The Undead Legion Handbook (Full Version)

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Shadowhunt -> The Undead Legion Handbook (6/10/2014 20:12:58)


IMPORTANT NOTE! Because of the changes that will be coming to classes and to core gameplay mechanics and functionality with the server rewrite, I am not working to update this guide with level 85 numbers at the moment. The rates found in the guide right now are from times they were taken; all are at level 65 but some may be before random respawns were removed, or before certain classes came out, or before new maps were introduced. Again, these numbers are accurate for when they came out but are likely outdated now. Feel free to share your methods in replies to this thread, so others can try those out as well. I will do formal testing and number updating once the rewrite is pushed and class rebalancing occurs.

Table of Contents
To quickly jump to one of the sections, type the bracketed phrase (including the brackets) into your browser's Search function (usually accessed via Ctrl + F).
  1. Introduction [Intro]
  2. Making the Most of Your 1200 ACs [Most]
  3. Some Notes [Notes]
  4. Every Bit Helps: Boosts [Boosts]
  5. Every Bit Helps: Alternate Accounts [AltAcc]
  6. Initiation Into the Undead Legion [Enter]

    1. Preparing Yourself [Prep]
    2. The Initiation Quests [Initial]

  7. Efficient Legion Token Farming [Farming]

    1. The Most Efficient Non-Pet Method [NoPet]
    2. The Absolute Fastest Ways [Fast]

      1. Bright Paragon Pet[image][/image] [BPP]
      2. Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider and Mounted Paragon Pet [image][/image] [Combo]
      3. Shogun Paragon Pet or Shogun Dage Pet [SoDa ShoPP]
      4. Mounted Paragon Pet [image][/image] [MoPar]
      5. Arcane Paragon Pet[image][/image] [ArcPP]
      6. Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider[image][/image] [FPDR]
      7. UW3017 Pet [UW3017]
      8. Paragon Dreadnaught Pet [DrPP]
      9. Holiday Paragon Pet[image][/image] [HPP]
      10. Infernal Caladbolg[image][/image] [IC]

    3. Other Methods [Other]

      1. Hardcore Paragon Pet[image][/image] [HcPP]
      2. Paragon Pet[image][/image] [OPP]
      3. Legion SoulSeeker Pet[image][/image] [LSS]
      4. Ascended Paragon Pet[image][/image] [APP]
      5. Thanatos Paragon Pet[image][/image] [TPP]
      6. Dage the Evil's Legion Quests [Legion]
      7. Dage vs. Nulgath War [DvN]

  8. Change Log [Change]
  9. Credits [Credits]

Dage's Undead Legion is a very popular "club" that many AdventureQuest Worlds players choose to join. Note that Artix Entertainment intended this to be endgame content, and so it will be harder for a lower leveled character to join and do the quests for farming. I am making the assumption that by finding your way here, you have seen some Legion items (and as a result, I will NOT be compiling a list of those items or doing a section on them; they're easy to go look at yourself) and are interested in joining the Legion. The purpose of this guide is, in essence, to help you make the most of your time. It will detail how to get into the Legion and, once you've done that, how to best earn the Legion Tokens you need for that Legion gear. It's a bit of an unfortunate occurrence but Legion Token prices have been hit heavily with inflation; as a result you'll see much of the older items in a lower range of pricing, while newer items (especially those that have an AC equivalent) are much, much more expensive. Hopefully this guide will be able to help you obtain those more expensive items as well, if you want them. I'd also encourage you not to skip sections unless they're entirely unnecessary to you; I've put information in certain sections that pertains to the Legion as well as how the format and structure of this guide work, and as a result I'd appreciate if you read the sections. Thanks!

Making the Most of Your 1200 ACs
This section is no longer quite as relevant, as there is now a better way to farm Legion Tokens without the time limit imposed by High Legion Champion. You'll still want to get the Initiation quests done within 24 hours of buying Undead Warrior, but after that you can use The Most Efficient Non-Pet Method to farm your Legion Tokens. You can still try the following trick, but I'd recommend against it. If you want to try Exalted Legion Champion, farm the 1000 Legion Tokens using the Lack of Four-Sight quest first, and then buy Exalted Legion Champion that way.

The following method mentions several "24 hour sellback" times. When you buy an item for ACs, you have 24 hours from the time you buy it (so you'll probably want to make note of this, since there is no indicator in-game to tell you. Also please see the Some Notes section for an important note on this) to sell it back for 90% of the original cost, after which point the sellback drops to 25%. Also note that by no means do you have to do this back to back; you can sell one armor, wait a few days or until you're ready for more farming, and then buy the armor again. As long as you sell the armors within the 24 hours, you'll have the ACs on your account, and can use them whenever you're up for farming.

There is a very special method that you can use to make the most of the 1200 AC entry fee you paid to the Legion. The first step is to complete the Legion initiation quests (See below: Initiation Into the Undead Legion) within 24 hours of buying Undead Warrior (which can be purchased from Dage the Evil in the Underworld in the Armor Shop or from the Legendary Suggestion Shop in Yulgar's Inn. Because AC items sell back for 90% of the purchase value in the first 24 hours, you can sell Undead Warrior back for 1080 ACs. Notice how you get 1080 ACs back- this gives you enough to jump straight in to the fastest non-rare way of farming Legion Tokens (detailed later). The next step is to buy High Legion Champion (this can be purchased from Dage the Evil in the Legion Shop in the Underworld map). The goal here is to use the High Legion Champion quest to get 1000 Legion Tokens before 24 hours are up on High Legion Champion. When you have 1000 Legion Tokens, buy Exalted Legion Champion, and sell back High Legion Champion.

If you are able to get the 1000 Legion Tokens within 24 hours, then you can sell back High Legion Champion for 900 ACs and have a net loss of only 100 ACs (or 220 if you count those lost from Undead Warrior, but still, it's a very low number). However, if you are getting close to 24 hours on High Legion Champion and don't yet have 1000 Legion Tokens, you have three options. You can keep High Legion Champion and continue to use it for the quest and have spent 1000 ACs on the fastest non-rare method; you can keep High Legion Champion until you have 1000 Legion Tokens and then buy Exalted Legion Champion, selling High Legion Champion back for 250 ACs at a loss of 750 ACs; or you can sell High Legion Champion back for 900 ACs IF that 900 ACs will put you back above 1000 ACs. If it does, you can sell High Legion Champion and then re-buy it, resetting the 24 hour timer. You'll lose 100 ACs each time you do this, but it can allow you to farm for 1000 LTs at a more reasonable pace and still be able to do the sell-buy back-sell method 7 times and still lose fewer ACs than if you sold High Legion Champion after 24 hours (in other words, you can keep High Legion Champion for more than 1 day (24 hours) and then sell it back, or you can go an entire week of selling it, buying it back, and then selling it again and still lose fewer ACs than if you kept it longer than 1 day).

More information about the quest can be found in the Dage the Evil's Legion Quests section, found under Other Methods.

Some Notes
  • Most of the stats that come from this guide are from personal experience, using a level 65 character and the best equipment I can (including boost items), and will vary depending on your level, class, and the amount of lag you're experiencing
  • In the same line of thought as the above note, I do all of these test (with a few exceptions) in a private room, meaning I am alone. I do this to test how long it would take someone playing solo to complete the quest(s). It can be faster to use a public room for farming, as high-health enemies can be killed faster and more players in a room means a higher respawn rate. However, if the mobs are weak, being in the same room with others can mean missing a lot of kills. As such, test out both public and private rooms to see which works best for you.
  • You do have to be a member of the Legion (have completed the Fail (previously Hail) to the King quest) in order to get Legion Tokens- there is no way for non-Legionnaires to get Legion Tokens (one exception, see Hardcore Paragon Pet)
  • I have included farming methods requiring rare items, in case the Ultimate Item of Donated Awesomeness is won and a player chooses one of those items and for the benefit of those who own these items already. Any method requiring a rare item is indicated in the Table of Contents with the Rare tag
  • All quests from pets are owner-only, so if you see someone else using one, you cannot use it yourself (unless of course the person you see using it is you!)
  • By no means are these methods the only ways of obtaining Legion Tokens, these are just the fastest ways that I have found to farm for Legion Tokens
  • In extension to the above note, Dage the Evil's Champion Quests are a way to earn Legion Tokens but take much longer to complete than the methods detailed in this guide, and thus I will not be explaining them in the guide
  • Any reference to a "Legend" in this guide means a member, or someone whose account is currently upgraded. A "Hero" is a free player who is not a member and does not have an upgraded account
  • Any reference to "AoE" means Area of Effect, or a class that can attack multiple targets with one attack. A list of classes with an AoE attack can be found here. It is recommended to try to use one that has short cooldowns on the AoE attack(s) so you can farm the most efficiently
  • "Relevant Quests" are quests that are either required or related to the quest enough to the point that you have to do them in order to move on, and as such it is recommended that you do them before you start the quest, especially if you're on a time constraint
  • Linked (blue) items in the "Item Requirements" section are permanent, while unlinked (black) items are temporary
  • The "Locations" section will mention only those you will go to during the quest
  • All quests not started from a pet are started from Dage the Evil on Screen 3 of the Underworld map, /join underworld
  • Avoid disconnections! If you're allowing Miscellaneous items to stack up on your screen, accept ONE of them for each type, one at a time, and allow them all to go into your inventory. When the hand cursor turns back into the arrow, you've click it; DO NOT click another one before they go into your inventory or the game's anti-botting system will kick you out for a minute. Only click once!
  • Very important note! It has been re-brought to my attention that there are some issues with the 24 hour sellback and when it starts and ends. As such, I am HIGHLY recommending that before you purchase an armor that you intend to use a 24 hour sellback on, RELOG! This will force the server to acknowledge you logging in at a particular time so when you buy the armor, it'll known your last login was recently. This is not a 100% guarantee to fix issues with the sellback but it could help save your sellback.
  • An alternate Dage NPC can be found in the Dage's House from the LQS. I've got and will keep the house equipped for anyone who wants to use that NPC to do questing or merge shops. To join my house just type /house Weiss. If, eventually, the NPC becomes a house item and moveable, I will move it to the first room to make it easier to access
  • I am going to make the assumption that you will use a damage boost item: either one of the 15% universal boosts or one of the higher boosts for Undead. See the next section, Every Bit Helps: Boosts
  • The Tokens per Minute, or TpM calculation, is obtained by seeing how long it takes to complete the quest and standardizing it to the number of Legion Tokens obtained per turn-in. Each value seen here is calculated with a minimum of five trials, but obviously the number will vary slightly if more trials are conducted. It is a general estimate, not a precise calculation. I've not included it on a few of the quests; if you've like my reason why, please PM me and I will explain it
  • The "Time to Complete" is not a rough estimate; I actually test these all with a stopwatch. However, note that I start the timing when I begin attacking the first monster for the quest, so I do NOT include time spent getting to the correct screen to begin in this. If you factor this time in, the Time to Complete may be slightly longer for some quests
  • Any time I talk about joining a private instance with a 4-digit or higher number (####), this must be higher than 1000 (so 1001 up). Using 1000 or a number starting with a 0 (i.e. 0189) will not put you in a private instance

