RE: MtAK: Balisong birdy is here! (Full Version)

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Aura Knight -> RE: MtAK: Balisong birdy is here! (12/26/2013 23:55:57)

Hey! \(^_^)/

Hello! \o/

Congrats on being made AK! (>^_^<)

Thank you! *hug*

I didn't know you played AQW. :O

Yup! Have since Beta!

You sound familiar. Do I know you from somewhere? o.O lol :P

XP Was thinking the same thing!

Anyway, bai for nao (^_^)/

Bye Buddy!

guthixnite -> RE: MtAK: Balisong birdy is here! (12/27/2013 0:18:21)

Page two! Wewt! The Guthly Knight has returned! *green smokebomb*
Now, onto the second round of interrogati- errr... I mean...Tortu- Ack! I mean...Questioning...yessss, thats the one....

Yay! The Guth is back! :D

1) What color are your shackles?

Greenish blue!

2 A) If green, can I touch them?

Yus! *lets Guth touch the shackles*

2 B) If purple or pink or any thing of the semblance, can I burn them?

Nu! D: Mel would purplize you!

3) Do you watch Sword Art Online?

No, not yet.

4 A) If yes, who is your favorite char, and why?

4 B) If no, why not!?

Just never got around to it!

5) Cookie, or cake?

Cake! :D

6) Pie, or cake?

Cake! :D

7) Bacon, or cake?

Cake! :D

8) Bacon, or bacon cake?

Bacon! :D

9) Can you grant a wish for ten more questions?

Sadly, no! D:

10) So....Can I have that cookie from before?

Yush! *gives Guth a plate of cookies*

Now, I am off! *smokebomb, and runs off like Batman, before tripping over a rock and faceplanting through Serenity's Inn(REFERENCE!)*

Bye BatGuth!

Lemonus -> RE: MtAK: Balisong birdy is here! (12/27/2013 2:11:07)

Page 2! *pokes Raylas with a Master Ball* Now go play with Yveltal :D

*poked, whatchaws the masterball away* D: *flees from the battle*

Here's some lemonade.

Ooooh! *drinks it like a dipping bird toy*

Did I get your font color right?

Actually, no. BUT, I do appreciate the effort immensly!

Why not Wynaut Espurr Hoothoot?

Too many corners! D:<

Spikes or Stealth Rock?

Spikes! I like pointy things -w-

.___________________. *mimics a whale cry*
THINK FAST! 1+72% = ?

Lol I dunno! *is bad at math*

The answer to the universe?

42, everybody knows that!

Favorite genre of games?

Hmmm. Probably action games/sandbox.
Junk or Dirt?


If you could choose between a steampunk setting or a modern medieval one, which one would you pick?

Steampunk, I think. I like the gears -w-


*uses self destruct* YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME UNFAINTED! D:

Law, Chaos or Neutral?

Chaos. Specifically, chaotic good.

Couldn't think of anything else so... I'm off again. For now. Raylas, return! See ya :D Been nice asking you!

Bye Lemony one! I hope to see you around! :D

raylas -> RE: MtAK: Balisong birdy is here! (1/3/2014 22:16:11)

Okay, due to unexpected kerfuffle with the holidays and all that jazz, I'm gonna let this run for another week. It'll be closed next friday. I just don't think it's fair to expect people to miss the fun because of the holidays. This is a sort of last call extension of the thread, have at it!

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