iStorm's Art Gallery (Full Version)

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iStorm -> iStorm's Art Gallery (1/21/2014 3:27:50)

Hey, fellow Guardians and Adventurers!

I've come to love playing Adventure Quest after 5 years of joining, and have wanted to show some gratitude by drawing and then posting art!

I'm quite new with drawing art that is BASED on something. So, please give some feedback on how I can improve in future artwork

Battles/Custom Quests

iStorm -> RE: iStorm's Art Gallery (1/21/2014 3:54:36)

Shadow Player


pRopaaNS1337 -> RE: iStorm's Art Gallery (1/21/2014 4:22:00)

Nice. I think it's interesting idea to make this picture including AQ game menu elements, which gives impression like it's actually happening in game, making it easier to relate to and understand idea behind this picture. Not that it's polished, but imo it's fine, since this picture isn't focused on showcasing your drawing skills but creativity. :)

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