    Every Bit Helps: Boosts
    As part of your work in joining the Undead Legion as well as earning your pay from Dage the Evil, there are two main types of enemies you'll find yourself fighting: Undead enemies and everything else! In order to make things more efficient and take less time, you'll want to kill them as quickly as possible. Fortunately, there are some items that can help you out: those with damage boosts. We'll start with the Undead-boosted items. The Khopeshes that are found in the Moonlight Khopesh shop range in an Undead boost from 15% all the way up to 35%. They can, however, be a little difficult to obtain. For something a little easier, you can get the Dual Chainsaw Katanas. These provide a 25% boost to Undead and only require you to kill 100 enemies in a row (which can, admittedly, be tough for a lower level character). If you've managed to do the farming for it, the Blinding Light of Destiny provides a hefty 51% boost to Undead. If you've done the even harder farming, the Ascended Light of Destiny likewise has a 51% boost to Undead. If you've done the farming for the Blinding Light of Destiny and happen to have an account that is 8 years or older, you can access the Nostalgia Quest to get your hands on the Dual Blinding Light of Destiny. Despite having two Blinding Lights of Destiny at once, it does only give the same 51% boost to Undead, but you'll look twice as cool while you slay them! For every other monster, you'll be best off using one of the items that have a 15% damage boost (some exceptions can be found in the individual methods' Additional Notes). Fortunately, there are quite a large number of items that have this universal 15% boost. Three of the easiest (though not necessarily easy) to get are the Burning Blade, the Nightlocke War Axe, and the Nightlocke War Staff. Other options include the: Avatar of Death's Scythe, Guardian of Spirits' Blade, Lance of Time, all four items obtained from the Nulgath Demands Work quest, Archfiend Doomlord, and for the 8 year players, all the Enchanted weapons in Nostalgia Quest. The nice thing about universal boosts, and especially those on non-weapon items, is that they can stack with specific racial boosts.

    Every Bit Helps: Alternate Accounts
    As in life, sometimes you could use a buddy to help you out in-game. While other players may be willing to help you fight a tough monster or finish up a quest, not many are probably going to just stand around waiting for you to goto them to make your farming time easier. That's where alternate accounts (alts) come in. By creating more accounts, you can use them in several ways to help boost your farming rates. The first way is being using them as "Party Alts". On your main account (the one you're farming Legion Tokens with), you invite your alternate accounts to a party. You then put an alt at a place where you want to be able to go quickly, and then using their name in your Party list, you can quickly click the Goto button to get there. There are a few methods of farming Legion Tokens where this is greatly beneficial as it saves you a large amount of walking. While doing this, they'll also help with the second way to use alts: "Respawn Alts". The respawn rate of monsters is determined by the number of players in the room. More players means a faster respawn rate. So if you're farming in a private room, having a few alts in the same room can increase the monster respawn rate and increase your farming rate. If you're using alts just as "Respawn Alts" then they stay on the first screen; it only matters that they're in the room, not necessarily that they're on the same screen. All "Party Alts" will also be "Respawn Alts", but not all "Respawn Alts" will be "Party Alts". There are a few with using alts though. First is that you might need to do a bit of questing on your alt to allow them to access the area you want to park them in. Second, there are automatic logouts if no action takes place within a certain amount of time, so your alts may get logged out while you're farming (to avoid this, you can occasionally switch to their tab/window and just move them around a bit to reset them from AFK). Third, you have to actually make the alts! It's not hard, but some people may not want to do it. It does NOT break the rules to have alternate accounts, so you do not need to worry about that. On the whole, alts can be very beneficial to use, but they are not necessarily in all cases. Do some farming and check out if you think it would be worth it to make some. I'll try to note which quests it would be beneficial to have alts for.

    Initiation Into the Undead Legion
    If you want to join the Undead Legion, you're going to have to earn your way in. Dage doesn't accept just anyone into his Legion. You've got to complete a series of challenges to prove your worth, and only then will you be allowed access to the exclusive content of the Legion. Before jumping right in, however, let's do a bit of preparation. The goal here, as mentioned above, is to get into the Legion within 24 hours so that you can make the most of your entry fee. In order to make that a little easier, we are going to have to do some preparation before purchasing Undead Warrior. Let's get started, shall we?

    Preparing Yourself
    These are the things you're going to want to do before you purchase Undead Warrior so you can spend as little time as possible doing the Initiation quests.

    Hardly Suiting Armor (level 20 or lower players only)
    This quest is done in order to allow you access to a monster that you'll need to fight for the Initiation quests, and so doing this beforehand will save you from having to do it while under the time limit from Undead Warrior.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • Black Knight Leg Piece
  • Black Knight Chest Piece
  • Black Knight Shoulder Piece
  • Black Knight Arm Piece
  • Greenguard Forest (West), /join greenguardwest
  • Well, /join well
  • Greenguard Dragon's Lair, /join greendragon
  • Deathgazer's Realm, /join deathgazer
  • Trunk, /join trunk
    Step 1: Find your way to The Black Knight in the West part of Greenguard Forest (he's a bit tricky to find, when you /join go left, then up three times) and accept the quest from him.
    Step 2: Head over to the Well and fight the Gell Oh No to get the Black Knight Leg Piece.
    Step 3: From the Well, go to the Greenguard Dragon's Lair and slay the Greenguard Dragon in order to obtain the Black Knight Chest Piece.
    Step 4: Now it's off to the Deathgazer's Realm to defeat the Deathgazer and obtain the Black Knight Shoulder Piece.
    Step 5: Finally we will be heading to the Trunk, where we will find and fight the Greenguard Basilisk, which will get us the Black Knight Arm Piece. Now that you have all the items for the quest, head back to The Black Knight and turn them in to receive Black Knight Orb.

    The purpose of this was to get the Black Knight Orb, which you want to keep. It's needed to be able to access a monster you need to fight later, so hang on to it! Again, this portion is necessary ONLY for players level 20 or lower. Level 21 or higher players can make use of a different method, which is mentioned in the description for the Undead Champion Initiation quest below.

    Willowcreek Quests
    Another set of quests (there are too many for me to describe them all, but they are easy to do) you'll want to have done before you embark on your journey to enter the Undead Legion are the Willowcreek quests in Willowcreek as you need to have them done to access a monster needed later for the Initiation quests.

    Dwarfhold Quests
    There are a few more quests you're going to want to have done before you begin your initiation. As mentioned before, the Legion is meant to be end-game content and as such, it's highly likely that you've already completed the Dwarfhold Chaos story. If you have, then you're all set. If you haven't yet, you'll need to be able to access an area that is further into the story, and as such you'll need to complete both sets of Snowbeard's quests as well as Donna Charmer's quests. You don't need to complete the entire Dwarfhold storyline (unless you want to), just those first few quests.

