RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (Full Version)

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Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/11/2013 13:51:30)

We're still lucky they aren't sending in plans...

neo_manni -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/11/2013 16:07:14)

And they didn't make a plan this weekend? Wow..... MAN! I wish we had attacked some place else. We would of had 2 new places instead of one.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/11/2013 16:41:46)

They haven't made plans since the new round began, and maybe before that.

Lucian rallying not going too well here...SIGMUND declined because of 'hackers changing numbers, it not being an in-game event and no recognition on character pages' Eschaton Thunder also has no interest...Still waiting for others.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/11/2013 18:32:55)

Looks like High Paladin is the only Lucian with honor. A shame, really.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/11/2013 21:26:54)

/facepalm. We have woken the giant.

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/11/2013 21:59:01)

Riiiiiight! Because not playing PUC is such a disgrace to one's honor! [8|]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 2:37:12)

Hello DigDog, not seen you around the PUC much recently, has Dynami decide to join the fight again? Nice to see you too Eschaton Thunder, always nice for a few Paxians to visit this section even if it is only briefly.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 11:54:56)

Well if I can't rally anyone I *might* join Geoto. So much for my honor, lol.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 12:17:57)

Just because you cannot rally many Lucians doesn't mean you should give up fighting High Paladin, after all both Geoto and Lucian now want Dynami out of the way, not to mention Aerodu is closing in on their border. I wouldn't be surprised to see another Grand Anti-Dynami Coalition.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 12:34:29)

I don't see much point in a fight that I know I will always eventually lose. I'll definitely finish this round out as Lucian though. I can't seem to stay ahead of whoever is attacking Lucian, kind of a pain[:@]

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 13:48:57)

And this time the coalition will include at least three clans api that should help. Keyword here is should.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 14:34:00)

How does man-piling on one of Dynami's squares help if its scores are not lowered by us attacking it anyway?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 16:14:54)

Because instead of using the 'Defend clan' button we would use the 'Attack Dynami' button that way if everyone does that the damage adds up against Dynami. Also we would attack different areas so if we do drive Dynami down we won't end up competing amongst ourselves for the spoils, also this would cause maximum loses for Dynami if we all surpass its score.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 16:36:44)

Oh course, should have thought of the attack button. Was thinking how would our scores stack to take down Dynami, because I thought it didn't work like that, and it doesn't.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 18:36:32)


Riiiiiight! Because not playing PUC is such a disgrace to one's honor!

Not joining the PUC for arbitrary and/or silly reasons is, yes. We're trying our best to inject some activity into Paxia and you guys are just being spoilsports.


Hello DigDog, not seen you around the PUC much recently, has Dynami decide to join the fight again?

Just because I don't post doesn't mean I don't visit. I'm always here, watching, judging.

And Dynami will do what it always has done.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 19:04:19)

Is that wait until the last round and then burst out and defeat everyone?

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 19:26:45)


Not joining the PUC for arbitrary and/or silly reasons is, yes.

And what arbitrary and/or silly reason do you wildly assume that to be?

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 20:17:30)

I don't know, you tell me. What is the reason you're not participating? No interest? Would you have interest if it was an actual ingame Paxia war? If yes, what would make it different than what we're doing right now? Why isn't it worth your interest?

Unless you're not playing AQ at all, that would be a valid reason.

I gotta admit that "no interest" is a better reason than "it not being an in-game event and no recognition on character pages" though. That's just vain and egocentric.

Eschaton Thunder -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/12/2013 22:51:40)


What is the reason you're not participating? No interest?

This would have been a better way to begin the conversation than simply taking a cheap shot at the honor of clan Lucian members.

I'm certainly not opposed to playing PUC because it's a non in-game event, and character page recognition, while nice, is not that important to me.

My reason for not playing PUC is combination of a lack of interest and a lack of time. First, I work most weekends and don't have the spare time. Second, while I do enjoy AQ wars, most of my participation comes primarily in using my estates armies (which obviously can't be used in PUC), and although I occasionally warmonger when I have some free time (mostly during the middle of the week), I do so inconsistently because the grind of repeating battles waves grows tiresome. The thought of adding yet even more PUC battle grinding is therefore not very appealing to me. Even if I did have a strong desire to play, I would still need to decline because I simply don't have the spare time on the weekends. That is neither arbitrary nor silly.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/13/2013 0:22:23)

@Eschaton Thunder: I completely understand. I myself have seen my time dwindle on the weekends and have not been as active as before. I respect your position and admire you for saying it. You still have your honor.

Lets make sure not to criticize each other. As much as I would love for everyone to participate in this I understand that not everyone can. This contest was intended on giving us something to come together and have fun with. Lets not let it drive us apart again. Besides, we don't want to give Xov more ideas.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/13/2013 3:09:35)

Well if Dynami do join the game that means we will now have 5 clans taking part, this could be very interesting since we haven't had that many participants in a long while.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/13/2013 8:29:55)


My reason for not playing PUC is combination of a lack of interest and a lack of time. First, I work most weekends and don't have the spare time. Second, while I do enjoy AQ wars, most of my participation comes primarily in using my estates armies (which obviously can't be used in PUC), and although I occasionally warmonger when I have some free time (mostly during the middle of the week), I do so inconsistently because the grind of repeating battles waves grows tiresome. The thought of adding yet even more PUC battle grinding is therefore not very appealing to me. Even if I did have a strong desire to play, I would still need to decline because I simply don't have the spare time on the weekends. That is neither arbitrary nor silly.

I agree that this is a good reason and it's neither arbitrary nor silly, so I apologize. While it would be nice having you participating in the PUC I fully understand that you can't.

I still stand by my opinion that SIGMUND's reasons for not participating are superficial though.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/13/2013 11:14:08)

Well today I'm gonna pick up Eye of the Unholy and Algern's Carapace and we'll see how things pick up for Lucian.

If we go for an anti-Dynami coalition I propose its three squares are divided equally between Aerodu, Geoto and Lucian. Each round, one clan could concentrate on defensive building while the other two attack Dynami directly.

Two days later, still waiting for more replies from PMs. Nobody has gotten on to see and answer em. Popinloopy says he'll give it a shot. Hooray!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/14/2013 3:00:35)

It would probably be better High Paladin to all focus on attacking Dynami, since the enemies are all one element meaning the fights are often quicker than defending.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (11/14/2013 13:04:32)

I still propose that the territories are divided between the three clans equally.

Where ish ze updated map? It makes making the plans harder not to have an updated map, as you have to look between this week's result and last week's map and try to visualize where everyone actually is.

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