Forum Mates (Full Version)

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toopygoo -> Forum Mates (1/17/2014 23:42:37)

Forum Mates

Leader: Toopygoo

Second in command:
Cyber Dream

Focus:We are a group of player friendly, but vigilante Forum members who enjoy talking/debating about ED.

Requirements and Instructions to join: No level requirement, but commitment is necessary. Please only use your main character, or the one that is linked to the forums. We haven't decided what period of inactivity will get you kicked, but please be active on either the forum or in game so your spot isn't taken.
Also, you must be on the forums with at least 100 posts in order to apply.

Group ranks:

Everyone is equal

Group story: yet to come. will be written by a willing member.

Group Restrictions/Rules:
Do not join any other cults.
Do not spam the presidents mailbox.
Do not advertise hate comments.
Do not ignite things that do not belong to you.

Goals: To help ED Devs find balance in today's abusive world.

Enemies: If legion makes a counterpart to us, then they will be our friendly rivals.

Number of Members with a List: 7 members recognized currently
Cyber Dream
Xx Christian xX
Exploding Penguin

ill add more members as they join, or they remind me to add them:P sorry if i missed you!

To do list:
Write our Backstory
Create a wiki page
Finalize recruitment requirements
Make a common Signature
Decorate this thread with picture and links and all the cool stuff
Convince legion to make rival faction

Signature was made by xShadowHunterx
he has an art shop: He's Awesome!

If you wish to undertake any of those tasks, please send me a PM, so i can add you name next to it, so everyone knows that someone is already doing that, thanks [:D]

toopygoo -> RE: Forum Mates (2/8/2014 12:32:38)

New idea (This belongs to Exploding Penguin):

-Introduction to the battle system: Something everyone should read. Introduces everyone to the concepts of Early Game, Mid-game, and End-game.
-Terminology: Introduces common-used forum terminology as well as some new ones used in the guide quite frequently.
-Metagame introduction. This will introduce the concept of metagame to everyone. The metagame is heavily influenced by anchors and pivot skills, as well as energy flow.
-Formulas: These will just tell everyone the exact ways of calculating all chances based off of the RNG. This includes just basic damage dealt, block chance, deflection chance, crit chance, etc...
-Class Breakdowns: This will break down every single class and fully explain each skill and their implicated strategies, effects, and other similar properties pertaining to the class they belong to.
-Skill Core Breakdowns: This will break down all skill cores and fully explain their possible successful strategies, implications for the battle in general, and application to all 6 classes individually.
-Class properties in the ever-changing battle: Fully break down class performance, strategies, and other similar things for each individual class to the Early Game, Mid-game, and Endgame.
-Metagame, the thinking and strategic part of battle: Fully break down the metagame in each phase (early game, mid-game, and endgame) in general. Explains the typical events that happen.
-Classes in the Metagame: A return to the class breakdowns. This will fully breakdown classes in the metagame in general, and provide their properties and strategies for it as well.

To add to that list on the complete battle guide, I forgot to mention that there will also be a robot breakdown section along with all of the robots' strategic implications with each separate class as well.

We can also take on projects such as testing some things, such as the common misconception about plasma cannon crit chance or hunters' increased block chance, then provide videos, charts, etc...

...whew. I think that's it for what I think could be in the battle guide. If we decide to do this as a forum, I'll take the responsibility of typing it all up, but as a collective faction we should all gather information individually then come together in a council to decide what should pass and what shouldn't. Shall we choose to accept this difficult but very contributing project, we'll become very noticed in terms of community recognition. The project in itself is massive and will probably take multiple months to write. We'll keep it updated every week or so, or at least every time there's balance changes/new skill cores introduced. It'll be kind of like a wiki except for battle strategy alone.

I'm willing to do my part, set up a website, decorate, and do tests and such in game. I am also frequent in recording my blocks and whatnot, and i can record strategies. Any fellow forumites up to this challenge? We can do balance conversations, and simple opinion based discussions, and reviews on particular cores and abilities, for people who do a little research to see. Help out the player base by providing early reviews on Varium packs, seasonal rares, tactics, anything and everything that people sometimes feel they waste time on in ED. who thinks they can help?

Simon Gibson -> RE: Forum Mates (10/8/2016 3:49:52)

That's a great idea. As a newbie it will be brilliant for people like me.

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