RE: =AQ= User interface update (Full Version)

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=AQ= User interface update

  70% (294)
  30% (126)

Total Votes : 420
(last vote on : 3/6/2014 11:44:24)
(Poll ended: 3/7/2014 14:41:00)


Lord Tenebros -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 16:54:40)

My only complaint is that the white numbers on the mana bar are hard to see...but other than that I love the new interface change!

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 17:01:48)

Oooo, the HP/MP/SP bars looks so refreshing, it makes me hungry for candy ^^ Looks so fresh.
It looks so new, so great aswell. Even the Name looks really good, like darker gold.


Ranloth -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 17:05:00)

My only complaint is, our name isn't centered. It's a very petty thing, but it looks meh the way it is now. That's pretty much it.

Mordred -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 17:11:16)

I just wish we had that cool druidic runic symbol thing behind the bars, in all its shiny, golden wonder. :P

Tumulus -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 17:18:08)

Oooh... It's all shiny now, it will take time getting used to though. [8D]

Any plan on updating Character Page? Maybe we can finally see different armors on our characters other than only no drops? That would be awesome sauce. :3

Kay Oh -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 17:35:58)

I love the update but how come you didn't update the interface with the attack option, etc?

Kalle29 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 17:43:25)

is it live?

edit: OK, live for me as well now. looks nice.

Spyduh -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 17:43:58)

Wow, I really like it.

I don't mean to complain, but the only thing I would change is making the mana bar a darker blue like before. That might just be because I'm so used to that though.
But yea, looks great. :)

drameth -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 17:48:31)


Lord Athor -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 18:09:09)

Oh wow, that's bright and shiny.... will take a bit to get used to, nice though.
Would have like to get the wooden one as well but this looks better than I thought, good job.

overdead -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 19:18:14)

Why is mine a combination of gold and wood? :( I thought gold won?

rosaxx50 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 19:19:56)

I was puzzling over the AQ logo when I logged in because of the colour change, but then I saw the interface. Best of both worlds, looks absolutely wonderful. The blue mana bar is a tad too light to see the numbers easily, but even so, I love it!


Rhowena -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 19:23:10)

I notice that the estate UI is still the same; are there plans to make it super-shiny as well?

overdead -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 19:24:13)

I realized that it is so nice. :) I like it so so much. Looks like the combination works so well. Good job!

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 19:24:43)


The Golden Interface looks very regal, I like it :D

Avalonmerlin -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 19:32:22)

Meh, not bad. But the pop-up scrolls are kinda messed up. I would recommend making it a rectangle and removing the curls at the bottom and top. Also, ditto on the mana bar.

lh47 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 21:18:14)

Same as everyone else, MP bar is too hard to read, scroll is unnecessarily complex, but everything else is fine.

Lord Markov -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 21:40:55)

Apparently then I'm the only one who finds the AQ logo a tad more orange than gold...

zekefreed777 -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 22:00:32)

I think black font would be more clear to see than white font through the HP/MP/SP bars since they are bright and sparkly and it would help the eyes, but overall I find the overhaul to be refreshing!

Bolter -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 22:05:28)

Golden suits the new glossiness of the HP, MP and SP better, so yea Golden

Affinity -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 22:19:31)

Loving the new user interface so far with the shiny stuff and all, although I find the MP bar to be too bright and it kind of hurts my eyes.

bvd -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 22:25:55)

its ok... should be worrying about updating other parts of the game

Darches -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 22:45:00)

Darken the MP bar or make the number black...

What flavor mana is that? I've never seen an MP bar that bright.

Gn3ranger -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 22:45:35)

wow i like this even the page that shows our stats looks very nice now Looking good [8D]

Righteous Ranger -> RE: =AQ= User interface update (2/28/2014 22:48:02)

Looking good!

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