serenity_777_ -> RE: A Guide to Alchemy (3/11/2014 13:47:06)
E. Using Tonics Tonics should be used very carefully. Since all tonics are used to boost your stats, know what build you are using for your class, and use the appropriate tonic to help you enhance your build. A bad scenario example would be someone equipped with Mage Class using the Brawn Tonic. The only skill that would even benefit from this tonic would be the auto-attack skill since it is Physical. Refer to here if you're ever not sure what tonics to use! Note: I will be using the word Caster Class and Magical/Magic Class. Those 3 different names mean the same type of class! Note 2: You may notice that multiple potions have the same rec./class rec./use when/don't use when, but that is (most of the time) intended! Lots of potions have almost the exact same powers. 1. Alchemy Tonics /join alchemy Basic Brawn Tonic Recommendation: This is good for classes that use fighter enhancements. Class Recommendation: Enforcer, Defender, Dragonlord, Doomknight. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Basic Brave Tonic Recommendation: This is good for tank classes. Class Recommendation: Enforcer, Warrior, Elemental Dracomancer. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Basic Body Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for tank builds, as those rely the most on high hp in order to survive. However, using an endurance boost for any build never hurts! Class Recommendation: Tank classes. Use When: You want an hp boost. Don't Use When: N/A Basic Bright Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for classes with magical attacks since this tonic boosts your intellect. An attack that is categorized as "magical" will have its attack boosted by 8%! Furthermore, if you have a caster class equipped, your haste will be boosted! Class Recommendation: Caster Classes the most, but any class that has a magical move you want to do boosted damage. Use When: You want a magical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a physical move, or have no magical moves in your class. Basic Brilliance Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for classes with magical attacks since this tonic boosts your intellect. An attack that is categorized as "magical" will have its attack boosted by 14%! Furthermore, if you have a caster class equipped, your haste will be boosted! Class Recommendation: Caster Classes the most, but any class that has a magical move you want to do boosted damage. Use When: You want a magical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a physical move, or have no magical moves in your class. Basic Chance Tonic Recommendation: This class is for any class with high luck status. Class Recommendation: Dragonlord, Elemental Warrior, Warrior, Defender, Evolved Clawsuit, Pirate. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Basic Cunning Tonic Recommendation: This is good for any class with high dexterity status. Class Recommendation: Pirate, Blade Master, Dragon Shinobi. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Basic Fate Tonic Recommendation: The thing I like the most about the luck stat is that you can enhance it for any build. Use this potion when you want to raise the chance to do a critical strike! Class Recommendation: All classes. Use When: You want to boost the chance of getting a critical hit. Don't Use When: Using a move that crits 100% of the time. (Ex. Alpha Omega's Bunker Buster) Basic Foresight Tonic Recommendation: I highly recommended this for Magic classes, since wisdom boosts haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. However, if you are looking only to boost evasion (blocking hits), then Melee classes can benefit off of a dexterity boost. Class Recommendation: Magic Classes the most, but Melee Classes can also benefit from an evasion boost. Use When: You want to boost haste, evasion and crits for Magical Classes, or want to boost evasion with Melee Classes. Don't Use When: N/A Basic Fortune Tonic Recommendation: The thing I like the most about the luck stat is that you can enhance it for any build. Use this potion when you want to raise the chance to do a critical strike! Class Recommendation: All classes. Use When: You want to boost the chance of getting a critical hit. Don't Use When: Using a move that crits 100% of the time. (Ex. Alpha Omega's Bunker Buster) Basic Fortitude Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high endurance. Class Recommendation: Warrior, Elemental Dracomancer, Enforcer. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Basic Karma Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high luck status. Class Recommendation: Dragonlord, Defender, Elemental Warrior. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Basic Mastery Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high dexterity. Class Recommendation: Vampire, Pirate, Dragon Shinobi. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Basic Might Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for melee classes or classes that have more physical moves than magical ones. Since this tonic boosts your strength, only physical attacks will receive boosted damage. Melee classes benefit more from higher strength, as it increases their chance to crit. