RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (Full Version)

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MrBones -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/7/2013 8:01:13)

They mentioned an 'Epic Hoarder' cheevo for people who had over 100 inventory slots. I am one one of those people and I don't have the cheevo.....


skeletondude -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/7/2013 8:20:04)

I'm still trying to figure out how in the world can anyone get more than 300 cheevos? And I nearly have around 127.. it's along way to got for those who didn't start playing since beta.

Altador987 -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/7/2013 10:04:52)

@remorse wehy do you think that? you still haven't explained why, also if a cyhunter can beat a bh, then that means some balance has been restored as cyhunter's can barely function especially with a 5 focus build

8x -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/7/2013 11:56:53)


I'm still trying to figure out how in the world can anyone get more than 300 cheevos? And I nearly have around 127.. it's along way to got for those who didn't start playing since beta.

I'm pretty sure that they counted ranking achievements as more than one. For example, you only have one Frysteland war achievement, but NW counted all 11 of them. Sure, there are 300 images of different achievements, but I don't think that anyone can even obtain over 150.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/7/2013 12:25:21)

I'd Like To "Bump" What MrBones (DBag) Posted And Ask About The Epic Hoarder Achievement For Those With Maxed Out Inventory Slots.

This Was Mentioned To Be Coming With The New Achievement System Update And Was Not Mentioned Since.

Also, My Rating Total Went Down By Like 200+ Points. I'm Not Even Sure Why Or How, But I Wanted To Point That Out As Well, For The Record.

Anyways, Happy Holidays Everyone! Enjoy.

~ Buffy

Rayman -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/7/2013 12:28:47)

The new Inventory Cheevo haven't been drawed yet, so that's for the Next Update, And about missing ratings, True I Had 3 Blue stars and now I have 2 because there's a bug (About some missing cheevos that are in your char page but not in-game, Like Epic stylish and others) you can see it in the bugs section.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/7/2013 12:30:49)

Buffy, you may want to check this:

Credits to martinsen5 for finding the tweet. ^^ Also, the lower Rating Points you mention, that's actually a confirmed bug: (one example)
You will get the missing Rating Points back, once it's fixed. They aren't lost forever!

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/7/2013 16:12:38)

Finally Botanical Hazard got nerfed !!!


Tactical Map sellable for 250 credits
Egg Sac sellable for 150 credits

Does it mean they are just junk items and should be
sold or will they have a use in further missions ?

A good update. Static Grenade should get nerfed a bit because compared
to Assimilaton and the Battery Backup combo it does drain and regen about
the same ammount of energy but in just 1 turn. Because Assimilation does
weak damage and can waste rage Static Grenade is more powerfull as the
BH can do a better attack than Assimilation especially when having Rage.

Pemberton -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/7/2013 21:02:05)

^ Disappointed with the egg sac and tactical map as well.
Battery is also 4 more turns. So Static Charge is 3 turn cooldown and in 1 move.
Battery and Assimilation in 2 moves and 7 turn cooldown in total. Totally balanced lol.
To add to the fact that mages are supposed to be the class for energy/ magic.
Now Bounty is the class for health regen, they are better at energy control too. Nice.

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/9/2013 4:23:29)

Btw what happened to the Epic Hoarder achievement for having more than 99 inventory slots ?
It was said to be released last friday.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= December 6th, 2013 - Winter Returns Patch Notes - 1.5.41 (12/9/2013 10:24:56)

Thylek: Read Trans post or my post Above.

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