Losing side gets prizes? (Full Version)

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The berserker killer -> Losing side gets prizes? (4/3/2014 17:42:48)

I don't know about any of you but rumor has it that the "Losing side gets prizes". I am disgusted at this idea. It's a pet peeve of mine. It's a war, not a mercy match. Does anyone else feel this way? I mean the losing sides Prizes better be hella expensive. I could understand if the most influential faction on the losing side gets prizes, but not the entire alignment. I can not be the only one to feel this way. No offense to anyone, so please don't attack me.

--Ghost God--

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/3/2014 17:49:30)

The winning side already gets the prize for free, so I see nothing wrong with Legion being able to access it for a large amount of credits.

Variation -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/3/2014 18:03:25)

^Yeah because that will certainly help the game. The prizes should be based on influence only I shouldn't have to pay a "large amount of credits" because my alignment lost the war. What type of nonsense is that? I have over 100,000 influence in this war and you're saying you see nothing wrong with players like me spending a large amount of credits because our inactive alignment lost the war. This system is leaving out people in the losing alignment who actually gained a lot of influence. It's gonna be a major fail if the cost to claim the prize is an enormous amount of credits/varium.

I guess some people aren't wise enough to see how damaging this could be to a game that is dying lol.

EDIT: After this regional war be prepared for more Exile vs Exile :P.

The berserker killer -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/3/2014 18:08:27)

If anything only the most influential player and faction on the losing side should get access to the war chest.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/3/2014 18:08:36)


The prizes should be based on influence only

That's a neat idea. Like the more influence you get, the bigger the prize

The berserker killer -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/3/2014 18:14:19)

Yea dual thrusters, check this out http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21648816

Wootz -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/4/2014 3:06:15)

Variaton is right. It is not our fault that the Legion is loseing the war. Why would we not be able to get a prize if we actually participated in it?

DarkDevil -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/4/2014 3:28:24)

simply the losing side deserves the participation prize.

in the end of most fights there is GG said , you know what it means ?
it means Good Game , its a sign of respect and honor that both sides did their best to make this game a good game.

so in that sense with the losing side doing their best but lose in end , the prize is to not get the losing side disappointment , but as a symbol of the gratitude of that the war was built on two sides not just one.
if there wasn't another side there wouldn't have been a war nor would you have the rewards.

Pemberton -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/4/2014 5:23:41)

Winner must get cool prize. Loser must get ugly prize.

kosmo -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/4/2014 8:17:17)

i also agree that the players in the loosy side shouldn t be left whitout rewards.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/4/2014 8:46:27)

I'm not sure the losing side should get the weapon though... Doesn't that kind if defeat the whole rarity of the item? If only the winner gets it then it shows how rare it is that you have to be on the winning side to earn the rare, but if both sides get it then it sort of devalues it.

The berserker killer -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/4/2014 8:51:56)

Thats how i felt too GearHeadz. But I guess its only in the games best interest to reward everyone in order to save server count. I still don't like the idea of rewarding everyone. But, thinking on a larger scale rather than a personal one, maybe it is best =/. I just dont feel as motivated to participate now. I might as well just do the petty 150 inf and fight NPCs till the War Chest opens up, then buy the prizes.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/8/2014 16:05:33)

If I remember correctly there are exclusive prizes for the winning side whereas the losing side would have to pay, hopefully a large sum, for a weapon/mount that is listed as a winning prize.

I also remember hearing that you get to pick one prize if you win and any others will cost you

Ranloth -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/8/2014 16:10:13)

^ I hope the winning side - after picking the free prize - gets the rest at a discounted price. The losing side + hefty price tag = perfect, so there's actually a reason to fight (item wise).

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/8/2014 16:15:15)

There was something about a token prize and a credit prize but I wasn't fully paying attention in the livestream.

If you have a lot of time to kill here is the livestream archived and they talk about war prizes making them plans instead of just rumors


Ranloth -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/8/2014 16:16:34)

I was there, OWA, just didn't pay attention due to being exhausted after work. xD

DeathGuard -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/8/2014 17:45:27)

I think there has been quite much confusion on how the rewards will work out for the winning and losing side so I will explain it further.

Winning side will have the chance to pick up a reward for FREE of the available ones like a set of weapons, arcade tokens, credits, etc. You can't buy the other rewards.
Losing side will have the chance to buy a prize of the available ones(previously mentioned). Once you buy one of the rewards, you can't buy the others.

That's pretty much sums all the explanation. Rewards you can acquire/buy won't be affected by the influence you have got, unless you don't meet the requirement to open the reward shop.

ambien -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/9/2014 13:20:39)

yes sir titan said on the live stream 3 weeks that the losing side will have a chance to get prizes by either using credits or varium. in the other wars did not the loosing side get something l think so.

wow be fair on this if not why would legion even fight any more an we are loosing get real.

always the syfy

Goony -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/11/2014 2:41:47)

Well at the rate that Legion is gaining on Exile at the moment... Who wins or loses isn't decided yet :)

I'm fine with the losers being able to purchase the prizes ;)

kelvin48997 -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/11/2014 5:53:53)

looks goood that the losing side also have a chance to get on the new war items

coolboyelazizy -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/11/2014 19:26:50)

Well i think the legion players who played in a war

they know they are losing jus because they love 2 play

Should get a prize.

Scyze -> RE: Losing side gets prizes? (4/11/2014 20:05:04)

I think they should get a rusted version? Yeah, that's a good idea in my mind. :)

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