediate/arbitrate ( this does not refer to normal clan issues ) . However, the Head of Clans, Factions, Guilds and Houses has the final say in all matters.

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