=MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (Full Version)

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Skurge -> =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 13:54:29)


Some of you may have noticed that I was recently enslaved given the opportunity to work as an ArchKnight! It gives me great pleasure to be able to work alongside such great people and moderate such an awesome community.

Without further ado, welcome to my MtAK! If you've never seen these before, it's basically a place where you can torture ask me endless (not really) questions and I'm duty bound (not really) to answer them! But before we begin, I'll lay down a couple of simple rules. They are as follows:

  • All questions must comply with the Comprehensive Forum Rules.
  • No more than fifteen questions per post Looks at Moose-man <_<.
  • One post per page.
  • You may not edit your post once I've edited it.
  • Nothing too personal!

    As per tradition, I'll use this font and color scheme to edit your posts.

    Well? Question away!

  • Gingkage -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 14:03:09)

    Hi, Skurge!
    Hello Gingkage!

    First of all, congrats and welcome!
    Thank you so much :)

    Okay then. One question, and a gift.

    If you could have any one thing from any book movie, or TV show (or comic, or cartoon, or anime, or manga), what would it be?
    I'd have the Mjölnir from Thor. But only if I'm able to wield it as well.

    Now the gift.
    I love gifts! :o

    *holds out a box* In this box is an infinite supply of one thing, and one thing only. What's in it?
    Gears. *Grabs all the gears and makes a 100 meter wolf with Gingkage valiantly riding on it*

    That's all I've got. Congrats again, welcome, and good luck!
    Thanks, Gingkage! *Gives wolf a snack*

    The Jop -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 14:06:24)

    Firstly, the question everyone's been thinking: What do you like so much about Steampunk?
    As a kid, I always loved mecha and technology. More so, I loved technology that could be incorporated into humans! As I started playing AE games, I always depicted myself as a Gentleman or someone that's "classy" and that's when I came upon the idea of Steampunk! Not only did this genre of science fiction include over complicated technology, but you could wear a suit and be classy while doing it. Not sure if that makes much sense, but that's mainly why I love Steampunk so much.

    Oh, how interesting. I've been wondering; what interests you about Oversoul?
    Nulgath! He's currently my favorite artist and developer in AE. To add to that, I enjoy how the game is geared toward a more mature audience.

    Ah, yes, me too. Do you own any steampunk items in real life, maybe some props?
    You thought the same? We have a lot in common! As for Steampunk props, I have a "Steampunk Duster" suit as well as some small accessories (e.g: chains, bracelets, etc.)

    Ah, okay. Good luck with that. That's all then. You'll do an amazing job, you're an amazing person, congratulations!
    Much appreciated. I'll do my best. :)

    HolyThief -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 14:37:13)

    Greetings nugget
    Nicknames stay forever, eh? <_< Hey HolyThief.

    While i don't play os anymore, i couldn't resist a MtaK thread, especially of someone i know.
    Glad to have you here.

    Firstly, congrats.

    Secondly, you are a nugget
    No, I am not a succulent piece of chicken breast.

    Thirdly, ill have to get back to you on this one.
    o_o Okay


    Why are you a total nugget for?
    What?! I don't know!

    What made you use the name skurge?
    I won in "Rock-Paper-Scissors" with my brother when we were choosing "permanent" online screen names. If I had lost, I'd be named "Tarrund".

    Why do you like steampunk?
    Check out my answer to The Jop's post above. :P

    On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like OS?

    Do you play DF?
    I used to play DragonFable until 2008 where I shifted to AQWorlds instead.

    Do you watch any anime?
    A few, but rarely. I read Manga instead.

    Why am i even asking these questions?
    O_O I don't know. Shouldn't you be ranking classes or something?

    It seems my brain has shutdown and i have run out of questions.
    *Phew!* Awww.

    Well, im out.
    See ya' later!

    Well done once again nugget, ill harass you in aqw when i see you next/on twitter

    Cyber doom5 -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 14:43:30)

    1. so i see you like steampunk..... nice..... what is your favorite thing about steampunk.
    How over complicated it is!

