Kitsune Mask (Full Version)

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Koree -> Kitsune Mask (11/22/2013 2:55:53)

Kitsune Mask

Location: Golden Giftboxes - Common Shop
Element: Fire
Level	10	30	50	70	90	110	130	150
PowLvl	19	36	54	73	93	113	133	153

Price	5	14	84	655	5252	42320	341169	2750588
Sell	2	7	42	327	2626	21160	170584	1375294

Activation: 0 turns

Effects: Improves your Fire resistance and Magic defence.
Fire	-2	-6	-7	-7	-8	-9	-10	-10
Magic	+2	+5	+5	+6	+6	+6	+6	+7
SPCost	11	32	37	38	43	47	52	53

This magical mask doesn't actually make you foxy, but it will provide you with both Fire resistance and defence against Magic attacks!


Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to Ash and In Media Res.


August 22, 2013: The item was released.

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