The Workshop (Writer's Realm OOC) (Applications Open for the forseeable future) (Full Version)

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Superemo -> The Workshop (Writer's Realm OOC) (Applications Open for the forseeable future) (6/2/2014 0:22:57)

Link to game thread.

Thoughts and/or questions?

Edit: Application Format:

Forum Name: (This mostly serves as a formality, or as a way of seeing if you can [or will] follow instructions. Just type your forum name after the space following the colon)
Writing Experience: (Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, or Expert. This is a self-evaluation, not a contest. You don't get anything for claiming a high level of experience)
Self-Criticism: (This is the area you think you need the most work. This could be anything about your writing, whether something along the lines of punctuation and vocabulary or something like descriptions of actions)
Sample (Optional): (Here's where you can put a sample of your writing. I cannot stress enough that this is purely optional. If you aren't comfortable writing, you are in no way required to put a sample down. If you want to put a sample, though, it should be the background of a thief. This can be from any perspective, written however you like, and as long or short as you like.)

Superemo -> RE: The Workshop (Writer's Realm OOC) (Applications Open for the forseeable future) (6/5/2014 0:54:40)

To answer a question posed a few days back, which was deleted, the game will have a few different settings. I'd go into detail, but I don't want to lose all the potential surprises, so I'll just say that the initial setting will be a fantasy setting, and the first part of the game will focus on characters (creation and interaction).

As stated in the title, applications are open.

1girlhousefan -> RE: The Workshop (Writer's Realm OOC) (Applications Open for the forseeable future) (7/20/2014 22:01:00)

May I apply?

Forum Name: 1girlhousefan
Writing Experience: Beginner
Self-Criticism: Showing, not telling.
Sample (Optional): Um… maybe I'll do this later. If you really, really, desperately need a sample of a thing I wrote as soon as humanly possible, fan fiction dot net. Look for AlithiaSigma. Or you could go archive diving for a game I put up.

steel blade -> RE: The Workshop (Writer's Realm OOC) (Applications Open for the forseeable future) (7/21/2014 6:47:11)

Hmm, I'd like to take a spot.

Forum Name: steel blade
Writing Experience: Intermediate(?)
Self-Criticism: Lack of descriptions of locations and events.
Sample (Optional):
(Taken from the last edition of Strings)
You find yourself in a plane of spectrum colors, dancing around. As they pass by you, you notice that each wave of color shows a vision of something in particular. Out of curiousity, you decide to look at one. Which one do you want to look at?

Superemo -> RE: The Workshop (Writer's Realm OOC) (Applications Open for the forseeable future) (8/2/2014 5:19:10)

@Steel Blade: Accepted.
@1ghf: Accepted.
@Anyone Else Thinking About Applying: Applications are open to anyone and everyone. All the application format is there for is to prove you are capable of following instructions.

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