    2. whovian or non whovian
    Murderous mannequins just isn't for me..

    3. favortie anime
    One Piece, Ratman, and another one which Redingard suggested.

    4. favorite oversoul character
    Volt Engineer, Dire Monk, and Founder Champion.

    Thank you!

    its always nice to see one of us on the AK payroll
    Eyup! :3

    Geek -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 14:48:10)

    Ello' partner.
    U Mod?
    What is Steampunk no lived?
    I'd revive it!
    What if it was VaporGoth?
    No idea what that is..
    Oooo. Dat sounds kinds kewl.
    I know right?!
    As I have asked many other AKs in MtAKs, I borught Jello. Want some?
    <_< >_> Sure. *Noms Jello*
    What kind?
    I already nom'ed it! D:
    Do you play video tapes?
    Never liked console games. Too mainstream *Flips hair*
    If you had to choose between Doritos and Pringles, what would you pick? *choose wisely*
    Pringles! Doritos always end up scarring the sides of my lips.
    By the way, I have kuh-nited you with the name Geoffry.
    O_O M'kay
    Well, I wish you luck on your endeavor. Have fun being AK. :)
    Thanks! I'll do my best. ^^


    Hellsbane -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 14:50:35)

    Skurgey, Skurgey,
    In this thread,
    Who's the most Dashing,
    You have ever met.

    You! [;)]

    Axel459 -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 14:58:27)

    Hello, Skurgeycat.
    Hey Axel459! Thanks for the edit codes :3

    Congrats on the AKship!
    Thank you so much!

    Okay, questions. Don't be scared they aren't that weird
    *Comes our of closet* I'll have to trust you on this. <_<

    1.) Were you the one who started the steampunk revolution in 4738?
    My great grandson did. I inspired him though. >:)

    2.) Do you plan on starting that revolution ?
    Yes. We need more Steampunk! *Falls over from excitement*

    3.) Of course, yeah, that's nice.
    *Gets back up* I love how interested you sound.

    4.) Do you have any pets/want any?
    I had a pug.

    5.) Favorite animal?
    Giraffe. Most precisely, steam powered ones. Oh and octopuses as well.

    6.) Do you play any instruments?
    Played the Tuba in elementary school.

    7.) Do you believe in the evil ca-....wait I think they're listening >_>
    *Looks left* <_< *Looks right* >_> They're definitely listening.

    8.) How are the shackles?
    They're okay. Whoever engineered them left a little purple on the spires though.

    8.) Ever listened to a Nightvale podcast?
    Can't say that I have!

    9.) Are you looking forward to Gentleman 2013?
    Yes! I only wish I knew what element it was so I can stack up on CC.

    10.) Error 404 Question not found
    Answer not found

    11.) ....What happened to 10?
    It malfunctioned. Don't worry though as it happens often in these crazy MtAK rituals.

    That's it...I think *sits cookies down*
    *Looks at cookies*

    *tips hat and disappears*
    *Noms on cookies* Oh waif! Dhanks for th' cookis!

    P.S Did I get the font right?
    Right on target! ;)

    DarkLore -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 15:06:01)

    *DarkLore bursts through the shadows*
    Greetings thy AK! I am the darkness of Lore! I ask these questions!
    Hey DarkLord :3
    1. Favorite animal?
    Giraffes and Octopuses
    2. Why call yourself Skurge?
    Why not? :o
    3. Your opinion on that pathetic archfiend killing you?
    Which ArchFiend?! I've been obliterated by quite a lot.
    4. Favorite songs?
    Anything by Abney Park or Steam Powered Giraffe!
    5. Are you afraid of the dark? AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!
    *Curls into ball* Y-Yes!
    6. Highest leveled character in OS?
    You're probably going to laugh, but it's only 19. I really don't see the point in leveling to 20 as it only adds a small number of HP to your stats. I'd much rather spend the time hunting new monsters.
    FAREWELL! *DarkLore vanishes.
    See you around! Don't destroy everything with your darkness. =T

