Winners and Losers? (Full Version)

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Oswald Cobblepot -> Winners and Losers? (9/28/2013 8:57:25)

Why is it necessary to show my losses to all players? Only I was supposed to see the total battles that I lose. Only the victories should be exposed between players. I do not think it's cool to be a person who knows he lost many battles.
What do you think?

these are my status


Scyze -> RE: Winners and Losers? (9/28/2013 9:14:33)

Losses will be shown regardless of what suggestions come up. Some people have worked hard to get a high win ratio and it won't be fair on them.

Predator9657 -> RE: Winners and Losers? (9/28/2013 9:18:01)

How else will you tell how good a player is?
This is a competitive game. If you don't wan't someone to see that you've lost a lot; try not to lose a lot?

Oswald Cobblepot -> RE: Winners and Losers? (9/28/2013 9:18:52)

Show wins is good, I support show wins, as many as the player has, but it would be nice to hide the losses only.
you just analyze the victories of the person, there you will know if it is good enough or not.

Mother1 -> RE: Winners and Losers? (9/28/2013 11:36:15)

@ Cobblepot

Off topic

I am guessing you are a penguin fan.

On topic

That wouldn't work now because if they put this into play, older people would still know that loses being seen existed, and with them not being shown a part of the process to judge is gone. If I am looking to recruit someone I want to be able to see both win's and loses not just wins.

For all I know said person could have just got a lot of wins by using a cookie cutter build (Overused build) that is effective due to the lack of balance. That doesn't make a person good at all.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Winners and Losers? (9/28/2013 13:01:34)

So first thing is that if you should get your losses shown because you can control your losses. If you don't think it's fair that people see how many losses you have (because you're not good at the game or whatever), then you should take the effort to try and make a high win-ratio build.

Supposing that you don't like losses showing because you don't like people seeing how poorly you've done compared to your win count (and by the way, your win ratio isn't bad considering your level), the answer would just be to not have losses in the first place. You deserve to look like you aren't good at the game if you really aren't, it's like a contract that's made when you make your account.

Teufel Hunden -> RE: Winners and Losers? (9/28/2013 16:19:15)

Honestly, in my first days playing my 1v1 ratio was 500wins-1200losses then i picked myself up, brushed my self off and now im around 20k 1v1wins-5.8klosses which meant rom that day i went 19.5k-4.6k which is decent. You just gotta quit whining and find out your strengths and weaknesses and use those in your favor. Losses are staying no matter what so this is pretty much a wasted effort. Plus when i used to recruit id look at wins-losses and how many wins they did a day. Now i run a retired beta/friend only fac :p go exiles! (off topic there) haha. But losses wont leave.

I wish you all luck in your future endeavors.

~Da Bomb Expert

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