    Bludrut Brawl
    This isn't really a quest, per se, but since one of the Legion Initiation quests has been changed back to a previous one, you're definitely going to want to be doing this before you start your initiation process.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements: None!
  • Bludrut Brawl, /join bludrutbrawl
    Step 1: The first thing you're going to need to do is equip whatever equipment you want to use for the Brawl, because once you're in the arena you can't change your equipment. This means you'll want to put on a class that can survive and do some damage, most likely.
    Step 2: Join a private match of Bludrut Brawl (/join bludrutbrawl-####). It'll spawn you on the A team, so you'll need to run to the right through the blue doors until you get to Neutral Screen 1 (which has a blue door, a black door, and a red door, with no enemies in it). Go up through the black door and then right through the red door.
    Step 3: You're now going to want to kill the Team B Restorers. There are two of them in this first room and two of them in the room to the right. Once you start killing them, you'll see the score counter starts increasing in increments every 10 seconds. This is, for our purpose, a timer; you need to finish before you get 1000 points.
    Step 4: Head back out to the Neutral Screen and then take a right through the red door. From here you'll be killing the Team B Brawlers, of which there are three (one per room for three rooms).
    Step 5: You've now got two options. Hopefully you've killed all four Restorers and all three Brawlers before the score counter reached 1000, and I will assume you have. From here you can either go kill the Team B Captain (up from the last Brawler) to get 1000 points and end the match, or you can just wait out the counter until it reaches 1000. Either way the match will end and you'll get your reward.
    Match Reward: 5 Combat Trophies
    Time to Complete: 2-4 minutes
    Inventory Space Required: 1 (for the Combat Trophies)
    Additional Notes: For the love of Dage do this before you start the initiation process! The number of Combat Trophies you get depends on the number of Restorers and Brawlers killed, so they're the ones you want to focus on, not the Captain (so don't go straight for him). You're going to need 200 Combat Trophies for the initiation quest later so you'll need to do this process a minimum of 40 times, more if you don't get all 5 Trophies each time. That's about 1.5-3 hours that you'll need for this and that's time you don't want to spend while under a 24 hour time limit. So do it now, not necessarily all at once, and take your time with it.

    The Initiation Quests
    Now that you've got yourself prepared to enter the Undead Legion, it's time to take the plunge. Relog and then purchase the Undead Warrior armor and make a note of the time you've purchased it. You now have 24 hours to complete these quests. Good luck! Keep in mind that you're going to need Undead Warrior in your inventory to be able to accept all these quests, so the "Inventory Space Required" does not account for this one space. The time estimates in here may be a bit conservative: a friend of mine who used this guide to enter the Legion said it took him about 40 minutes to complete these initiation quests, using a character around level 40-45.

    Undead Champion Initiation
    Here it is, the start of the quests to become a Legionnaire. This one is the reason we got that Black Knight Orb.
    Relevant Quests: The Black Knight's Quests, or more specifically the Black Knight's Orb from it.
    Item Requirements:
  • Black Knight's Eternal Contract
  • Greenguard Forest (West), /join greenguardwest
  • Shadowfall, /join shadowfall (level 21 and higher only)
    Step 1 (level 20 and lower): Accept the quest from Dage the Evil in the Underworld, then return to The Black Knight from the preparation quest and speak to him again. He will have a button there that says "Summon". Click that! You'll be teleported to a room that has the Black Knight.
    Step 1 (level 21 and higher): Accept the quest from Dage the Evl in the Underworld, then head over to Shadowfall. You'll see Braeus on the left side of the first screen. Talk to him and click the Fast Travel button, then the Greenguardwest button. This will put you right in the room with the Black Knight.
    Step 2: Slay the Black Knight! Once you've got him killed you'll get the Eternal Contract you need and you can return to Dage the Evil to finish the first quest.
    Time to Complete: Roughly 2 minutes
    Inventory Space Required: 1 for the Black Knight Orb maybe more (see Additional Notes)
    Additional Notes: You may be lucky, people use the Black Knight a lot for farming Gold and thus there are fairly good chances you'll be able to get it done with some help from others. If the Black Knight drops something when you kill it, you can accept to to sell for Gold; all his drops sell for a respectable 6250 Gold apiece. After you're done with this quest, feel free to sell or delete the Black Knight Orb unless you want to keep it for future Gold farming. This is a quest you'll want to use a high DPS single-target class for.

    Mourn the Soldiers
    The second of the Undead Legion Initiation quests, this one is simple, just requiring you to visit several different areas for the items. A quick and easy one.
    Relevant Quests: This is the one where you want to have done the Willowcreek quests as well as the quests from Snowbeard and Donna Charmer
    Item Requirements:
  • Skeletal Soldier Slain
  • Drow Soldier Slain
  • Fishman Solider Slain
  • Dwakel Soldier Slain
  • Swordhaven (Undead), /join swordhavenundead
  • Dwarfhold Keep, /join dwarfhold
  • Lolosia, /join pirates
  • Willowcreek, /join willowcreek
    Step 1: Accept this quest from Dage, and then head over to Swordhaven (Undead). You're going to kill one of the Skeletal Soldiers found there.
    Step 2: Now it's off to see the Drows! Even though the quest says Drow Soldier, they do not exist anymore, so we are going to go to the Dwarfhold Keep and slay one of the Chaos Drows that can be found there.
    Step 3: You're already halfway done, and now we are off to get your next item. Head over to Lolosia and right there in front of you, you'll find your target; the Fishman Soldier. Slay him for your quest item.
    Step 4: Finally, go to the Willowcreek map, which you should recognize from the doing the quests there. Go to the caves to find a Dwakel Soldier, kill it, and then return to Dage in the Underworld to finish the second Initiation quest.
    Time to Complete: About 2 minutes
    Inventory Space Required: None!
    Additional Notes: Not much to add. This is a really fast, simple quest that just requires you to travel to four different locations. All monsters are very weak and take very little time to defeat. This is a quest you'll want to use a high DPS single-target class for.

    Understanding Undead Champions
    This is the one that seems really intimidating, as you're going to need to kill a boss monster a whopping 80 times. However, it's not nearly as bad as it seems, so don't get discouraged!
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 80 Ravaged Champion Souls
  • Battleunder B
    Step 1: Accept the quest from Dage and head on down to Battleunder B, and make your way to the screen where you find the Undead Champion.
    Step 2: Prepare yourself for some farming, and start on killing the Undead Champion. When you kill him, he will drop a permanent item called the Ravaged Champion Soul. Because this is a permanent item, if you are unlucky enough to get disconnected you won't lose all your hard work on the quest!
    Step 3: Just keep on killing the Undead Champion until you've got yourself 80 Ravaged Champion Souls. While it seems like a lot, you'll find that it's not so bad. When you've got the 80 Undead Champion Souls, turn them in and complete the third Initiation quest. Congratulations, you got past the hardest part!
    Time to Complete: Roughly 30-60 minutes
    Inventory Space Required: 1 (for the Ravaged Champion Souls), with optional 3 (see Additional Notes)
    Additional Notes: While the number of kills seems high, it's really not that bad as there are almost always people at the Undead Champion farming Legion Tokens (detailed later). This, combined with the fact that the Undead Champion does only have about 18,500 HP means that it dies very quickly. The Undead Champion also drop Undead Energies and Undead Essences (not used for the Legion), so if you want to accept these as well instead of pushing No every time, you can accept them and delete them later. This will require two more inventory spaces though. This is a quest you'll want to use a high DPS single-target class for.

    Slay the Unworthy
    This quest isn't so bad, it's a somewhat lengthy one just because of the number of items you're required to get.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 50 Undead Un-life Forces
  • Swordhaven Castle (Undead), /join castleundead
    Step 1: Accept the quest from Dage the Evil and head to the Swordhaven Castle that's been overrun by the Undead. There are loads of Undead here, and the ones you're going after are the Skeletal Warriors. There are five of them spread throughout the map.
    Step 2: Start killing the Skeletal Warriors. Run in a loop around the map (I run to the left, up, right, down, left, repeat, but you can go the other way too). Kill the Undead Warriors you find. They will always spawn in the same rooms, so the two rooms that have the Undead Vikings in it, you don't have to kill anything since they do not drop the Un-life Force. Let the drops stack up on your screen.
    Step 3: At the end of the loop (back in the starting room), accept the drops. You only need to hit Accept one time for each type of item. You can decline any items that aren't Miscellaneous if you chose. Remember to only hit Accept one time! If you push Accept on two of the same item, the game will kick you out as a part of the anti-botting system and you'll lose the Un-Life Forces you had.
    Step 4: Repeat the loop and item method until you've got the 50 Un-Life Forces, then return to Dage the Evil and complete the quest. You can now delete the Miscellaneous items you got from the quest.
    Time to Complete: About 10 minutes
    Inventory Space Required: 4, give or take (this depends on how many of the items you accept and which ones drop), note that all will be deleted and accepting them just saves time instead of clicking No for every one as it drops
    Additional Notes: Though the quest is simple, it is a lot of temporary items you'll be getting and a lot of Miscellaneous items are going to be stacking up on your screen. Therefore use the utmost care in accepting each Misc. item only one time and letting the whole stack go into your inventory to avoid being kicked out and losing your temporary items. There are going to be a lot of drops as you kill the enemies and it's just something you'll have to deal with, but fortunately it's not all that long you have to put up with it. This is a quest you'll want to use an AoE class for.

    Player vs. Power
    This is the reason you spent the time farming those Combat Trophies earlier. You don't have to do it now!
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 200 Combat Trophies
    Locations: None!
    Step 1: Go to Dage the Evil and accept the quest.
    Step 2: Turn in the quest!
    Time to Complete: About 4 seconds
    Inventory Space Required: 0 (or 1 if you count the one already used for the Combat Trophies)
    Additional Notes: There is really nothing more to say about this, it's incredibly straightforward.