    Gorillo Titan -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 15:08:40)

    Whose your favorite One Piece character?
    I have so many! Hmmm. If I had to choose one it'd probably be Commodore Smoker! Or Hawkeye Mihawk. Or Don Quixote Doflamingo. Or Roronoa Zolo. Or <insert every other One Piece character>...
    If you could have any Devil Fruit which would it be?
    The Plume-Plume fruit!
    Which three OS characters do you wish had Rank ups?
    Hmm. Poison Drake, Void Reaper, and Weteye.
    Which one are you the most proud of having in your collection?
    Founder Champion! Mostly notably because I obtained it before Exp Boosts were introduced.

    Alaina -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 15:35:10)

    Hey Skurge! Congratulations! :D
    Hey Alaina! *Snuggle*

    I just have one question...
    And what might that be?

    You like cats like me, right?
    I love cats! There is one particular cat I know which reigns above the rest!

    See ya around! Meow! =^_^=
    See ya, and have a nice day o_q

    Death Lord -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 16:08:19)

    You may rise now *@"Echoes a soft voice, from everywhere (apparently)*
    *Looks around* Good gears! What's that echo?

    Where be ye looking, foolish mortal.I be standin' right in front of thou.
    By all that is Steampunk, it's you!

    Hey there Skurge/Nugget/Leader of Streampunk Lore and revolutionary!
    Hey. o 3o

    1.How diddya come to join the forums?
    I was inspired by StarDot.

    2.Oversoul,really? How does one enjoy a turn based card game?
    Yes OverSoul! :P It's a great game.

    3 Why do people keep talking about shackles when they mention Archknights?
    Because it's... They're... Watching me. <_< >_>

    4.Do you've any tips for a forum member like moi?
    Never give up. No matter what.

    5.Could you please answer the following question (My ocd can't take it anymore)

    What is the ideological relationship
    between the post-modern French writers
    of the mid 1930's and the various relio-
    political social military organizations that
    were formed in South-Eatern Asia during
    the pre-Cold War period, with regards to u
    how the anachronistic combination of
    such people, ideas, and organizations has
    a negative influence on the mediocre
    post-secondary education facilities of
    South America, with scholarly references
    to pre-existing issues such as the fact
    that local governments in North-Western
    Switzerland have relatively low tax
    incentives for the upper-middle class,
    and what militaristic undertones would a
    comprehensive solution to these
    philosophical issues contain?

    Where on earth did you find such a ridiculous question?! Well, if I must answer it, I will.. I believe that North Western Switzerland has absolutely no connection with the post-modern French writers. So that statement is null. Second, I'm very much against the idea of military solutions to most philosophical problems.

    6 Bleach vs One piece?
    Never read Bleach! D:

    O_o Congrats, you win a prize, and no, its not a box of gears.[;)]
    Ooooo. Shiny!

    7.How would you describe yourself as a person?
    Umm. Friendly and reliable. Yeah!

    8.What do you hope to attain as an Archknight?
    Fame and fortune.

    9.Who's your favourite forum member?(Pick me me me!!)
    StarDot Death Lord!

    10.Your opinion on Slytherins?
    They're slithery!

    11. Can I bribe you to ignore this question?
    Probably not.

    That's all, Congrats on being the newest Ak!
    Thanks! I'll do my best. Oh and watch your step on the way out. I left some tools on the ground.

    *tries to disappear...* *trips* *crashes into the wall*
    ... I warned you.

    /Never mind, I'll just use the door.
    Mhm. That'll probably make the most sense.

    Au revoir!
    See you!

    ~ Death Lord
    ~ Skurge

    Andlu -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 16:20:50)

    1- I said you could do it, but you didn't believe it e.e How's the feeling friend?
    Nervous, but fun!

