DarkLore -> RE: (AQ) Deathor: Son of Death! (5/21/2014 21:03:24)
Ch. 3 Kid unkillable!: Deathor's carny days! I don't know why I was running. Maybe I was just heart-broken. Maybe... I was halted by what father calls a carnival. I saw many strange and wonderful things. There was a juggler, bearded lady, and even the self proclaimed "Strongest man in the world." Then I realized... I was starving. Yes I couldn't die due to my heritage, but my stomach was in knots. I had no gold to spend on any food. A man quickly approached me. He asked where my parents were. I figured I shouldn't tell him the truth. Either that could have frightened him off, or worse, make me a carny like the rest. I simply told him I was an orphan. Not really a lie in my current situation. He noticed something about me he found intriguing. He asked me why my skin and eyes were so unnaturally colored. I ignored the question. Then my worst fear came to be. He said he was going to find out what skills I had. I was worried, until I saw the cut of gold the carnies got from performing. I could buy more than food with that much gold. Heck! I could buy my own house! I didn't see any other kids who were carnies. I worried how that would affect my pay. Boy that owner sure never saw anything like me before. He asked what skills I had. I of course lied, saying I had none. He didn't buy that. He decided to take me in as his own. He was far to busy with his business to ever have children. let alone, even a girlfriend. One night after there was a break in. I saw bandits! I approached them. They were not afraid of me. They saw plenty of freaks in their day. To them, I was nothing compared to what they've seen. I tried hitting them. Now normally, I'd go all out and smash faces in. But I held back. Too much. They laughed. Then, they tabbed me. But I stood there without gasping. The bandits turned paler than banshees. They begged me to let them go. The dagger was still in my chest. The bandit couldn't remove it. I was focusing my power to keep the knife still. They ran like the pathetic dogs they were. I heard an ominous slow-clap. It was Carney himself! (Its his nickname. No one knew his real name.) He was impressed. He had been trying to catch those bandits for weeks. Nothing seemed to frighten them. Until they saw what I was capable of! Sadly this meant the worst. I was now a carny. For life! At first the public seemed concerned for me. Being a child and all, people would protest. But when they saw what I could do. They were scared. one time I fought with Mr. Steel. It was a stunt planned by Carney. Mr. Steel was the strongest man in the world. At least everyone thought he was. He was allowed to brutalize me any way he pleased. I had signed a contract stating any injuries I sustained could not be held against Carney or anyone who worked with him. Mr. Steel should have backed down. He took one swing. CRACK! His hand was shattered! He was bawling like a small infant. Carney lifted down his shades with an evil smile. He knew now what to call me after pondering for so long. Kid unkillable. Oh they tried many methods. Setting me on fire, blowing me up, and even trying to shred me. But every attempt ended in tragedy for each machine or weapon. Everything broke upon contact to my skin. I was pretty mad one day. I asked Carney why I hadn't got my gold since I started working. He merely said I needed to learn responsibility. By having no pay, that helped build character. I knew he was a filthy liar though. One day, I had enough. I walked right up to Carney's tent. Then I was surrounded! All the other carnies were there. Mr. Steel had to have a prosthetic hand magically attached to his arm back when I broke his flesh one. Carney came out of his tent. Then I told him. I told him I was Death's son. The carnies stood in fear. They knew I was not lying. Carney simply smiled and said he already knew. I questioned him how he knew. He said it didn't take long to put the pieces together. My strange undead-like complexion. My red eyes. He said I was going to make him rich. Not today though. I clenched my hand tight. Carney gasped for air. He begged me to stop. But I had already been dealt a bad misfortune before meeting him one month ago. He died. I took his soul. Stright to heck I sent it! The carnies were scared. I told them it was all right. Carney couldn't hurt anyone now. They asked where we would go. I saw a sign. It read "Battleon 10 miles North." I knew where we were going. The End?