    Fail to the King
    This is it! The last quest until you're officially a member of Undead Legion! It's a pretty easy one too, so prepare to call yourself a Legionnaire.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 25 King's Guard Slain
  • Prison, /join prison
    Step 1: Accept this final quest from Dage the Evil and head over to the Prison. You'll need to break the Prison Wall, go through the hole it makes, and leave the prison cell to find the monster you need to fight, King Alteon's Knights. There are five of them in the map.
    Step 2: Kill the two Knights in the first room, then move to the second room, kill those two Knights, and move to the next room and kill the single Knight in there. The room after him doesn't have another Knight, so run back to the first room. By now the Knights in this room should have respawned, so you can start the loop again.
    Step 3: Once you've gotten the 25 King's Guard Slain items, return to Dage the Evil and turn in the quest. Welcome to the Legion!
    Time to Complete: About 3 minutes
    Inventory Space Required: None!
    Additional Notes: The Prison map is one of those where you have to kill the enemies in one room before you can move on to the next, but that only applies for the first run through; if you stay in the same map instance and go back to a previous room, you won't have to clear it again. In other words, after clearing it, you're free to move about. The quest requirements are not a 100% drop so if they don't seem to be dropping, just keep trying! This is a quest you'll want to use an AoE class for.

    Congratulations! You've done it! You're now a part of the Undead Legion! If it's been less than 24 hours since you bought Undead Warrior, sell it back for 1080 ACs and go review the Making the Most of Your 1200 ACs section. You won't need Undead Warrior for any quests after completing Fail to the King. I am well aware the estimated time to complete each quest that I gave will vary from person to person, but I'd still say it will take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours to do the entire Initiation quest sequence. So you should have plenty of time to get them all done before 24 hours are up on Undead Warrior.

    Efficient Legion Token Farming
    This section is the one most of you are probably interested in; what's the best way to quickly earn a Legion Token fortune so you can get all that cool gear you want?! Well read on! These are the ways in my experience that I've discovered to be the most efficient way to farm Legion Tokens, divided based upon what sort of situation you're in as far as what items you can or have purchased to aid you. Note that "Inventory Space Required" only accounts for the items required for the quest; an additional space is needed for the Legion Tokens, which stack to 25,000.

    The Most Efficient Non-Pet Method
    What's the best way to farm Legion Tokens without one of those expensive pets, you ask? Why, a place that's not related to the Legion, of course! The introduction of the Dreadrock Citadel, a hub of evil, meant the introduction of a few new Legion Token farming quests. They weren't all that great, until a nerf to the monsters in the citadel. Now, it's the best place to go for all your non-pet Legion Token needs!

    Undead Champion Recruitment
    Not sure why you're recruiting Undead Champions if you already are one, seeing as you're in the Legion, but that's alright. Speaking of being an Undead Champion, you'll need to have the armour in your inventory to accept this quest.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 6 Dreadrock Enemies Defeated
  • Dreadrock Citadel, /join dreadrock
    Step 1: Head over to the Dreadrock citadel, and then head to the right two screens. You'll find yourself in a room with five NPCs. The farthest to the right, Sirenia, has the quest you want.
    Step 2: Accept the quest, slay the three monsters in the room, then head to the right.
    Step 3: Beat the three monsters here. Unfortunately, though you've now defeated six Dreadrock enemies, the quest item is not a 100% drop, so head up one screen.
    Step 4: Beat the five enemies on this screen, then head back down and to the left to return the screen with Sirenia.
    Step 5: If you've gotten all six of the items needed, turn in the quest and repeat. If you've not, still repeat the above steps, but head back to Sirenia to turn in the quest once you've gotten all six items.
    Legion Token Reward: 5 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: About 45 seconds
    Tokens per Minute: 7.09
    Inventory Space Required: 1 for the armour
    Additional Notes: The mobs here are pretty weak, but the area is rather popular, so I recommend using a private room to maximize the number of kills you're able to get yourself. Conveniently, the two races of monsters in this map are Undead and Human. Because the Dual Chainsaw Katanas have a 25% boost to both Undead and Human enemies, they're the ideal weapon to use here! So use the Dual Chainsaw Katanas and an AoE class for this quest.

    The Absolute Fastest Ways
    While the methods in this section are not 100% on par, all of them have a threshold of 20 or more Legion Tokens per minute, as calculated by the method described in the Some Notes section. Here are what I have found to be the best ways to use each of them. This is organized in order of fastest to slowest.

    Bright Paragon Pet[BPP]
    The trend seems to be releasing a great Legion Token pet during the holidays now, and this offering is the Bright Paragon Pet. It eschews some of the normal themes to be based off the Limited Quantity Shop Paragon of Light.

    Legion Quest: Overworld Free for All and Legion Quest: Light vs Dark
    Much like the Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider, this pet has two quests that you'll be doing side by side. They're easy, rewarding, and let you sit in one map (though you won't be)! They're also about Dage the Good!
    Relevant Quests: None, though a (skippable) cutscene will play the first time you join the map after logging in.
    Item Requirements:
  • 10 Dark Hearts
  • 10 Badges of Loyalty
  • 8 Badges of Corruption
  • 6 Twisted Light Tokens
  • Bright Fortress, /join brightfortress
    Step 1: Accept the quests from the pet and copy /join brightfortress-123456, then join the first instance.
    Step 2: Talk to Beleen and click the Dage the Evil button. This will teleport you to a room with Dage the Evil in it.
    Step 3: Go down one screen and kill the two Brightscythe Reavers. If you're using an AoE class you'll also likely aggro Commander Yulgar but you do NOT want to fight him, so just move back to the screen with Dage the Evil and hop to the next instance of Bright Fortress.
    Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you've gotten the items you need for Legion Quest: Light vs Dark (which is everything but the Dark Hearts), then turn in the quest. When you finally get the 10 Dark Hearts, turn in Legion Quest: Overworld Free for All as well.
    Legion Token Reward: 50 Legion Tokens usually, at times 20 Legion Tokens as well
    Time to Complete: About 50-60 seconds
    Tokens per Minute: 58.59
    Inventory Space Required: 1 (for the pet), with an optional second (see Additional Notes)
    Additional Notes: The Brightscythe Reavers are tagged as Humans, so you'll want to use your best Human-boosted item against them. You'll usually get the 50 Legion Tokens, with the 20 coming rather infrequently (I personally had 6 runs of 50 before I had enough Dark Hearts for a run of 70). The enemies can drop the Mirror Token so an additional inventory slot can be useful for accepting these to use or delete at a later time. This is a quest you'll want to use an AoE class for.

    Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider and Mounted Paragon Pet[Combo]
    Yes, you read that title right! As if one Paragon Pet wasn't good enough, it turns out that a combination of two of them takes the one of the top spots in speed of Legion Token farming. If you happened to pick up and hang on to both of these pets, congratulations!

    Keep Winter here! and Legion Quest: Coal for the Legion
    Does Dage want to keep winter here, but burn coal to keep warm? That's not very good for the environment...
    Relevant Quests: None, as the area can be joined right away. However, the first time you join it during a login session, a cutscene (skippable) will play. To prevent the cutscene, you must finish the Seek the Tower quest from Rian.
    Item Requirements:
  • 10 Frost Hearts
  • 10 Giant Coal Lumps
  • 8 Small Coal Lumps
  • Frozen Tower, /join frozentower
    Step 1: Accept the quests from both pets, have the Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider equipped, and copy /join frozentower-123456.
    Step 2: Join the Frozen Tower map, kill the three enemies, and then hop to the next instance. Rinse and repeat.
    Step 3: Almost always, Keep Winter Here! will finish first, so turn it in and re-accept it, then continue roomhopping.
    Step 4: Once Legion Quest: Coal for the Legion completes, switch to the Mounted Paragon Pet and turn in the quest, re-accept it, and then switch back to the Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider.
    Legion Token Reward: 20/50 Legion Tokens (almost every time, you'll finish Keep Winter Here! first and shortly after, Legion Quest: Coal for the Legion) for a total of 70
    Time to Complete: About 1-2 minutes per Legion Quest: Coal for the Legion, which will encompass both that and Keep Winter Here!
    Tokens per Minute: 45.94
    Inventory Space Required: 2 for the pets
    Additional Notes: I have found that because Keep Winter Here! pretty much always finishes first, it is better to keep the Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider equipped and just switch to the Mounted Paragon Pet when necessary. Very rarely, either because of one of the Coal Lumps (usually the Large ones tend to be those that take longer to drop) being stubborn or just because of how the stacking works out, you may get two Keep Winter Here! iterations done in the time it takes for one Legion Quest: Coal for the Legion. It doesn't take any extra time, but you'll get 90 rather than 70 LTs.

    Shogun Paragon Pet or Shogun Dage Pet[SoDa ShoPP]
    Right here we have some things that are very, very surprising. First of all, both of these pets are seasonal! That means they will return each year for Dage's birthday, rather than leaving forever like the other Paragon Pets have. Additionally, the Shogun Paragon Pet is actually available for Legion Tokens! The first ever Paragon pet to do so, it costs 2000 Legion Tokens rather than the usual 2000 Adventure Coins, but it allows you to farm more Legion Tokens (very quickly). Both the Shogun pet versions (Paragon and Dage) look the same and have the same quests, the only difference is how you get them.