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes the most, but any class that has more physical moves than magical moves. Use When: You want a physical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a magical move, or have no physical moves in your class. Basic Mind Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for classes with magical attacks since this tonic boosts your intellect. An attack that is categorized as "magical" will have its attack boosted by 12%! Furthermore, if you have a caster class equipped, your haste will be boosted! Class Recommendation: Caster Classes the most, but any class that has a magical move you want to do boosted damage. Use When: You want a magical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a physical move, or have no magical moves in your class. Basic Power Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for melee classes or classes that have more physical moves than magical ones. Since this tonic boosts your strength, only physical attacks will receive boosted damage. Melee classes benefit more from higher strength, as it increases their chance to crit. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes the most, but any class that has more physical moves than magical moves. Use When: You want a physical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a magical move, or have no physical moves in your class. Basic Wise Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high wisdom status. Class Recommendation: Mage, Troll spell smith, Oracle, Healer. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Body Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for tank builds, as those rely the most on high hp in order to survive. However, using an endurance boost for any build never hurts! Class Recommendation: Tank classes like Blood Titan. Use When: You want an hp boost. Don't Use When: N/A Brave Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for tank builds, as those rely the most on high hp in order to survive. However, using an endurance boost for any build never hurts! Class Recommendation: Tank classes like Blood Titan. Use When: You want an hp boost. Don't Use When: N/A Brawn Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for melee classes or classes that have more physical moves than magical ones. Since this tonic boosts your strength, only physical attacks will receive boosted damage. Melee classes benefit more from higher strength, as it increases their chance to crit. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes the most, but any class that has more physical moves than magical moves. Use When: You want a physical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a magical move, or have no physical moves in your class. Bright Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for classes with magical attacks since this tonic boosts your intellect. An attack that is categorized as "magical" will have its attack boosted by 10%! Furthermore, if you have a caster class equipped, your haste will be boosted! Class Recommendation: Caster Classes the most, but any class that has a magical move you want to do boosted damage. Use When: You want a magical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a physical move, or have no magical moves in your class. Brilliance Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for classes with magical attacks since this tonic boosts your intellect. An attack that is categorized as "magical" will have its attack boosted by 16%! Furthermore, if you have a caster class equipped, your haste will be boosted! Class Recommendation: Caster Classes the most, but any class that has a magical move you want to do boosted damage. Use When: You want a magical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a physical move, or have no magical moves in your class. Brute Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for melee classes or classes that have more physical moves than magical ones. Since this tonic boosts your strength, only physical attacks will receive boosted damage. Melee classes benefit more from higher strength, as it increases their chance to crit. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes the most, but any class that has more physical moves than magical moves. Use When: You want a physical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a magical move, or have no physical moves in your class. Chance Tonic Recommendation: The thing I like the most about the luck stat is that you can enhance it for any build. Use this potion when you want to raise the chance to do a critical strike! Class Recommendation: All classes. Use When: You want to boost the chance of getting a critical hit. Don't Use When: Using a move that crits 100% of the time. (Ex. Alpha Omega's Bunker Buster) Courage Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for tank builds, as those rely the most on high hp in order to survive. However, using an endurance boost for any build never hurts! Class Recommendation: Tank classes like Blood Titan. Use When: You want an hp boost. Don't Use When: N/A Cunning Tonic Recommendation: I highly recommended this for Magic classes, since wisdom boosts haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. However, if you are looking only to boost evasion (blocking hits), then Melee classes can benefit off of a dexterity boost. Class Recommendation: Magic Classes the most, but Melee Classes can also benefit from an evasion boost. Use When: You want to boost haste, evasion and crits for Magical Classes, or want to boost evasion with Melee Classes. Don't Use When: N/A Fate Tonic Recommendation: The thing I like the most about the luck stat is that you can enhance it for any build. Use this potion when you want to raise the chance to do a critical strike! Class Recommendation: All classes. Use When: You want to boost the chance of getting a critical hit. Don't Use When: Using a move that crits 100% of the time. (Ex. Alpha Omega's Bunker Buster) Finesse Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high dexterity. Class Recommendation: Dragon shinobi, Pirate, Blade Master, Vampire. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Foresight Tonic Recommendation: I highly recommended this for Magic classes, since wisdom boosts haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. However, if you are looking only to boost evasion (blocking hits), then Melee classes can benefit off of a dexterity boost. Class Recommendation: Magic Classes the most, but Melee Classes can also benefit from an evasion boost. Use When: You want to boost haste, evasion and crits for Magical Classes, or want to boost evasion with Melee Classes. Don't Use When: N/A Fortitude Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for tank builds, as those rely the most on high hp in order to survive. However, using an endurance boost for any build never hurts! Class Recommendation: Tank classes like Blood Titan. Use When: You want an hp boost. Don't Use When: N/A Fortune Tonic Recommendation: The thing I like the most about the luck stat is that you can enhance it for any build. Use this potion when you want to raise the chance to do a critical strike! Class Recommendation: All classes. Use When: You want to boost the chance of getting a critical hit. Don't Use When: Using a move that crits 100% of the time. (Ex. Alpha Omega's Bunker Buster) Insight Tonic Recommendation: I highly recommended this for Magic classes, since wisdom boosts haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. However, if you are looking only to boost evasion (blocking hits), then Melee classes can benefit off of a dexterity boost. Class Recommendation: Magic Classes the most, but Melee Classes can also benefit from an evasion boost. Use When: You want to boost haste, evasion and crits for Magical Classes, or want to boost evasion with Melee Classes. Don't Use When: N/A Karma Tonic Recommendation: The thing I like the most about the luck stat is that you can enhance it for any build. Use this potion when you want to raise the chance to do a critical strike! Class Recommendation: All classes. Use When: You want to boost the chance of getting a critical hit. Don't Use When: Using a move that crits 100% of the time. (Ex. Alpha Omega's Bunker Buster) Mastery Tonic Recommendation: This tonic that boosts dexterity is most recommended for Melee classes, since dexterity boosts haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. However, if you are looking only to boost evasion (blocking hits), then Magic classes can benefit off of a dexterity boost. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes the most, but Magical Classes can also benefit from an evasion boost. Use When: You want to boost haste, evasion and crits for Melee Classes, or want to boost evasion with Magical Classes. Don't Use When: N/A Might Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for melee classes or classes that have more physical moves than magical ones. Since this tonic boosts your strength, only physical attacks will receive boosted damage. Melee classes benefit more from higher strength, as it increases their chance to crit. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes the most, but any class that has more physical moves than magical moves. Use When: You want a physical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a magical move, or have no physical moves in your class. Mind Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for classes with magical attacks since this tonic boosts your intellect. An attack that is categorized as "magical" will have its attack boosted by 14%! Furthermore, if you have a caster class equipped, your haste will be boosted! Class Recommendation: Caster Classes the most, but any class that has a magical move you want to do boosted damage. Use When: You want a magical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a physical move, or have no magical moves in your class. Sage Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high intelligence. Class Recommendation: Healer, Oracle, Bard. Use When: Before battle. Don't Use When: N/A Skill Tonic Recommendation: This tonic that boosts dexterity is most recommended for Melee classes, since dexterity boosts haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. However, if you are looking only to boost evasion (blocking hits), then Magic classes can benefit off of a dexterity boost. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes the most, but Magical Classes can also benefit from an evasion boost. Use When: You want to boost haste, evasion and crits for Melee Classes, or want to boost evasion with Magical Classes. Don't Use When: N/A Power Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this for melee classes or classes that have more physical moves than magical ones. Since this tonic boosts your strength, only physical attacks will receive boosted damage. Melee classes benefit more from higher strength, as it increases their chance to crit. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes the most, but any class that has more physical moves than magical moves. Use When: You want a physical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You want to do more damage with a magical move, or have no physical moves in your class. Unstable Brawn Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this only for classes with physical attacks since this tonic boosts your strength. An attack that is categorized as "physical" will have its attack boosted by 18%! Furthermore, if you have a melee class equipped, your haste will be boosted! However, keep in mind that your endurance will be reduced by 10%, which means your hp will be decreased. Use only when you have a good amount of hp left. Class Recommendation: Physical Classes, not worth it for any other type of class. Use When: You want a physical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You are low on hp or plan to use magical attacks. Unstable Bright Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high intelligence and high endurance. Class Recommendation: Healer, Defender. Use When: Before battle. However you should use it when you feel you are not being attacked. Don't Use When: You are being attacked. Unstable Brilliance Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this only for classes with magical attacks since this tonic boosts your intellect. An attack that is categorized as "magical" will have its attack boosted by 18%! Furthermore, if you have a caster class equipped, your haste will be boosted! However, keep in mind that your endurance will be reduced by 10%, which means your hp will be decreased. Use only when you have a good amount of hp left. Class Recommendation: Caster Classes, not worth it for any other type of class. Use When: You want a magical move to do more damage. Don't Use When: You are low on hp or plan to use physical attacks. Unstable Cunning Tonic Recommendation: I recommend using this only with Melee classes, since they will be getting the most benefit out of this tonic boosting haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. Unlike the regular tonics that boost dexterity, this one has a side-effect since it's so powerful, making a Magic Class actually suffer when this is drunk. This side-effect is a lowered endurance stat, which means your hp will suffer during the length of the tonic. Class Recommendation: Melee Classes, not worth it for any other class. Use When: You want an increase in haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. Don't Use When: You are low on hp or plan to use a Magical Class. Unstable Foresight Tonic Recommendation: I suggest only using this tonic for Magical Classes only since Melee classes receive only a slight boost in evasion when using this. Magical Classes receive a haste, evasion, and crit boost. The downside is a reduce in END, which is why just an evasion boost would be not beneficial. Class Recommendation: Magical Classes Use When: You want your haste, evasion, or crit chance boosted. Don't Use When: You are low on hp or have a Melee Class equipped. Unstable Foresight Tonic Recommendation: I suggest only using this tonic for Magical Classes only since Melee classes receive only a slight boost in evasion when using this. Magical Classes receive a haste, evasion, and crit boost. The downside is a reduce in END, which is why just an evasion boost would be not beneficial. Class Recommendation: Magical Classes Use When: You want your haste, evasion, or crit chance boosted. Don't Use When: You are low on hp or have a Melee Class equipped. Unstable Insight Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high wizard enhancement's and status. Class Recommendation: Mage. Use When: Arcane shield is active. Don't Use When: Arcane shield is inactive. Unstable Judgement Tonic Recommendation: I suggest only using this tonic for Magical Classes only since Melee classes receive only a slight boost in evasion when using this. Magical Classes receive a haste, evasion, and crit boost. The downside is a reduce in END, which is why just an evasion boost would be not beneficial. Class Recommendation: Magical Classes Use When: You want your haste, evasion, or crit chance boosted. Don't Use When: You are low on hp or have a Melee Class equipped. Unstable Mind Tonic Recommendation: Classes with high intelligence and endurance. Class Recommendation: Healer. Use When: inhibition is active. Don't Use When: Target is not buffed with inhibition. Wise Tonic Recommendation: I highly recommended this for Magic classes, since wisdom boosts haste, evasion, and critical hit chances. However, if you are looking only to boost evasion (blocking hits), then Melee classes can benefit off of a dexterity boost. Class Recommendation: Magic Classes the most, but Melee Classes can also benefit from an evasion boost. Use When: You want to boost haste, evasion and crits for Magical Classes, or want to boost evasion with Melee Classes. Don't Use When: N/A