    2- What do you think about steampunk dinosaurs?
    Sounds funky. I'd totally want one.

    3- Since you like Mjölnir, what do you like about it? (PS there is a Mjölnir weapon in AQW if you didn't get it yet
    How you can twirl it into a quick propeller and fly away (I have yet to obtain that, thanks!)

    4- Favourite show?
    Sherlock, 90's Nickelodeon cartoons, and Silent Library!

    5- Is the adventure of a steampunk AK hard?
    I suppose. I have yet to understand the craziness of it all, but I'll manage. >:3

    daichi -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 17:07:36)

    gratz skurge, you should feel proud! [:D]
    Thanks and I am!
    well, I guess I'll just fire away.

    1-Charmander, squirtle or bulbasaur?

    2-If you could only have one of these, which would it be? (1) a Lightsaber (2) a Tardis or (3) The one ring.
    Never watched Star Wars or Doctor Who, so I guess I'm stuck with the ring! Precioussssssss.

    3-Good or Evil? which one and why.
    Good! However I dislike all the gold and blue and talk of honor/valor. I'm only in it for the justice.

    4-do you like anime? if so which is your favorite? (mine's cowboy bebop)
    Dislike anime. They're always too long or horribly dubbed. I do like Cowboy Bebop though. Go Spike!

    5-have you ever seen steamboy? if so, did you like?
    I've never seen it! By the looks of the name however it seems interesting.

    6-thanks for answering my questions.[:D]
    Thanks for posting! :)

    congratulations once again good sir! I now present you with this invisible medal of awesomeness! *gives medal*
    :O It's so... Invisible! I love it!

    ~ Skurge

    EliteWarlockz -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 17:26:18)

    Greetings Sir Skurge*tips hat*,
    Oye, chavy. Fine day, idn'd it?

    Do you like trains? If not why?
    I love trains. They're the best form of transportation!

    What AE game do you like OS,AQW,AQ,ED,MQ or DF?
    I love all of them, however I play AQWorlds and OverSoul the most.

    Lastly What is your kryptonite?
    Rust catalysts.

    Crisis Hoarder -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 18:21:35)

    Hey Skurge! Grats on AKship :D
    Hello Crisis Hoarder and thanks! :)

    Alrighty, question cannon loaded an ready to fire.
    *Hides behind wall*

    1. What is your most favorite AE game?
    That's a tough one. I'm torn between AQWorlds and OverSoul!

    2. How did you come up with the name Skurge?
    Me and my brother thought up of the names "Skurge" and "Tarrund". We did "rock-paper-scissors" over Skurge and I won. :P

    4. Do you like steamy saunas?
    I love them, but only with extra steam!

    5. Where did number 3 go? D:
    The Abyss.

    6. You better still be postin in AQW forums. >.>
    Heh. Don't you worry about that. :P

    7. Favorite AQW map/event
    Easy! The original Voltaire's Friday the 13th event! We'll never forget the lag!

    8. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck were to be loaded with state of the art steam powered woodchucker with a built in steam massage?
    Hm, the amount of wood that a woodchucks could chuck varies on several factors. According to New York State wildlife expert Steamy McSteamy-ness, he concluded that a woodchuck could chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt. McSteamy-ness then calculated that if a woodchuck could chuck wood he would chuck an amount equal to roughly 350 kg. Combined with the state of the art steam powered woodchucker, one can clearly see that that figure can be doubled or many even tripled. Who's to say that a steam powered woodchucker can't chuck 1,000 kg or maybe even 2,000! Oh the possibilties!

    9. Can i has mod?
    Why're you asking me? =P

    10. Blue or Purple.
    Purple. Hands down. *Heh* Now that you mention it, purple is my favorite color *starts to sweat* What isn't there to like about it? *fixes tie nervously* Am I right, guys? Right!?

    Well that's all for now. :P
    Awww. :c

    Cya later!
    See you!

