Rise Of The Boss Monsters! (Under Construction) (Full Version)

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megakyle777 -> Rise Of The Boss Monsters! (Under Construction) (3/24/2014 8:01:46)


I have read the Comprehensive Rules/ FG Rules before posting and am willing to accept all consequences that will happen if I break said rules.

I have One Currently Approved game, The Megakyle Dynasty.

OOC thread: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21640213&mpage=1&key=�


The idea is simple. You will design a boss monster, arena for you to command. Make it as OP as you like, though you must have ONE weak point. Clearly, I was being too generous with this in the hopes that you would be sensible. You were not. Thus I'm imposing a new rule. You must be killable by a high level average adventurer at worst. Also, no powers allowed that would allow you to survive almost anything.[>:]

I will send wave after wave of progressively stronger things at you. (Have not decided how attacks will work, was thin king of rolling a die to see if you get hit or hit them but better and SINMPLE ideas welcome.)

Boss Monster Name:
Boss Monster Looks:
Boss Arena:
Boss Powers:
Boss Weak Point:
Boss Personality:
Reason Why Stuff Wants To Kill You:

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