Resizing an image... (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Gaming Community] >> [Legends and Lore] >> Artists of Legend >> Art Request Shops


Geek -> Resizing an image... (11/4/2013 23:13:34)


I made a really epic sig, but I can't for the death of me get them down to 50 KB. Can somebody fix it for me please? +1 cookie if ya do. :3

I have it in JPEG and PNG, and I think PNG is better 'cause it's a little bit brighter.

JPEG: [image][/image]

PNG: [image][/image]



Jecht Dracopyre -> RE: Resizing an image... (11/4/2013 23:40:50)

Here ya go :)


Geek -> RE: Resizing an image... (11/5/2013 7:22:58)

Awesome. Thank ya!

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