RE: Buff for support (Full Version)

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santonik -> RE: Buff for support (5/23/2014 15:51:38)

Primary and aux damage is very high now. AT LEAST END LEVELS. (whit out stats) 40lvl players sword 360 damage and other primarys 350 damage. 40lvl players aux,s damage is migthy 400. (no stats)

What if we decreased both PRIMARY WEAPON ans AUX DAMAGE. (STR and SUP)

Today aux damage is relative big. Even minimum support. minimum support player can to take advantage of this (game) weakness. Rage aux whit 17-20 support, this makes the damage is very good at present.

Then making new scaling str and support stats.

What if that scaling can rising. Both stats STR and SUPPORT. STR scaling can be almoust same what is it now but support need more power.

This give more effect to Intimidate. Why because scaling is STR and SUP scaling is bigger now. Old days intimitade is pretty uneffective. Even high power intimitade (about -50 STR) Old days Primary damage is too high. intimitade cant do nothing that.


New scaling (all buffs/debuffs) Because STR and SUPPORT have new scaling. Intimitade need more powerful what is it. todays it is pretty useless.


PUT all debuff and all buffs to SUPPORT based. Same thing is energy control.

This can be bring back old glass cannons. (maybe)


This thing i want more. More often critical changes to (real) support player. maybe more 2-5%. (need new scaling to critical changes.) Criticals have nerf heavyhanded already.


Artillery strike. About same damage scaling like other multis. ODD and still lose defence abiltitys. Criticals is heavyly nerfed in time. dont forget this too. We need more powerful artillery strike. (damage scaling)


RAGE, plaah i think many player want to changes this old ways style. more benefit (real ) support players.


Game starting turn. legend ranks must be effect too this starting system. example A player is (40 and 1 lgend ranks) vs B player is (40 lvl and 57 legend ranks) Maybe it is good if 1 legend player gaining starting benefit. maybe 0,5% per legend ranks???
Ranks give very big benefit now.


Hoax -> RE: Buff for support (5/24/2014 1:35:35)

Um.. Yeah.. Buff is a big help. Tho stats doesn't makes sense for me. I dunno how the system work but they should bring back the Rage to dominate fast. <3

GearzHeadz -> RE: Buff for support (5/27/2014 23:59:43)

I think rage gain and stun chance should be put back on support.

King Bling -> RE: Buff for support (5/28/2014 14:25:03)

Predator in the 5th point you mentioned that sidearm should depend on str and support is totally a worst idea, that way the whole str concept will be unbalanced and again will create an issue,
whereas about the suppirt, the aux damage should not be increased, because if you notice properly the aux damage of a level 40 without any points invested in support ranges from 440-450 somewhere and investing additional weapons and armor points on it makes it from 466-470 which again is quite high. Even more a rank 60 will have it ranged from 510-520 with just 22 support points + additional weapon/armor points which is quite high.

lion blades if you see the rage factors then you might understand that rage is affected by damage taken and dealt, when a str user gets hit hard like 300 to 400 damage through a mage's overload or berserk etc than it is obvious that he will take high damage thus increasing his rage faster than a support based build...
and i got many support builds for tactical merc if any one wanna know :))

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lionblades -> RE: Buff for support (5/28/2014 14:53:41)

^Which is why rage is broken. I know the whole rage formula. And I wasn't talking about str user vs dex mage. I was talking about how a str user can rage much faster than a 5 focus support user since str can spam constant damage much much easier than a person with nearly 40-50 more support.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Buff for support (5/28/2014 15:34:16)

You do realize rage is no longer affected by support, right?

lionblades -> RE: Buff for support (5/28/2014 15:45:12)

^Can you give me link to your information?
I thought rage was gained like this:

As an attacker, rage is gained at a rate of 110% of damage blocked (by the opponents defense/resistance) + 1% per 4 support you have over the defender, up to a maximum rate of 125%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 95%.
As a defender, rage is gained at a rate of 25% of the damage taken, +0.25% per 4 support you have over the attacker, up to a maximum rate of 29%. If at a support disadvantage, the minimum rate is 21%.

Gotten directly from ED Wiki Rage Meter.

Edit: Added link to mine but if it was changed I don't understand why devs did it [&:]

GearzHeadz -> RE: Buff for support (5/28/2014 16:04:32)

It was mentioned somewhere by them and you can even look at it in game, look at the stat for support and it no longer says it effects stun chance or rage gain. You can also use that old formula for rage gain in battle and it no longer will work.

lionblades -> RE: Buff for support (5/28/2014 18:33:35)

lol that blows...must have been when I was on break from ED. Any idea why the devs change? Support is no where near OP right now.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Buff for support (5/29/2014 0:56:12)

I wonder what would happen if support rage was based only on support...

GearzHeadz -> RE: Buff for support (5/29/2014 3:20:04)

What does that mean?

dark shades -> RE: Buff for support (6/8/2014 21:26:04)

Support definitely needs a buff, in its current state strength is waaaaay better.
Though a bit off topic, curse aura nearly useless (and maybe should be switched to strength instead of support).

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Buff for support (6/8/2014 21:37:25)

What if rage was based only on support*

suboto -> RE: Buff for support (6/8/2014 21:48:40)

I agree rage for support sure it incourages support balanced builds but hey a 1turn move aux is better then a spammable strike strike strike gun strike strike build support 100%
this is something that should never of been changed it wont hurt anything it honestly would fix the battle system by alot. you want more rage invest some support gives more meaning for that stat category and gives delta knights their charm of core back.

xzkamityx -> RE: Buff for support (6/29/2014 15:01:08)


Artillery strike. About same damage scaling like other multis. ODD and still lose defence abiltitys. Criticals is heavyly nerfed in time. dont forget this too. We need more powerful artillery strike. (damage scaling)

have you tried a tlm support build at the lower levels? it's practically unbeatable as I have a level 17 tlm that I have did a support build with since level 11. Artillery hits massive for the support I have in it and an increased in damage scaling won't just affect the higher levels like you might think (if that's what you think). The damage scaling for artillery is fine but support would be way more useful if it increased rage, or if it still increased criticals or affected the stun chance like it use to.

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