The Lords Official Armory! (Full Version)

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Lord Noonien Soong -> The Lords Official Armory! (1/25/2014 13:01:31)

Hello! I'm Lord Noonien Soong, also known as Dollarmoth#1 to some who know me from my early forum days ;) I know that my photos are very seedy lookin' but you can still leave a comment :p

Ancient Rune Cleaver
Elven Crysallis Claymore
Royal Sword (title subject to change)
Angelic Dementia
Ancient Sword of the Time Dragon

Please do not multi-post. You are only allowed to bump your art gallery if you are posting new artwork and there has been a 24 hour gap between the posts. Next time, please use the Edit button. ~Zyrain

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: The Lords Official Armory! (2/1/2014 9:05:48)

New Weps incoming!

Does this look like a battleaxe?
Unnamed battleaxe design

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: The Lords Official Armory! (2/12/2014 8:06:17)

Some hammer-axe thing

New Scythe

A battlehammer thor would be proud of

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: The Lords Official Armory! (2/14/2014 11:02:29)

Ancient Swords(the 'dot' is a rune)

Skull sword w/ lightning

You just got ninja'd!

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: The Lords Official Armory! (2/15/2014 11:35:01)

Crafted these all this morning the third one is a little iffy though

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: The Lords Official Armory! (2/16/2014 22:16:38)

Gonna start outlining in pen, makes more of a 'pop'

bartirix -> RE: The Lords Official Armory! (3/13/2014 14:43:50)

Cool work bro, keep it up :3

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: The Lords Official Armory! (3/14/2014 9:31:19)

Thanks :) means alot!

For other viewers: to explain my temporary hiatus, I,ve sampling some different shading and stuff, I'll try to have it all up by maybe tonight or tommorow!

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: The Lords Official Armory! (3/16/2014 11:14:32)

Hellbinder Armour (arms need some work though)

Random Armor Set

Hellbinder Sword

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: The Lords Official Armory! (3/17/2014 10:02:27)

I call this the Siege of Swordhaven

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