Kryostic's Art Gallery! (Full Version)

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AQKryostic -> Kryostic's Art Gallery! (2/16/2014 18:29:39)

This is my forum thread for all my art and stuff that you look at for some reason. Oh yea, and my twitter for faster updates. Click this for my twitter. If you want to. :/
So there will be a link here for a AQW gallery once I start to do some AQW styled things.
This will be the index.

Scythes: Valentines Soul Reaver

Swords: Sir Kry's Blade (Trashed.)
Arachnomancer Shanker! (Before finished.)





Scythes: Valentines Soul Reaver






AQKryostic -> RE: Kryostic's Art Gallery! (2/17/2014 12:16:31)

Valentines Soul Reaver Finished!

AQKryostic -> RE: Kryostic's Art Gallery! (2/17/2014 20:16:43)

Sir Kry's Blade (Before being finished)

pRopaaNS1337 -> RE: Kryostic's Art Gallery! (2/17/2014 21:10:21)

gj. I envy people whose can draw solid finished shapes for I'm bad at this myself for drawing over and over multiple lines to find better shapes.

However, although those are just few drawings, but I feel like you're drawing random shapes without concerning yourself about outcome. I'd suggest to change your drawing practices. For example, you could do it like this- start by sketching some primal shapes, then pick one which inspires you the most. After you pick one, keep redrawing for adding more details to it gradually.
Otherwise using improper drawing practices can not only stall your growth, but also can shift your artistical senses, because repetition leads to adaption. Surely you will improve as you keep drawing, but if you focus on drawing only specific things then as result you will become unproportionally good at it while having neglected other qualities(although that's called "style"). Just saying, because in art creativity is the priority, which is why for artist is better to be more diverse than being specialized at specific tasks.
Keep drawing and enjoy it. :)

AQKryostic -> RE: Kryostic's Art Gallery! (2/17/2014 21:23:45)

I will take this into consideration! My graphics tablet just started to work, so I will plan on taking your advice. Also you're just about right for the the first weapon, my scythe but this new blade I'm working on is based off a mecha I saw/long sword. So I wanted to keep some of it shaped to the mecha.

pRopaaNS1337 -> RE: Kryostic's Art Gallery! (2/18/2014 8:03:55)

Have fun. :) Using graphics tablet is great.
I could say more about that scythe and sword, but I don't think there is need for it, because you will surely improve just fine on your own. Except if you run into problems concerning your motivation/inspirations.

Zeruphantom -> RE: Kryostic's Art Gallery! (3/7/2014 23:52:47)

As an artist myself, I find simplicity is often the most effective way to do things. With that being said, I would consider adding some "bulk" to your weapons. A thin scythe or a small blade, more or less, isn't going to aesthetically please everyone. Perhaps try adding some extra patterns or texture (flames, glows etc) to both the interior and exterior, just to spice things up.

One tiny intricacy can change a whole picture completely.

AQKryostic -> RE: Kryostic's Art Gallery! (3/29/2014 2:48:09)

Arachnomancer Shanker! (Before finished.)

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