RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (Full Version)

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DarkLore -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/21/2014 12:54:23)

Whoo! Only within a small amount of time too! Good Job Cysero and Battle Gems staff!

PhoenixIce -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/21/2014 13:30:49)

Gotta thank Artix, Cysero, Rolith, Yergen and Zhoom, at the very least. AMAZING job and effort which continues even now!

EDIT: How could I forget about Thyton with his super hilarious scream/squeal in Battle Gems Video #5?!?! Along with Faith and Red Gem (Assuming either Artix or Dage), (IMO) the best video to date has been made.

creepy gy -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/21/2014 13:34:27)

I hope thet BG will get this ''award'' in Google Play too it would be cool to see BG in first place.

Sora To Hoshi -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/21/2014 14:21:35)


How could I forget about Thyton with his super hilarious scream/squeal in Battle Gems Video #5?!?!

You know that's what sold it XDD

Really though, amazing job to Artix, Cy, Warlic, Rolith, Yergen, Zhoom and Morlock and all the testers. :D

Hallodeath -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/21/2014 14:36:13)

The Bad Anime quest and the quest givers name is Hint Eye. Oh God, did I burst out laughing at that.

Midnightsoul -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/21/2014 23:42:56)

^Oh my God...
Seriously??? .___.

DarkLore -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/22/2014 0:05:50)

Given the targeted age range is 9+ That's going a bit far. We all know what that pun was related to. It's so bad, we aren't even allowed to say what it is! I just saw that quest today! I caught that cleverly dirty pun as soon as I read the Flying Eye's name. It was bad enough there was a character named avaturd and he even said crap one time! Just WOW!

superbat67 -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/22/2014 23:23:18)

Hint eye? LOL The puns are too strong.

DarkLore -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/23/2014 10:57:06)

Holy crap! I beat the mega braken and got the mother load of gold! It was like in the millions or billions I was even able to buy every item from the shop in the next are and still have a small ton left! If that was just half of the treasure Captain Hand gave me, I'd proby be able to buy everything past that point and then some! Captain hand is way nicer than his evil Captain Hook counterpart! He didn't even hesitate to give me half of the Mega Braken's treasure! He's a very kind and generous pirate! Now beating the slime and aqua bats attack quests I couldn't brat before are goinf to be a huge breeze!

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/25/2014 20:47:51)

Great got to the boss stage versus Dracustein Frankula and the game crashes every time during the conversation. Even hitting the skip button crashes the game. Just sent a bug report about this. Anyone else run into this issue?

Doomsday -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/25/2014 21:03:00)

It's a known issue and will be fixed with the next update.

Azan -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (3/28/2014 18:39:14)

Smackie : Yes, a lot of people (including me) had that issue. We'll have to wait until it's fixed.

DarkLore -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (4/3/2014 17:52:48)

OMG! LOL! I can't breathe! If you guys ever get the "funny" power, you'll die laughing! You'll se why![:D]

dragon_writer -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (4/4/2014 17:09:06)

It works! It woorrkks!! :D I downloaded the update this afternoon and I have not only gotten to the beginning character customation I've been playing all day! It's really fun (a lot more fun than I thought it would be, quite honestly). Completely love it.
Also: I'm getting a job next week so hello unlimited turns :D yes!

DarkLore -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (4/7/2014 22:12:59)

Here's a great tip for people who desperately need enough gold to buy all the last shop items to be able to stand a chance of beating Dagron. Just do quest #481 with Shen-Wrong. He's really easy to kill as long as you line up the gems quickly and accurately.[;)]

SKYWEE955 -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (4/12/2014 15:21:01)

AE is really stepping up their game! Not only did they allow players to play their games on the web, they let the players, play on a mobile device! AE's first ever mobile game was fantastic, I can't wait to see BladeHaven on mobile devices!

Oliver Bell -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (4/13/2014 16:39:04)

My sister was generous enough to let me play battle gems on her phone, a few crashes so far but nothing big. Definately a fun game, good to see AE's first attempt at a mobile game is this good, I wonder how great a game they can produce now they have experience with these sort of games; i guess we will see with the new Bladehaven.

Vaulen -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (4/14/2014 9:42:55)

Its fun, but the balance is off in later stages. Critical rates for monsters increase dramatically lava land and up, and then the slime battles are just annoying. The enemies have normal or heightened damage while players suffer with less damage and have to try and get rid of the slime squares, most of which require multiple chains.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (4/24/2014 16:31:18)

Ok I have gotten a bit further now. I have had some more problems though, after changing my items to the paladin items, completing a quest and getting a skill upgrade caused the game to crash every time, though from what I can tell this did not affect the gold or the skill as when I reloaded the quest was still completed. having fewer crashes in the shop, though this is probably more down to me spending less time browsing each item.

Matty EastCoast -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (6/22/2014 20:51:51)

I'm real good at this game!
I'm finally almost done buying the seppy armor set and I'm about to buy the $10 membership.
Would I still count as a founder if I did it by July 25th?

Predator9657 -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (7/19/2014 10:22:53)

Can we have a pet with the founder pack (something like a golden dragon would be cool ^^ )?

StrangeGuy -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (7/22/2014 9:07:49)

<3 It! Puns, puns, and more puns! I am just now getting into the Dragon Peak. I am Facebook player, seeing as how I have an old school flip phone that could only dream of supporting ANY game. I love this so far!

assa49 -> RE: =BG= BattleGems is LIVE! (7/26/2014 10:17:34)

Darklore: Or just buy the Dragonhorde coin pack xD

I love this game, bought Founder and Dragon Horde because I wanted to keep playing, and now I am at the Scorched Lands and ranked 776th in worldwide PvP!

Only thing I think is a downside, is the fact you cant make your own list for the skills. Nothing against the artists, but most skills dont look that good in comparison to others. It would also allow more of a challenge and more of a RP-able element.

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