    Clear a Path and Time for Some Spring Cleaning
    Are you surprised to find that once more, you're doing two pets? You shouldn't be. It's all the rage these days. Of important note is that this particular method is faster by a bit IF you're able to kill one of the monsters (that has 14k health) quickly. If you are not, whether it's your level or your class or whatever other reason, use the other method outlined below.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 7 Fotia Spirits Extinguished
  • 5 Fotia Elementals Vanquished
  • 2 Femme Cult Worshipper's Souls
  • 10 Nothing Heards (things not heard?)
  • 10 Nothing to Sees (things not seen?)
  • 10 Area Secured and Quiets
  • Fotia, /join fotia
    Step 1: Accept the quests from the pet and head to Fotia. Head left, then up three screens, then down and right (down the path) to arrive at Screen 6 with two Femme Cult Worshipers. Kill these two, then head up one screen.
    Step 2: Kill the Fotia Spirit and Fotia Elemental on this screen. If you have both of the Femme Cult Worshipper's Souls, head to the left. If you don't have both of them, head back down. Repeat steps 1 (starting from killing the Worshipers) and 2 until you have both Souls.
    Step 3: Kill the Fotia Spirit and Fotia Elemental on this screen, and then head back up (it can be hard to click right, but above the Music button works well).
    Step 4: Alternate between this room and the room to the left until you've gotten all the items needed for either quest, then turn that quest in (and reaccept it). If it was Clear a Path, start again from Step 1. If it was Time for Some Spring Cleaning, repeat this step until you have finished Clear a Path, then start again from step 1.
    Legion Token Reward: 50/20 Legion Tokens between the two quests.
    Time to Complete: 1-1.5 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 45.53
    Inventory Space Required: 1 (for the pet)
    Additional Notes: The Femme Cult Worshipers are Human and the Fotia Spirits are Undead, so the Dual Chainsaw Katanas are high recommended for this quest. Because you'll be taking down some rather high-health monsters, you're going to want to use a high-DPS single-target class for this method. The drops are not 100%, except for the ones for Time for Some Spring Cleaning from the Worshipers. However, they're too high of health to be really worth fighting for both quests, and there are only two, so it's better to just get the Souls you need from then and then move on to the weaker mobs.

    Alternate Method: Time for Some Spring Cleaning
    If you're unable to quickly take down the Femme Cult Worshipers, then this is the one you're going to do. You lose the 20 LT quest, but you're still getting the 50 very quickly.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 10 Nothing Heards (things not heard?)
  • 10 Nothing to Sees (things not seen?)
  • 10 Area Secured and Quiets
  • Fotia, /join fotia
    Step 1: Accept the quests from the pet and copy /join fotia-123456. Join the first instance and kill the Fotia Spirit and Fotia Elemental.
    Step 2: Join a new instance and again kill the two monsters here. Repeat until you've gotten all 10 of everything you need, then turn in the quest.
    Legion Token Reward: 50 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: 1-1.5 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 41.54
    Inventory Space Required: 1 (for the pet)
    Additional Notes: Not much else to say about this, it's an incredibly straight-forward roomhopping quest that you complete quickly and get highly rewarded for.

    Mounted Paragon Pet[MoPar]
    I hope you like having your Paragon pet riding a reindeer (or caribou, for those North Americans). Once again a Frostval Paragon Pet that emphasizes fast Legion Token farming, this one's pretty tall!

    Legion Quest: Coal for the Legion
    Maybe the coal is being used to heat the Soul Forge? It can't be for the stockings of his Legionnaires, as they've been good to him!
    Relevant Quests: None, as the area can be joined right away. However, the first time you join it during a login session, a cutscene (skippable) will play. To prevent the cutscene, you must finish the Seek the Tower quest from Rian.
    Item Requirements:
  • 10 Giant Coal Lumps
  • 8 Small Coal Lumps
  • Frozen Tower, /join frozentower
    Step 1: Accept the quest and copy /join frozentower-123456.
    Step 2: Join the Frozen Tower map, kill the three enemies, and then hop to the next instance. Rinse and repeat.
    Step 3: Once the quest completes, turn it in and reap the reward!
    Legion Token Reward: 50 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: About 1-2 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 37.85
    Inventory Space Required: 1 for the pet
    Additional Notes: Not a lot to add to this. The limiting factor is pretty much the Large Coal Lumps, which is kind of annoying since the quest requires more of them. The Small Coal Lumps actually stack beyond the 8 required, so again the real limiting factor is the Large ones. You'll want to use an AoE class for this quest.

    Arcane Paragon Pet[ArcPP]
    A surprising upset in what seemed to be the trend of the Birthday pets being focused on item farming and the Holiday ones being focused on Token farming, this pet came in with a whole load of quests to do, all of them offering an appealing award (from 75 all the way up to 200!). An important thing to note about this pet (and this guide) is that I have done my tests assuming you are farming alone. If you're farming with a party, the Hearts and Souls! quest is likely much better, but that's not how I have done the testing. Another thing to note is no matter the quest, you're fighting Dragons! That means get your best Dragon boosting gear ready. As a Legend, you can pick up the Evolved Dragon Blade for a 50% Dragon Boost. The same boost can be had for anyone (with 2500 ACs) with the Dragon Blade.

    Keep Soul Searching!
    It's all about those souls for Dage, and as time goes on, he wants more powerful ones. So of course, the solution is Dragon souls! Bring these to him, and you'll be rewarded with some Tokens. Pretty simple quest to do, doesn't even require moving that much.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 4 Granite Dracolich Souls
  • 4 Tempest Dracolich Souls
  • 4 Inferno Dracolich Souls
  • 4 Deluge Dracolich Souls
  • Dragons' Heart, /join dragonheart
    Step 1: Accept the quest from the pet and head to Dragons' Heart. Head to the left 4 screens (you'll end up on Screen 8), then up two screens. Go stand in the center circle and start attacking. You'll get the Tempest Dracolich Souls from the Tempest Dracolich (shocker, I know) and the Deluge Dracolich Souls from the Deluge Dracolich. Once you've gotten all four of each, head one screen to the right.
    Step 2: Once again, stand in the middle and just keep smacking on the monsters. You'll be unsurprised to learn the Granite Dracolich drops the Granite Dracolich Souls and the Inferno Dracolich drops the Inferno Dracolich Souls. Once all four of each are in your possession, turn in the quest and reap the rewards!
    Legion Token Reward: 90
    Time to Complete: 2-3 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 33.35
    Inventory Space Required: 5-6 (one for the pet, four for the four types of Souls, one if you count having Dragonslayer General as a specialized class for this quest)
    Additional Notes: The reason you go stand in the middle circle is that it keeps both Dracoliches in melee range, which helps you not have to run around as much and lets you attack from the beginning with any skill rather than just ranged ones. Beyond that, this is a pretty simple quest to do. Because the Dracoliches are tagged as Dragons, I highly recommend using Dragonslayer General for these fights. Switching to Dragonslayer General from a different high-DPS single-target class, and making no other changes, caused the Tokens per Minute to increase by 27%. Dragonslayer General is superb for killing Dragons. This quest is the best way to farm alone; some of the other quests are likely better if you've got a powerful team farming alongside you.

    Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider[FPDR]
    The pet has gone rare as the holidays have been left behind, but if you were one of the lucky ones who got it, congratulations! By this point it's not the best it once was, and in fact is essentially a lesser version of the Mounted Paragon Pet, but it still hauls in a respectable number of Legion Tokens.

    Keep Winter here!
    It seems that Dage is all about winter. Maybe because it's the season with the least amount of warmth and sunshine?
    Relevant Quests: None, as the area can be joined right away. However, the first time you join it during a login session, a cutscene (skippable) will play. To prevent the cutscene, you must finish the Seek the Tower quest from Rian.
    Item Requirements:
  • 10 Frost Hearts
  • Frozen Tower, /join frozentower
    Step 1: Accept the quest and copy /join frozentower-123456.
    Step 2: Join the Frozen Tower map, kill the three enemies, and then hop to the next instance. Rinse and repeat.
    Step 3: Once the quest completes, turn it in and reap the reward!
    Legion Token Reward: 20 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: About 30 seconds to 1 minute
    Tokens per Minute: 27.65
    Inventory Space Required: 1 for the pet
    Additional Notes: This is extremely straightforward. The biggest note thing is you may have noticed I changed the method and you no longer do the 50 LT quest. I've found that roomhopping is somewhat faster, so that would be the recommended method.

    UW3017 Pet[UW3017]
    As with the Shogun pets, this Paragon pet is another of the pets that will returning seasonally to celebrate Dage's birthday. It's got a quest for some special stabby pokey laser sword things, and two quests for Legion Tokens. Wanna guess how many of them you'll do at once?

