Where do you keep your bot? (Full Version)

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GearzHeadz -> Where do you keep your bot? (12/29/2013 16:49:31)

This is a thread about where you keep your bot when you aren't using it. As for example, when I'm not using my android I put it on a charger. Or I keep my omega yeti on a leash. So what kind of bit do you have and where do you keep it?

Mother1 -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (12/29/2013 17:19:44)

Assault bot E- on the charger jabbing electrical sockets to keep it's claws sharp
Azreal borg - have it breaking hearts with it's tail in my home
Bio borg - Keep it in the garden to spreading it's thorns to keep pests away
Botanical hazard - with the bio borg poisoning the pests that get through the thorns
Omega Dark yeti- Have it in the scarp yard eating my old broken weapons
Omega Baby yeti- See Omega Dark Yeti
Golden yeti- Same as Omega dark and baby yeti
Pyro fly- using it's pyro beam to carve ditches around my home.

CN2025 -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (12/29/2013 17:20:56)

in my inventory

they r like pokemon to me :P

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (12/29/2013 20:07:31)

My Assault bot was useless, so I punched a hole in it and scrapped the rest for credits.

My IA is currently not in use. It's absorbing the corpses of my victims.

kittycat -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (12/29/2013 20:32:05)

Pyro Fly - practicing which skills to disable during battle
Assault Bots P & E - sharpening its claws everyday.
Infernal Android - Practicing its beam attack.

Pemberton -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (12/29/2013 22:58:09)

assault bot-trash can
gamma bot-trash can

Stabilis -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (12/29/2013 23:15:12)

My Gamma Bot is in my memories. Where it belongs.

Azwan -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (1/5/2014 11:50:36)

I keep it in the sky since thats where it appears to come from when I call it forth.

Jekyll -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (1/6/2014 7:26:38)

Pyro Fly - Hidden far away. Just got insulted, verbally abused by someone who did not have the bot and was jealous of it. Needless to say, it zapped the life out of him.

CN2025 -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (1/6/2014 15:12:29)

try using it on me because i have useless high lvl skills so im kinda immune :D

ValkyrieKnight -> RE: Where do you keep your bot? (1/6/2014 15:21:19)

Keep what Robots? I've been using Good ol Rusty since I first found him as a battle drop. I've not used another robot ever :D

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