RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (Full Version)

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Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (4/23/2014 22:13:49)

Please,help me ! I actually running dry on ideas and I really take suggestions even if it is a big project(eg:DFGD Set of weapons).Please give me an idea and a reference to look at so I can base of it when I draw.

EDIT:Did you see my geoto berserker ?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (4/24/2014 16:23:49)

Yes I did see it.

Nice work, the detail on the crest is great and the axe seems fitting for the design.

Ok art ideas, here are a few quick ones I came up with.
1. Drawing the clan base, interior or exterior.
2. Drawing the Geoto NPC.
3. Drawing some ranged weaponry and/or armor for a ranged user
4. Drawing Geoto mages.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (7/26/2015 12:50:32)

I will get on it,Ollie !

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (7/27/2015 0:33:02)

Nice to see you Warmonger DragonJax, can't wait to see more of your work. Good to not be the only Geotian around in Paxia as well.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto artwork discussion thread (10/29/2018 9:10:05)

Darn, it's been 3 years and I still didn't finish this stuff.

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