    Search and Destroy and Bring Me Their Arms
    You might have guessed it! Another of the two-at-once pets, Dage wants you to look into the matter of some monsters that, despite having been around for years now, are apparently just now being pinged as potential issues. Better late than never?
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 20 Inferno Horns
  • 5 Dreadfiend Blades
  • 20 Foreign Weapons
  • 20 Foreign Equipments
  • 20 Unknown Substances
  • Underworld, /join underworld (pick one)
  • Evil War (Dage), /join evilwardage (pick one)
    Step 1: Accept the quests from the pet and head to either Underworld or Evil War (Dage). The monsters you need are guaranteed spawns on the same screens of both maps, so which one you pick is entirely personal preference (the only differences are the zoom levels; what's zoomed in on one map is zoomed out on the other). Head right, down/left, left, left, up (the arrow is behind Klunk if you're on the Evil War map), and right to end up on Screen 10.
    Step 2: Kill the two Dark Makais here and then head to the left.
    Step 3: Kill both the Infernalfiends and the Dreadfiend of Nulgath found on this screen. Only the Infernalfiends drop the Inferno Horns, and only the Dreadfiend drops the Dreadfiend Blade, but both can drop all three of the other items. Once you've killed these three, head back to the right.
    Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you've gotten enough items to turn in one of the quests (usually it'll be Bring Me Their Arms for 50 Legion Tokens first), and turn it in. See Additional Notes for a note about the Dreadfiend.
    Legion Token Reward: 50/20 Legion Tokens, usually you'll get the 50 done before the 20 by a good margin
    Time to Complete: 2-3 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 26.36
    Inventory Space Required: 1-4 (one for the pet, see Additional Notes)
    Additional Notes: Fighting these monsters means you're going to get a large number of the Dage's Favor and Dage's Approval items, so you might want to have a couple inventory spaces you can use to accept these and then either use or delete them later. You may also get as a drop from the Dark Makais the Dark Scroll, which is not used for any Legion-related purposes but does take you on a fun treasure hunt through the game. The Dreadfiend has by far the most health, so once you get the 5 Dreadfiend Blades it may be worth it (depending on the respawn rates) to stop killing it and just alternate between the Dark Makais and Infernalfiends until you've finished Search and Destroy and need the Dreadfiend Blades again. If it takes you long enough to kill a Dreadfiend that the Inferalfiends respawn, you may want to consider not using Search and Destroy at all and focus solely on Bring Me Their Arms.

    Paragon Dreadnaught Pet[DrPP]
    Fun fact: it was not until I started writing this that I realized that it's Paragon Dreadnaught Pet and not Dreadnaught Paragon Pet like I though it was... and why I call it DrPP... the more you know! 2017's rare birthday pet, the Dreadnaught Paragon Pet's got some fun looks and a click-to-transform face! Unfortunately that does make it a little harder on you, the player, since you have to click elsewhere to accept the quests, but it's pretty nifty. You'll likely be unsurprised to find that this is another two-at-once quest pet, which seem to be pretty popular.

    Research Material and Suffering is Magic
    And here I thought friendship was magic. Two quests, same monsters, same map. Pretty simple, pretty handy.

    Relevant Quests: None, though if you want the cutscene not to play when you enter the map, you must complete Get Rid of the Guards from Fethor.
    Item Requirements:
  • 10 Circuit Boards
  • 10 Blueprints
  • 5 Stolen Guards
  • 10 Stolen Dogs
  • 10 Taken Axes
    Locations: Laken (Location), /join laken
    Step 1: Join the map, wait for the temporary armour to equip, then re-equip your own armour because you worked hard to make that set look good! Talk to Laken and hit the button to go to the Lab. Head up one screen.
    Step 2: Head to the right one screen, and then blast the baddies here.
    Step 3: Head back to the left, defeat these foes, and then repeat steps 2 and 3.
    Step 4: Once you have the 5 Stolen Guards, dropped by the Augmented Guard, begin using Screens 3, 4, and 5 to defeat the Cyborg Dogs and Mad Scientists. Watch for the death animations (the dog sort of falls back and the Mad Scientist explodes in blue lightning) and leave the room after you've killed the two. You likely won't have killed the Augmented Guard but all it drops is the Stolen Guard item, so you're wasting time if you keep fighting it.
    Step 5: Once one of the quests completes, turn it in. Usually you'll get both to complete within a few kills of each other so you could just wait until both are complete and turn them both in, but that wastes some kills that could count towards the other quest so I don't recommend it.
    Legion Token Reward: 50/20 (you'll usually get both done pretty darn close to each other)
    Time to Complete: 2.5-4 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 24.28
    Inventory Space Required: 1 (for the pet)
    Additional Notes: Not a whole lot else. I've found that both single target and AoE classes work fairly well for this, depending on how much clicking you want to do. Single target can help avoid the Augmented Guards once you're done getting their drops. The drops are not 100%, so you may have to keep trying for a bit to get everything. You don't have to unequip the temporary armour but you do have that option. Because the face takes up so much space and changes the look rather than opening the quest menu, you'll have to click a little lower, around those adorable little feet.

    Holiday Paragon Pet[HPP]
    The first of the Paragon pets that have now become tradition to release for the holidays, it is still one of the fastest ways to farm Legion Tokens. Here's how to use it to farm to your heart's content!

    Dage's Winter is Coming
    This is one of the fastest ways in the game to earn Legion Tokens right now (though with newer pets added, it's not at the level it once was), and it's pretty straightforward. The order you get the reagents in doesn't matter and I personally like to switch it up just for a bit of variety, so you can get them in any order. However for the sake of the guide, I'll order them.
    Relevant Quests: In order to access the Valley of Death (Vampire) map, you'll need to complete Warclaw or Vannier's quests from them in Darkovia Graveyard, Shadowslayer Z's quests from him in Darkovia Forest, Safiria's quests from her in her castle, and Constantin's quests from him in Lycan Ridge. Additionally, this is a map where you must defeat all enemies in one room before you can move to the next one (the first time through, if you stay in the map you can move freely once you've cleared it). For the Prison map, you must defeat all the Knights in the room to move to the next one (same mechanic as the Valley of Death rooms). The first time you join the Battle Wedding map, you will be sent to a cutscene. When this ends, a quest called Artix Needs a Girlfriend automatically completes, and you are dumped in the Grimskull Annex. However you do not need to do anything in this map; once the Artix Needs a Girlfriend quest completes you can now join the Battle Wedding map normally.
    Item Requirements:
  • 6 Spirits of Loyalty
  • 6 Spirits of Good Will
  • 6 Spirits of Love
  • Battle Wedding, /join battlewedding
  • Valley of Death (Vampire), /join vampirewar
  • Prison, /join prison
    Step 1: Equip your Holiday Paragon Pet and accept the Dage's Winter is Coming quest. The first item you'll need is the Spirit of Love. These can be obtained from the Silver Knights in the Battle Wedding map. Because of the length of the map name as well as the speed you are killing the monsters at, this is the best map to room-hop with, if you so choose. Use copy and paste with "/join battlewedding-123456" and kill the Silver Knights. It's possible to kill all four before they start respawning, and you can room-hop after you kill them if you want, or just stay there and wait for them to respawn. They will frequently drop the Love Token, and the easiest way to deal with these (if you have an extra inventory slot) is to let them stack until you have all 6 Spirits of Love, then push Accept on one of them. This will put them all into your inventory (WARNING: If you let them stack but push Accept on more than one before they're put into your inventory, the game will kick you out as a part of an anti-bot system and you'll lose the Spirits of Love!) and delete them later, after you're done farming.
    Step 2: The next item we'll be going after is the Spirit of Loyalty. These are dropped by King Alteon's Knights in the Prison. Join a private instance of the map (/join prison-####), as the Knights are weak and if there are others farming the quest at the same time as you, they can steal your kills. When you first join the map, you'll need to break through the Prison Wall and walk through the hole it makes and out of the cell to find the Knights. There are five Knights total in the map (two, two, and then a single one; the room past the single one doesn't have a Knight so don't bother going in there), so kill them all and then run back to the screen with the first two Knights. By this point they should have respawned, and you can go back for another run. Keep doing this loop until you have all 6 Spirits of Loyalty.
    Step 3: The final item you need is the Spirit of Good Will. These are dropped by the War Lycan Knights in the Valley of Death (Vampire). Join a private instance of this room as well (/join vampirewar-####). Kill the Lycan in the first room and head to the second one. You'll find the first of four War Lycan Knights here, along with two Lycans. Kill them, and head up into the next room. There are four enemies here, two of them War Lycan Knights. Clear this room, then head up- the room to the right only has an NPC. This last room has the fourth War Lycan Knight, alone. Kill him, and then run back down to the room with the three baddies where you found the first War Lycan Knight. They should have respawned by now, so repeat the loop. Do this until you have the 6 Spirits of Good Will. With the quest complete, turn it in (since the Holiday Paragon Pet is right there with you) and if you want to keep farming, start over again, starting in the room you're already in.
    Legion Token Reward: 50 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: About 2-3 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 22.89
    Inventory Space Required: 1 (for the pet) OPTIONAL 2 if you want to accept the Love Tokens instead of having to hit No for each one
    Additional Notes: This is far and away the fastest way to farm Legion Tokens. Though the drop rates of the Spirits are unconfirmed, they're about 60% or so in my experience (though the Spirit of Good Will is perhaps lower, around 40%)- you usually only need to hop to 2 or 3 rooms in order to get all the Spirits from any particular monster. All the Spirits are temporary items, so disconnecting, logging out, closing the browser, or anything of the like will make you lose any progress, though this isn't a huge deal as it takes 2-3 minutes to complete the quest. This is a quest you'll want to use an AoE class for, and do alone. Since the enemies have such low HP, they die quickly, and so farming with others means many people can kill the monsters in one hit and you won't be able to get the drop. I highly recommend using private rooms for all three maps to avoid missing the drops due to other players.

