=AQ= Guide Vacancies (Full Version)

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The Game -> =AQ= Guide Vacancies (7/16/2014 4:57:36)

The following guides are currently vacant. If you would like to assume ownership, please express your intentions along with your qualifications in a post below. We will get back to you in 2-3 business days.

Guide to All Regenerative and Vampiric Items of LORE
Guide to Compression Items

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (9/26/2014 8:58:16)

Another call for volunteers!

We still need owners for the Compression Guide and Vampiric/Regenerative Items guide.

As always, please post here stating your interest! ^_^

darksampson -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (10/1/2014 20:10:07)

The guide to compression items seems managable to me. I haven't handled any guides before, but I have been a member of this forum since 2005 and have 11 characters, 6 are which are max lvl and guardian. I have solid understanding of the game mechanics and items and considering there are no complicated numbers involved and the current guide is not too far off from being up to date, this seems like a manageable position

Disc Lorde -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (10/2/2014 18:21:33)

I am also interested in taking over the Guide to Compression Items. Compression has always interested me, as I like to cram neutral Awe equipment, heal and Void spells, and as many Wizard Robes as I can into my active inventory. I have a lvl 150 Pure Mage and 4 low-level secondaries of each other major build, all X-Guardians. I have a few ideas to improve the guide, such as seperating weapons by Melee/Ranged/Magic and adding items that compress other item types. (e.g. a weapon with a built-in spell, misc that allows you to click on it and equip an armor, etc.).

RMC -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (2/17/2015 10:01:32)

Don't know if this is the right place to post but i have taken over the warrior guide, i am working on it atm but i'm undecided on what i want to change or keep so it might take a little while before it's published again.

TRB1965 -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (2/11/2016 11:58:17)

It appears that updating the Training Academy: Ultimate Warrior Guide has been abandoned. I would be willing to give a shot at updating this guide.

I would have an ETA of February 21st for having a draft of the guide completed if I can get approval and get started on the update.

Approval for taking it over granted. Scakk

The guide is now posted in "Pending Guides" and ready for review.

RMC -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (2/12/2016 8:44:41)

Yeah it's abandoned, busted my exams so i need to catch up on school now. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (5/1/2016 22:05:11)

The Compression Items Guide is back up for grabs now as Disc Lorde has not updated the guide in two years. Additionally, the Guide to House Guard Purchases is also vacant as Dragoon23 is no longer active. Please PM me directly or post here.


Grixus Faldor -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (5/3/2016 3:44:13)

We need someone to takeover the Ultimate Mage Guide. The Guide to Vampiric and Regenerative Items is still open and up for grabs.

Brasca123 -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (5/3/2016 9:51:20)

i might be able to actually work on the ultimate mage guide, i've been playing as a mage since i've started on the game and only need to check a few things for low level you order to properly do it

due to being busy with some school stuff i wouldn't be able to work properly on it before july though, but i'll be free on the whole of july, so i think i can get it most if not all of it done before august

Legendary Ash -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (5/15/2016 20:35:06)

Willing to update and maintain Mage guide, am the lead equipment rater in the Q/A section.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (5/15/2016 22:20:58)

Sorry I wasn't able to do the Mage Guide. I haven't had a lot of time to even play the game since I was promoted at work.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (8/5/2017 0:14:59)

As it appears the three TA guides are once again inactive, I am putting out a call for volunteers. Please post here or PM me.


Legendary Ash -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (8/17/2017 1:45:51)

I volunteer to take the three Training Academies.

Arcalus -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (4/25/2018 14:02:53)

I’d like to volunteer to take over the History of Lore Guide, as it is heavily outdated and I have been playing since the beginning

PD -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (8/29/2021 0:44:24)

I'd like to take over the Training Academy Guide - Ultimate Warrior Guide. Hasn't been updated since 2017 and needless to say there's a lot of information that isn't really out there anymore.

PD -> RE: =AQ= Guide Vacancies (9/3/2023 19:14:13)

Wrong Thread, please delete

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