    Char -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 19:40:00)

    Oh Goodie. Been waiting a long time for this one *cracks knuckles*
    Are you gonna beat me up?! D: (and thanks for the edit code.)

    What are your thoughts on cake?
    Cake is good. But this is perfection.

    So, if Steampunk and water got merged, what would be the end result?
    Lot'sa rust.

    Now, it is time to make your brain explode... C:

    What is the ideological relationship between the post-modern French writers of the mid 1930's and the various relio-political social military organizations that were formed in South-Eatern Asia during the pre-Cold War period, with regards to how the anachronistic combination of such people, ideas, and organizations has a negative influence on the mediocre post-secondary education facilities of South America, with scholarly references to pre-existing issues such as the fact that local governments in North-Western Switzerland have relatively low tax incentives for the upper-middle class, and what militaristic undertones would a comprehensive solution to these philosophical issues contain?

    What an absurd question. Well, if I must answer it, I will.. I believe that North Western Switzerland has absolutely no connection with the post-modern French writers. So that statement is null. Second, I'm very much against the idea of military solutions to most philosophical problems.

    I'm a Dwagon!
    Whoo! Now go Dragon-up the place. :P

    Anyways, a SuperUltraMega Congratulations for you... See you around
    SuperUltraMega thanks! I'll see you around too. [;)]

    DeathGuard -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 19:51:18)

    Hello Steampunk Skurge!
    Hello Sieur DeathGuard!

    I have got some steampunky questions for ya! Here I go :3
    1)What is the game genre you like the most?
    RPG's and MMO's. MMORPG's!

    2)Saw you overcome with a new avatar, cool... is even that a question? Well, you should know!
    Hardest decision of my life. Trust me.

    3)What's your favorite OS character?
    If I had to choose one: Dire Monk.

    4)What is the career you plan to study?
    Software Developing (nothing to do with games though)

    5)Is there any character you wish had another forms?
    Poison Drake & Weteye.

    6)Which class you hate the most in high school?
    All of them. Hmm. Probably History.

    7)Would you love to pilot a mecha? If so, what type of attacks/power would it have? Close combat, ranged attacks, defense auras, incredible speed, etc.
    I've wanted to do that ever since I was a child. I'm pretty sure my Mecha would focus on defense as I love that type of combat (e.g: defense, defense, defense, until your opponent starts raging and quits)

    8)What is the moral value you treasure the most?
    Confidence, compassion, and effectiveness.

    9)Have you done anything that makes you proud?
    In real life or in game? If you mean for real life, I think it's when I completed my metric exams and came at 9th position.. Out of 2,000. In game it was probably when I got my Founder Champion without EXP Boost. I was ridiculously proud of that. :P

    10)Have you ever hated something so much you'd regret being the way you be?
    I've never hated something or someone like that. It's not in my nature.

    11)What you think is my weakness/strength?
    Yours? Well you're a heck of an artist. I don't know about weaknesses as I don't know you that personally.

    12)If you had to research about something, what would be the theme?
    Games and the effects it has on children.

    13)Which languages are you familiar with?
    You can probably tell that English is certainly not my first language. I can speak Persian and Afghan (yes, they're different) as well a tad bit of English.

    14) Something you would change from the past?
    Clueless. Nothing has affected me harshly enough to want me to change it.

    15) The greatest thing you have ever done?
    (Check #9!)

    Well, this is my first attack stack of questions, I should deliver more desperation happiness with my further questions. Catcha later mate ^^
    Oh my god am I still alive?! Whoo hoo! That was fun.

    I will repeat it once more: Congratulations and give your best! :D
    Thanks and I'll try my best!

    Megadragonknight -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 20:11:52)

    Hello Skurge! I knew you would be able to become the new Ak!
    You flatter me, Megadragonknight. :P

    1) You want a steampunk dragon?
    For free?!

    2) Who is the forumite that love Dragons too much that it even want to ask for any sorts of dragons?
    Hmm. I know one. You probably know him too.