    Infernal Caladbolg[IC]
    This sword was an expensive investment but if you want to farm Legion Tokens it was a highly desirable one. It's a 3000 AC sword (yes, 3000) but it gives access to a quest that is fast enough to earn you more than 20 Legion Tokens every minute.

    Infernal Legion Betrayal
    A pretty simple quest that requires you to visit a couple places that are relevant to Dage and his story and kill a few monsters. This is super fast, as mentioned before almost on par with the Holiday Paragon Pet, and requires seven monster drops.
    Relevant Quests: None! Though one of the places you'll visit is part of Dage's Saga so you may be interested in doing that. Additionally if you go through the Oblivion Portal, you'll have to skip the cutscene (it stops playing after the first time every log in, so as long as you stay logged in you can run through freely after the first one. If you log out, you'll have to skip it again).
    Items Required:
  • 2 Fiends Felled
  • 5 Betrayers Extinguished
  • Underworld, /join underworld
  • Fotia Island (the beach!), /join fotia
    Step 0: Not really a part of the actual quests, but as a requirement to start the quest you must have purchased the Infernal Caladbolg sword and have it in your inventory. This DOES NOT include the Daggers version, you must have the sword to do the quest.
    Step 1: Accept the quest from Dage (using the Special Items Quests button in Underworld, or the Infernal Caladbolg button in my house, both found under the Quests button) and then head over to the Dreadfiend of Nulgath. There are only two that are a guaranteed spawn, the first one (and closest) is in the room after Klunk, so that would be the place to go. Slay the Dreadfriend, wait for it to respawn, and kill it again. If you haven't gotten the two Fiend Felled items from these two (which you may not, the drop rate is high but not 100%) keep killing the Dreadfiend until you've got the two Fiends Felled.
    Step 2: Copy "/join fotia-123456" and paste it to room-hop on Fotia Island, since you're only going to be at the first room of the map. When you arrive there, you'll find two monsters. You're going to want to kill the Fotia Elementals to get the Betrayer Extinguished.The Fotia Spirits are not useful for this quest, so you can ignore them. Keep on hopping and killing the Fotia Elementals until you have the five Betrayer Extinguished items. These have a much lower drop rate than the Fiend Felled items, and this is the longest part of the quest.
    Step 3: Return to Dage in the Underworld and turn in the quest to receive your Legion Tokens!
    Legion Token Reward: 50 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: About 2.5-4 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 20.22
    Inventory Space Required: 1 but 3 recommended (1 for the sword, see Additional Notes)
    Additional Notes: The Dreadfiends of Nulgath also drop two permanent items, the Dage's Favor and Dage's Approval. It's faster to just accept these drops and delete them later than to click no to each of them (hence why you'd need 3 inventory spaces) but you can get away with just having 1 space for the sword if you are willing to sacrifice a bit of time to click No to each one. The times for this one average out to about 2.5-4 minutes if you're running it alone, meaning you're running to each place and you maybe are killing the enemies alone too. Time can be saved by putting one alternate account in the room with Dage's NPC in the Underworld and one at the Dreadfiend. With the return of the Evil War maps, you can now find the Dreadfiends of Nulgath in the Evil War (Dage) map, /join evilwardage, as well. I have tested both maps and the times for the runs don't seem that different, but there is no Dage the Evil NPC in the Evil War map, so while you could hop to that one if you desire, you might as well stick with the Underworld map. This is a quest you'll want to use a high DPS single-target class for. The Fotia Elemental spawn location is, fortunately, the one that gets targeted if you just use a ranged attack without specifically selecting a target, so if your class has ranged skills, you don't have to worry about accidentally targeting the Fotia Spirits.

    Other Methods
    There are a few other methods that can be used to farm Legion Tokens, with a rather varied efficiency range. These are not strictly ordered, though some of the earlier ones may be a bit slower than some of the later ones. Now included here are some quests that had been in a different part of the guide.

    Hardcore Paragon Pet[HcPP]
    As the name implies this pet is "hardcore" and not really a great method for farming Legion Tokens. It has two quests. As of right now, whether on accident or intentionally, there is no lock on purchasing or completing the quests. This means that non-Legionnaires who bought this pet and can do the quests. This is the only way for a non-Legionnaire to get Legion Tokens, and it may change. I will update this if anything does change about this situation. If you did get this pet, I would recommend not using it for farming Legion Tokens.

    A Single Rib
    This quest is insane. The drop rates are low, the difficulty is incredibly high, and though the payoff seems great it's hardly even a Legion Token farming method, it's more often used to try to get the rare item drops.
    Relevant Quests: If you are a Hero, then the only way to access Binky is through the Doom Vault, and as such you need to beat The Battle's Heating Up, which allows you access to the entrance of the Doom Vault and from there, Binky.
    Item Requirements:
  • Dark Unicorn Rib
  • Doom Vault, /join doomvault (Heroes)
  • Binky, /join binky (Legends only)
    Step 1: Prepare yourself to lose a lot of time and possibly sanity, and accept the quest from the Hardcore Paragon Pet.
    Step 2: Find a party to help you with the quest. You're going to be fighting Binky to get a Rib from it, and there is no way to kill it by yourself. You need to find a willing and competent party in order to do this quest. Some servers you may be able to find people farming in a public room, and that could be sufficient, but if you can't, you'll need to gather powerful allies who are willing to take on this task.
    Step 3: Get to Binky either by joining the map (if you are a Legend) or getting to him from the Doom Vault (from the main entrance room, stand next to the bookshelf on the right side and click it. This will open it and allow you to get to Binky). Then rally your allies and attack. Keep fighting Binky until you either quit (which seems more likely) or are lucky enough to get a Dark Unicorn Rib. If you get a Rib, you can turn it in with your Hardcore Paragon Pet to receive your Legion Token reward and maybe something more.
    Legion Token Reward: 250 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: Massively varied based on many factors such as skill of the group killing Binky, time to kill it, and luck. Thus it can take anywhere from 4 minutes (for 1 kill of Binky) to weeks or months.
    Inventory Space Required: 2 (one for the pet, one for the Rib)
    Additional Notes: If you are going to use the Hardcore Paragon Pet to farm Legion Tokens, this is not the quest to do. The Dark Unicorn Rib has a 2% drop rate (they are, however, AC-tagged Misc items so you can hang on to it and store it in your bank if you want to). However, it does have 3 items that are a 1% drop from the quest; the Living Blademaster armor, the Blademaster's Dual Katanas, and Lesser Caladbolg. This is a quest you'll want to use a class that someone who knows how to effectively kill Binky tells you to use. You'll want to be a high level to even try this quest.

    Chaoruppted Dark Fire
    If you are going to use the Hardcore Paragon Pet for Legion Token farming, this is the quest to use. It's still not the best quest, but it's better than A Single Rib. Unfortunately it is a Daily quest, so if you do manage to get it all done in a single day, you can only do it once per day. Days reset at midnight server time (which is EST, or GMT -5, or if you open up your Options Menu in-game you can see the server time).
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Items Required:
  • 20 Chaorrupted Dark Fires
  • Chaos Boss, /join chaosboss
    Step 1: Accept the quest from the Hardcore Paragon Pet and head off to the Chaos Boss. You need to fight the Ultra Chaos Warrior to get 20 Chaorrupted Dark Fires. These have a 25% drop rate (which means that if you get really lucky, you're still going to have to kill it 20 times). While this monster seems tough, it is possible to kill it alone, especially if you're using Chaorrupter Unlocked or the Shadow Chaorrupter +5 (they have a 50% damage boost against Chaos monsters). It's faster to kill it with a group, though, so if other people are there or you can gather a group, that will be the best.
    Step 2: Once you've collected your Chaorrupted Dark Fires, you can turn them in to the Hardcore Paragon Pet to receive your Legion Tokens. If there are others in the room farming and are close to having their 20, stick around for a few more kills and help them out! You won't be able to get the Chaorrupted Dark Fires for your next day since they only drop if the quest is accepted, but the other players will appreciate your help. You may even find that they're a good farming buddy and decide to farm with them the next day!
    Legion Token Reward: 100 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: It depends on the group farming and how lucky you are with drops, but at minimum about 20 minutes (1 minute to kill it and getting the drop every time), more statistically about 90 minutes (1 minute to kill it, 80 times). It should take less than a day though (see Additional Notes).
    Inventory Space Required: 2 (one for pet and one for the Chaorrupted Dark Fires)
    Additional Notes: Chaorrupted Dark Fires are AC tagged and permanent items, so you can store them in your bank for free if you're low on bag space or will finish the quest much later. This is a quest you'll want to use a class that has the approval of the others you're farming with. Since the Chaos Warrior is Chaos tagged, use your item with the highest damage boost against Chaos monsters if you have one.

    Paragon Pet[OPP]
    The original Paragon pet that kicked off the craze, offering a faster way to farm Legion Tokens with an additional AC payment. As both of the methods involve needing a fair amount of Gold, the Gold section of the Guide to AQWorlds Farming will likely be of great help.

