Did you notice? V (Full Version)

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XapApp -> Did you notice? V (9/20/2013 7:50:56)

As title, you can post here about anything around EpicDuel things that people probably don't notice. Feel free to discuss.
Previous threads:
=ED= Did you notice? I
Did you notice? II
Did you notice? III
Did you notice? IV

SKRALL213 -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/21/2013 1:00:07)

Did you notice the missions are now a pain to do because the mission log button is bugged?

Zanzibaarus -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/21/2013 1:28:27)

"Did you notice the missions are now a pain to do because the mission log button is bugged?"

Unless you had a Daily Mission and the list refreshed for the next day, I don't know what you could mean by it being bugged. }}}:/

Quote tags removed. No need to quote the post directly above you. ~Wind

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/25/2013 22:48:12)

Did you notice that upgrading your weapons still cost you an extra 100 credit fee?

Did you notice that if you are under level 28, it would be smarter to buy the 12k varium package than the exile/legion battlegear?

Predator9657 -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/25/2013 23:08:16)

Did you notice that some people (35's) like to ruin 2v2 matches by turning up with only a level 1 primary.

Did you notice that luck is waaay too powerful in this game. Just 10 mins ago, my L32 beat a 35BM (strenght/dext) because the BM got deflected, and his bludgeon was blocked twice!

comicalbike -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/26/2013 7:12:25)

the bosses can do triple stuns

rejaylob -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/26/2013 11:22:07)

Did you notice..... ED IS BROKEN? lol

yeah so much unbalance :/

GearzHeadz -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/26/2013 21:19:37)

I can do pentos-stuns.
Stun Grenade- Stun Gun, Auxillary, Stun Grenade Auxillary.

Mother1 -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/26/2013 21:53:06)

Did you notice balance changes are very suggestive?

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/27/2013 1:00:39)

Did you notice?

According to some very vague and brief number observations of mine, I've determined that on average there are about 30%-ish active players now as compared to early-mid delta and gamma.

Also, did you notice threads that have [:@] as their icon are typically subjective in the extreme?

darkllord233 -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/27/2013 11:39:01)

Did you notice ?

ED starting to be interesting and fun.I like the new updates especially Omega.


Mother1 -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/28/2013 20:58:29)

Did you notice that while we lost 2 pay to win cheevos we now gained 5 more?

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/28/2013 21:08:05)

It's not really pay to win.

martinsen5 -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 8:28:26)

Did you notice a Blood Mage can constantly use Bludgeon because of its' low energy cost, deal massive damage this way and to top it all off have Deadly Aim for their sidearm?

AQisFuN -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 9:59:13)

^With all that, they have bloodlust.

Mother1 -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 10:32:14)

Did you notice that whenever a build becomes popular it become the subject of nerf requests?

DOOMdeath -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 10:34:24)

Did you notice that ED is half-dead now?

Wraith -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 17:15:13)


Did you notice?

According to some very vague and brief number observations of mine, I've determined that on average there are about 30%-ish active players now as compared to early-mid delta and gamma.

Also, did you notice threads that have as their icon are typically subjective in the extreme?

For the first one, yeah I noticed that. Remember when Exile and Epic were both filled?

Did you notice Oz 7 isn't the gathering spot anymore?

Shajun Ki -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 17:43:48)

Did you notice there is absolutely no diversity between classes these days?

Cyber Dream -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 18:24:26)

Did you notice that every time a build is nerfed, a new powerful build develops.

martinsen5 -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 18:28:52)

@Cyber Dream, I can agree that while some builds get called OP, it's really just a good build. And once you nerf something strong, the next strongest build will be called OP. Hence the solution is to maybe not nerf things all the time, but rather change other builds so they can compete. Balance [:(]

ReinVI -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 19:36:59)

Did you know that it's humanities fault there's always a balance problem? due to most peoples silly notion of "I'm only having fun if I'm winning" it strives people to copy and abuse the most powerful build which leads that build to being nerfed or changed and then those people just jump to the next build and ruin that one and so on and so on and so on. SO yeah... fun stuff.

Did you know that the 'adapt or die' philosophy is a stupid way to think in a virtual world sense? A game with actual balance means a game that no matter what you do you should still stand a chance ( unless you actively try to make a build built for losing ) Why shouldn't a 'support build' that actively tries to buff there team and play a supportive role in fights be successful? mercs and stuff have the skills to augment such a build but the problem is the "aggression" factor in this games fights in that due to factors like rage, crits, unblockable hits etc etc make such a build completely useless because by the time the 'medic' build can re-heal someone odds are it's still on CD and the target for healing is dead...

Cyber Dream -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 20:12:42)


Did you know that it's humanities fault there's always a balance problem? due to most peoples silly notion of "I'm only having fun if I'm winning" it strives people to copy and abuse the most powerful build which leads that build to being nerfed or changed and then those people just jump to the next build and ruin that one and so on and so on and so on. SO yeah... fun stuff.

@ReinVI Did you notice that you need a different way of viewing things?

Mother1 -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 20:35:12)

@ Cyber dream

Sorry to disagree with you but I agree with Rein vi on this one.

I read the forums and the balance section and you know what I see the most? Ways to nerf the most popular builds that people think are too effective, or builds that they can't beat. The funny thing is that these build can be beat with other builds in the game, and many users even explain how to do so, and most of those people don't want to change their builds they just want to be able to beat everything without much change or

"Please weaken, or remove anything that can beat me so I can win"

That is what I see most of the time. Worst part is that because balance is so subjective anything that becomes overused gets nerfed due to complainers who don't want to change their builds or can't think of a way to counter just so they can win. That is what I have seen a lot of since I started the game, and I must say that isn't balance in the least. We are suppose to be finding builds to counter these overused builds, not have the staff nerf these builds only for something to take it's place and have this process repeat itself.

toopygoo -> RE: Did you notice? V (9/29/2013 21:27:50)

yeah, im beginning to agree debuffing and nerfing things is definitely just wrong. it makes the game boring cause there will alwasys be a new "winning" build.
lets empower those who are weaker though, and PROMOTE counterbuilds to this who win alot!

e.g. for one week, make mercs: strength increased cores/skills have no effect.

and then remove this skill permanently, but it would be fun to see peoples faces as they go for a rage bludgeon and deal 20 instead of 40 xD

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