    3) You want gold dragon? Say you do or suffer the consequences!* JK xD
    Ew, I hate gold! Yes! Thumbs up for Gold Dragon! :D

    4) Who would you support, Nulgath or Dage? And state would you do so for life?
    Nulgath. For all eternity.

    5) OS or AQW? Say OS or else suffer the wrath of me!*
    o_o OverSoul!

    6) Looking forward to Dragonfiend rider?
    Not as much as Gentleman 2013.

    7) Which character in each element are your favorite?
    Going in direct left-to-right order of elements: Dire Monk, Evil Jim, Frost Void, Volt Engineer, Taurus (I own both <3), Weteye, Founder Champion, and I'm stuck between Void Reaper or Darkon Drago.

    8) That's all of my question. Probably will give you more and maybe the next time i ask you, you will be tortured 100 times by my questions! [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]
    Haha, sure! Sounds fun (except that torturing part..)

    *I don't get killed for threatening Ak? Right? xD
    It's all for fun, no worries. :P

    Okay, so long Skurge! Oh, Congratz once again for being Ak!
    Thank you sieur MDK! Have a nice day. :)

    Mritha -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 22:05:10)


    Never watched Star Wars

    Your new homework assignment. Watch Star Wars. :|
    Yes, ma'am.

    Favorite food?
    Breakfast foods. Any really.

    Favorite vacation spot? (real or imagined, your choice)
    Land of Purple Purply-ness

    Cake or Pie?
    Pie. No cake. Nevermind, pie.

    Now go watch Star Wars >.>
    [&:] Uhm! Will do!

    Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/12/2013 22:06:33)

    Ohai Skurge!
    G'evening, Warden. The prisoners are rather calm today.

    Congratulations and welcome!
    Thanks.. And thanks!

    How's your sanity?
    Not very good. [&:]

    Are your shackles nice and cosy, if not, would you like shackle warmers?
    The steam puffing out of this one is keeping me warm. It's very nicely engineered.

    Which literary and film genres do you fancy?
    Shenmo, horror, and occasionally philosophical.

    Who are your favourite authors and directors?
    Favourite director is probably Neil Blomkamp. Can't say about author because I like a lot. o_o

    Are there any particular works, fictional or otherwise, that you enjoy?
    I'll just walk into a library and grab a few. I end up enjoying them regardless of the randomness.

    Hmmm... that's all from me... for now. Have fun!
    For now?! And will do. :3

    Beck -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/13/2013 0:05:03)

    Skuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrge! *flies and tackles you*
    *Oof!* Heyyy Beck! (Thanks for the edit codes)

    Haha, now it's YOUR turn to answer all these questions! So let's get started~
    *Hup!* *Hup!* Okay. I'm ready.

    A Gentleman such as yourself must be well-read! What are some of your all-time favorite books? Any you'd recommend?
    Malcolm X, Manufacturing Consent, Profit Over People, and a few other "controversial" books.

    How long have you been posting on the forums?
    I made an account in 2009, but I didn't start posting until 2011 or 2012. It's been an awesome ride.

    What do you like most about Oversoul?
    I like the creator, Nulgath. After that, I like how the game is a bit more mature than the other AE games.

    What would you like to see changed about Oversoul, as it develops?
    A more enhanced PvP system. One much like EpicDuel (where 2v2, 2v1, 1v1, chat, battle tokens, etc.) would be nice.

    How many languages do you speak? And of those, how many do you ACTUALLY speak? xD
    I can only speak Afghan fully. English and Persian are my second languages.

    If you had an airship, what would it look like? What you name it?
    An Airship? It would probably look like this. I dislike airships that rely on helium as they're very unsteady. I'm not very good with names though..

    What's a talent of yours that you're proud of?
    Solving a Rubik's Cube in 23 seconds.

    Who are some of your favorite players in Oversoul?
    All the players in my friends list!

    Why did you pick this edit color?
    Unfortunately, other AK's beat me to the Bronze/Gold theme. But I'm okay with this. :P

    What is your favorite background music in Oversoul?
    All of them! The Battle Theme in particular.

