RE: The Elemental Plane Record (Full Version)

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LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (9/4/2016 13:48:12)



Ideally, you want to write a story that isn't actually reliant on anything in DF to function. The Tomix saga was written in such a way that it would have fit in any fantasy universe— that was part of its charm. Tomix created a whole new set of mechanics for the saga.

Perhaps try that yourself! Try creating a new class, a new culture, and new magic mechanics. Then create a story around it. :)

That may be one of the better pieces of advice I've gotten from someone! I'mma try taking it!

Don't worry, though: I'll still do the DF tournament story! I just might have to write it in a DF quest format.

Oh, and if it makes you feel better, the winner would get to choose their title and what they rule over as a deity!

Shiny_Underpants -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (9/5/2016 4:33:43)

In the end, since you are the one writing it, you can make any changes you like. Just don't change your mind too much, otherwise it'll inhibit your creativity.

Earlier I gave some writing advice, but I didn't give you any art advice:

Cartoony is good, but try to think about how the character might move. Human anatomy can be broken up into geometry- cylinders and spheres. The legs are two cylinders- they curve in at the knees and ankles (the points of rotation). Same with the arms- they curve in at the elbows and wrists.
In cartoony styles such as (cartoony) anime, while the shoulders and head aren't anatomically correct, the heads are actually almost normal size. Most of the contrast is given by the narrower shoulders. With shoulders, the trick is the angle- try to make them the same slope as an anatomically correct pair of shoulders.

Anatomically correct shoulders are three (anatomically correct) head widths across, with a slight variation depending on how wide your character's shoulders are.
The golden ratio tells us that hips are approximately two (anatomically correct) heads wide for males, and very slightly wider for females.

It wouldn't hurt to practice some drawings that are anatomically correct, since every drawing you ever do will benefit your art skills :). But that's up to you.

All of this advice, of course, depends on how cartoonified you want your characters. In general I think that hints of anatomy make things look better, but there are many cartoons that don't bother with that.

Here's some general purpose advice:
Try to keep your pencils with a reasonably sharp point for drawing with. This will make the details stand out more, and it means you don't have to press as hard- freeing your hand up so you have more control over the pencil! It will also make the colours from coloured pencils show up more strongly and evenly.

Not all of this advice is necessarily useful for you, but I figured it was better to give you some feedback and take a risk. Good work.
Never stop practicing, and have faith in yourself!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (9/10/2016 16:30:05)

Alright, I think I have an idea of what I'm going to do now!

I think I'll keep the Grey Mage design and expand upon it!

In case you need a reminder of which one that is, here's a link!

Oh, and here's the class info!

I plan to add a backstory to him soon(ish)!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (10/21/2016 20:16:21)

Alright!! Sorry for the long hiatus, but I'm back!!

And, even better, I may have a final design for Umeboshi!!

And just in time for Mogloween!!

(apologies for the bad quality! Scanner wasn't working, so I had to take a picture of it with my kindle!)

Now, in case you're wondering, yes, if he was an NPC, his mask would change randomly every time you talked to him! I may add more masks in the future, and might even take some suggestions!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (11/11/2016 14:45:19)

Alright, so as you probably can guess, I'm not happy with the mask-based design for Umeboshi.

But I have made up my mind for which one I'll keep!

And here it is!

In case you're wondering, yes this is one of my old Fleshweaver designs. And yes, I'm using the Fleshweaver as Umeboshi's class!

If I end up changing his design later, I apologize. But I will keep his class as Fleshweaver!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (11/27/2016 13:57:26)

Alright, got a new, possibly permanent design for him!

And this time, I stayed true to my word!

Let me know what you think!

Edit: Oh, and I changed his name to Keg!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (12/2/2016 11:07:44)

Hi guys!

So I know that I said I'd stick to the Fleshweaver for my character's class, but as you may all know, I'm bad at making decisions!

But for now I do have a design that I like! Behold!

Also, I'm thinking of doing a Frostval class for here too, so stick around for that!

Shiny_Underpants -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (12/4/2016 0:43:12)

Hmm, the latest Keg bears a striking resemblance to Asgore from Undertale. So does his personality description... ;)

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (1/20/2017 8:33:21)

Okay, so 2 pieces of news!

1. Decided to make my DF character a Pirate(new design coming hopefully soon!).

And 2. After finding out that the pirates in AE are typically named after pies, I decided to rename my character yet again.

He will now be known as Captain Cumberland!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (1/26/2017 17:51:09)

Okay, so bad news: Decided to scrap the pirate idea.

Good news: I now have a solid idea of my character!

I'll give you a hint; his name is now Birch Commonoak.