    What is your favorite 5 hit combo in Oversoul?
    That's a tough one. Probably Dire Monk or Founder Champion.

    Did the Purple Lady give you the initiation tattoo yet?
    Tattoo? *Looks on arm* ... Would you look at that.

    And finally, how do you feel about being an AK now? xD
    Nervous! xD

    Well, thanks for your time, and I look forward to working with such an honorable Gentleman as yourself!
    Thanks for posting! And I look forward to working with an icy beetle. :3

    BJEBLE -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/13/2013 1:45:25)

    Ohai there!
    Hello BJEBLE!

    Congrats on your AKship, on that note have you ever been to Alaska(Whose postal code is AK)
    Thanks! Hmm, never been to Alaska though.

    Do you like the forums of OS or OS itself?
    They both work together to form an awesome community.

    So you like Giraffes, how do you feel about Hippos?
    Not very fond of hippos.

    Are your shackles warmed up now?
    They're burning!

    If you were to combine any two characters, what would they be?
    That's a tough one. Umm. Dire Monk and Volt Engineer. :P

    On a scale of me to you, (me=1 , you=10) how would you rank yourself as a dueler in Oversoul?
    I don't quite understand the question. :v

    What is your favorite movie?
    Shadows of Liberty.

    Napoleon Dynamite?Or if you haven't already seen it, go see it. Now. After Star Wars of course
    Gawd! Friggin' idiot! (Napoleon Dynamite reference) And I have yet to watch Star Wars..

    Do you like sandwiches?
    Who doesn't?

    Well that's all.
    Aww. A door should appear in a few seconds..

    There's no door.
    Darn it. I think it's malfunctioning.

    Still no door.
    Ahh! *Smashes buttons* Any second now..

    Meh, I'll teleport now.
    Mkay. :I

    megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/13/2013 2:51:34)

    Hello there and commiserations congrats on AKship.
    Thanks, megakyle777. :)

    Most important question: WHY HAVE YOU NOT SUGGESTED A CLOCKWORK GENTLEMAN DRACOMANCER WITH LASER EYES AND A TOP HAT YET[>:] The Steampunk Gods say you are slipping because of that.
    ZOMG! I should totally do that!

    ...Who are the Steampunk Gods anyway?
    The Paragons on top the Spire (City of Steam reference, play it!).

    Ah well, I'm sure it's not too important.
    You've angered them! *Machinery starts malfunctioning*

    So, how did the dreaded much adored Purple One capture you? (Long and entertaining answer please)
    They laid out this really nice looking Steambike. It was the perfect bait.

    Any advice on how to escape the sight of her, or to escape if she sets her sights on you? I'm trying to create the definitive "How to escape the AKification Process" book which will cover stuff from staying out of sight to the worst case scenario of the brainwashing process (Which for some reason noone talks about or sometimes even remember). (Again, long and entertaining answer)
    Disrespect purple and you're a goner.

    Any other tips to pass on on that matter?

    Finally, Celestia or Luna and why? (If applicable. if not applicable, do research and then decide)
    I just saw the word "Pony". Sorry, not doing it.

    Also, WATCH DOCTOR WHO NOW. After Star Wars.
    B-B-B-But I already did. [&o]

    Truly finally, I'm glad someone remembers Gentleman 2013. I am looking forwards to that too. Though i expect I won't get it.
    Yes! I also remember your Gentleman character. But why won't you get it?

    See you!

    Zyrain -> RE: =MtAK= Gears & Cogs transform the OS GD! (11/13/2013 7:58:53)

    Yay! *runs around the steampunk with pure joy*
    Whooooo! (Thanks for the edit codes ^^)

    Congratulations, Skizzy! A very well-deserved position.
    Thanks Zuber Zobby McZoobiness the III

    Good luck and have fun! *snugglehugs*
    Thanks! ;D

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