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (2/2/2017 12:14:08)

Alright, so slight change of plan: I'm gonna keep the Grey Mage design!

The name is updated, and I might add his backstory soon!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (2/10/2017 12:04:54)

Alright so I have some bad news, some good news, and some more good news!

Bad news: I've decided to make a new design instead of keeping the Grey Mage.

Good news: I have a solid starting point for this next design.

Which leads to the other good news: I've made a new fan species for DF! Halflings!

Anyone is welcome to use it, so long as they follow the description(of course, if you wish to know what would or wouldn't fit for a DF Halfling, just ask.)

And one more thing: I'm hoping to figure out how many people like the idea, so if you could, please let me know what you think!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (2/20/2017 16:35:09)

Alright, so as you can imagine, I've got some bad news. But I also have some good news, so don't worry!

So bad news first: I'm scrapping the Halfling idea. It just wasn't working for me, no matter how hard I wanted it to!

But wait! The good news: I've finally, for the final time, have made my decision for my DF character's design!

And the Fashion Ninja is it!

Now, let me explain why:

You see, when I first drew the Fashion Ninja design, it was mainly as a joke, using this class from Offbeat-classes for fun! But then, not only did I submit it to you guys, I submitted it to them to see if they'd like it. And guess what? They put it up on their site! I never thought for a second that they'd actually put it up, and that's what made it even more empowering! Since then, as you can see, I would gravitate back and forth between this and other designs. But you know what? I really want to make this my character design!

Sorry for getting so in-depth! I just wanted to make sure you knew what led to this decision!

Shiny_Underpants -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (2/20/2017 20:15:26)

^Why don't you try treating every one of the different designs as a different character? That way you can stop worrying about which one is you. Then you can have more fun with them.

You've got Sir Jonah the Toymaker (my personal favourite), with the Boogyman,
Umeboshi the soulweaver, with Orion his soul-ally,
Birch the Grey mage,
Keg the Fleshweaver,
And Vogue the Fashion Ninja.

All of these characters are distinct and creative (and Vogue is funny).

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (12/16/2017 16:06:22)

For the record, I'd like to apologize for my absence. I was so uninspired in AE stuff for a long while! But now I'm coming back with a bang, starting with my own completely original DF class!

The Terror Tomb Class!

Now for the record, I'm likely going to change my main class to this one, because I'm in love with the idea! However, as Shiny has suggested, that doesn't mean you'll see the end of Vogue, or my other designs for that matter!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (3/26/2019 19:41:31)

Guess who's back?

Yep, me! You see, I had to stop playing DF for a while due to reasons beyond my control. But I'm back now, and plan to make some art for here to celebrate!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (3/29/2019 17:25:24)

Alright, so as people have suggested to me before, I've decided to try to make a completely new DF class idea, along with a completely new magic system as it's basis!

And here it is, The Logic Keeper!

I'm hoping to draw a picture of what the class looks like later, but let me know what you think of it in the meantime!

Shiny_Underpants -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (3/30/2019 5:28:12)

This idea is actually pretty cool. Excellent work, Liger!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (4/1/2019 15:18:04)

@Shiny_Underpants: Thanks! It took a while to figure out, so I'm pleased to see it paid off! Honestly I've been having fun doing different DF fan classes! Might do some more sometime.

Oh wait.. I just did a new one!


Flamehead 12 -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (5/12/2019 17:18:59)

Good to see you back. Would love to see new compositions from you, and to see how well you've improved on your shape, space, and form from before.

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (6/27/2019 15:51:57)

Hi guys! So I've decided to try drawing my character, and I've decided to try to do them as my favorite in-game class, ChronoZ! You can expect that soon!

Also, if you see me draw different variations of other classes, don't be surprised as I've wanted to do that for a while!

Shadow X Ascendant -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (7/1/2019 15:19:29)

Could you bring an Entropy's variation? I have great Expectations.

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (8/12/2019 12:11:47)

Hi guys! I've decided to try something a little bit different. You see, I really like the concept of the magesters and figured it'd be fun to draw one. Also, I figured it'd be a fun challenge to see if I could do him in a side view. The link below is the result.

Jaanos the Magester.

As usual, comments are appreciated.

Draw On!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (8/19/2019 14:34:27)

Alright guys, I have had an epiphany, and hopefully you'll laugh as hard as I did at it!

Behold, fellow heroes! The great knight of Zeuster, Bok Bok the Dim!

LigerBeard -> RE: The Elemental Plane Record (12/15/2019 18:03:47)

Hi guys!

Decided to post a little in-game screenshot!

As you can see, I've been taking a liking to the pirate class!

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