    Embrace the Godly Mace or Overlord Overload
    This requires you more to get Gold than anything else, so that will be your main challenge. However if you're able to get Gold, then this will be an easy method. These quests require Legend-only items, however, and thus only Legends can do them.
    Relevant Quests: If you're going to do the Embrace the Godly Mace method, you'll need to finish Murry's Quests in order to access the shop. You'll also need to complete Lightguard Keep Found. This is an auto-completing quest after a cutscene the first time you enter Doomwood Forest. After the completion of this quest, joining Doomwood again will not trigger the cutscene.
    Item Requirements:
  • Map to Murry (Embrace the Godly Mace)
  • Godly Mace of the Ancients (Embrace the Godly Mace)
  • Directions to Tentacles (Overlord Overload)
  • Tentacles of the Overlord
  • Citadel, /join citadel (Embrace the Godly Mace)
  • Doomwood Forest, /join doomwood (Overlord Overload)
  • Battleon, /join battleon
    Step 0: Though not technically an actual part of these quests, both permanent items cost 1 million Gold, so you'll need to get at least that much before you can do either quest. So get at least 1 million Gold!
    Step 1: Accept whichever of the two quests you prefer from the Paragon Pet. Both cost the same amount of Gold so it doesn't matter which you choose, though Embrace the Godly Mace does let you stay on the same map for both items.
    Step 2 (Embrace the Godly Mace): Head over the to Citadel and slay some Inquisitor Guards until you get the Map to Murry (who is standing right in the first room. Why you need a map, I don't know!). Then go to Murry and open his shop to purchase the Godly Mace of the Ancients. When you've gotten this and the Map to Murry, turn them in for your reward! If you've got at least 1 million more Gold, you can stay in the map and repeat the quest.
    Step 2 (Overlord Overload): Head on to the Doomwood Forest and slay some Doomwood Soldiers until you've got the Directions to Tentacles temporary item.
    Step 3 (Overlord Overload): Now go to Battleon and talk to Ragnar (his appearance changes a lot, but look for him there!). Open up the Legend Gear shop and purchase the Tentacles of the Overlord cape. Now that you've got both the items for the quest, turn it in and get your reward!
    Legion Token Reward: 30 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: About 4 minutes (not including the Gold farming time)
    Inventory Space Required: 2 (one for the pet, one for the Mace or Tentacles)
    Additional Notes: Both of these quests require you to purchase an item that is Legend-only, which means players that have not upgraded do not have access to these quests. If you are a Hero and have the pet, please see the next method. Embrace the Godly Mace is possibly a better option as all the items required for the quest itself are found in the same map (Citadel) so there is no need to change maps several times to complete the quest.

    Alternative Method for Heroes: Donation to the Dark Lord
    This is the quest that a Hero should use if they want the most efficient farming for Legion Tokens with the Paragon Pet, though it too focuses on Gold (not as much per quest as the Legend methods but a little higher cost overall: 1 million Gold for 30 Legion Tokens for Legends while 1.2 million Gold for 30 Legion Tokens for Heroes).
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • Legion Donation
  • Darkness Core
  • Underworld, /join underworld
    Step 1: Interestingly enough, even though you accept and turn in the quest from the Paragon Pet, you're still going to see Dage! Head to the Underworld and to Dage, and access the Undead Legion Shop from Dage (it's under Shops from his NPC). Purchase the Legion Donation for 40,000 Gold.
    Step 2: In the same map, make your way out to find a Dreadfiend of Nulgath. Kill it for the temporary Darkness Core item. Now that you've got both items, turn them in for your reward! If you've got the Gold to keep going, you can accept the quest again and start with the Darkness Core, make your way to Dage, get the Legion Donation, turn in, and repeat starting with the Legion Donation again.
    Legion Token Reward: 1 Legion Token
    Time to Complete: Roughly 5-10 minutes depending on the time it takes for you to earn 40,000 Gold
    Inventory Space Required: 2 (one for the pet, one for the Legion Donation)
    Additional Notes: While there are other quests available to Heroes on the Paragon Pet, they require low (1%) drop rate items and/or do not guarantee a drop of Legion Tokens, so this method is the only surefire way for Heroes to get guaranteed Legion Tokens.

    Legion SoulSeeker Pet[LSS]
    This is one of the rare pets, and it's not all that great for farming Legion Tokens, so I wouldn't recommend using it unless you're after the exclusive items.

    Seek the Souls
    A simple, straightforward quest requiring 10 drops from an enemy (the quest description is wrong, the correct value is in fact 10).
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 10 Soul Stolen
  • Alley, /join alley
    Step 1: Accept the quest from the Legion SoulSeeker pet, and copy "/join alley-123456". You'll use this to room-hop. Join your first instance of the Alley.
    Step 2: There are three Thug Bullies that you'll kill. Kill the one in the first room, then run through the second room (there is no Thug Bully in this one), kill the one in the third room, then run to the one in the fourth room and kill it. The next room has the Thug Boss and he can drop the Soul Stolen item, but with nearly 23,000 HP it's not worth it. After killing the Thug Bully in the fourth room, room-hop and start again. Once you've gotten the 10 Soul Stolen items, turn in the quest and see what you get!
    Legion Token Reward: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 20 Legion Tokens with a VERY small chance at 50 Legion Tokens.
    Time to Complete: About 4-5 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 1.61
    Inventory Space Required: 1 or 2 (1 for pet, see Additional Notes)
    Additional Notes: In my experience the Souls drop at about a 10-15% drop rate, so it can take a lot of hopping to finally get the Souls. In addition to Legion Tokens, there is a chance that you will get the Legion SoulSeeker dagger, which is only available from this pet. I have tested both this method outlined and just killing the first Thug and then hopping to the next room, and found that there is really no appreciable difference in the time it takes, so you can also just keep hopping rooms, killing the Thug in the first room, if you don't want to run to the right as much.

    Ascended Paragon Pet[APP]
    This is a pretty good method for farming Legion Tokens and is still viable even with the Holiday Paragon Pet being out. It has two quests for farming Legion Tokens and two for farming Soul Forge reagents (but those aren't Legion Tokens so I will not bother with them). Both quests are viable and either can be used, so both will be discussed.

    Coliseum Combatants
    This is a pretty simple quest to do, you only need to kill the enemies in the Coliseum to get some drops. This way, in my experience, is a more steady, consistent way than Beginning the Final, so even thought it has a lower Legion Token reward I still prefer it just because I know about the rate I can get Legion Tokens at, rather than it being erratic.
    Relevant Quests: You'll want to have done the Tournament quest line before you start farming with the Ascended Paragon Pet.
    Item Requirements:
  • Lord Brentan's Regal Blade
  • Roderick's Chaotic Bane
  • Knight of Thorns' Sword
  • Platinum of Johann Wryce
  • Khai Kaldun's Scimitar
  • Battle Coliseum, /join tournament
    Step 1: Accept the quest from the Ascended Paragon Pet, head to the Tournament, and click the button for Match 1. Fight Khai Kaldun until he is defeated. If he drops the Scimitar, move to Step 2. If he doesn't, you can either stay in this room and wait for him to respawn, slaying him until you get the drop, or you can move on to Step 2 anyway.
    Step 2: Run out of the battle room (up), out of the waiting room (down), and back to the first screen. Click the button for Match 2, and fight Kit Harrington Johann Wryce. If he drops the Platinum, move to Step 3. If he does, the same method applies here; you can either keep trying to get the Platinum or you can move to Step 3.
    Step 3: Run out to the first screen once more, and click the button for Match 3. Fight the Knight of Thorns and follow the same procedure as before.
    Step 4: Back to the first screen, and click the button for Match 4. Fight Roderick, and (you guessed it!) follow the same procedure as before.
    Step 5: Return to the first screen and click the button for Match 5. This is your final match, against Lord Brentan. Kill him, and if you have been killing them until they drop their weapon, then you'll be done with the quest now and you can leave the battle area and turn in the quest for your reward. If you've been moving on to the next match regardless of whether you got the weapon or not, cycle back to the beginning, skipping any match that you got the weapon from (for example if Khai Kaldun dropped it on your first run, but Johann Wryce didn't, go straight to Match 2). Eventually you'll get all the drops and can turn in the quest for your reward.
    Legion Token Reward: 30 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: About 4-10 minutes (with a group, otherwise usually about 20 or so alone if you can kill them fast)
    Tokens per Minute: 4.83
    Inventory Space Required: 1 (for the pet)
    Additional Notes: The items are temporary, so disconnecting, logging out, closing the browser, or anything like that can be very frustrating, especially if you have many of the items already. In my experience, the first boss (Khai Kaldun) seems to be very stingy with dropping his drop, he usually takes the most kills with the tradeoff of him having the lowest HP, though each of the weapons has a 25% drop rate. This is a quest you'll want to use a high DPS single-target class for.

    Beginning the Final
    This quest is a little bit more erratic than Coliseum Combatants in that it can take a huge amount of time to complete or not much time at all, and you can get a lot of Tokens quickly if the required item drops several times in short succession or spend a lot of time and come up with nothing. It's a higher risk but higher reward than Coliseum Combatants.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • Desoloth's Bane
  • Etherstorm War (Good), /join etherwargood (Choose one)
  • Etherstorm War (Evil), /join etherwarevil (Choose one)
  • Etherstorm War (Desoloth), /join etherwardes (Choose one)
    Step 1: Accept the quest from the Ascended Paragon Pet and head to one of the Etherstorm War maps. Etherstorm War (Desoloth) is the most popular, however most of the people there are farming for Etherstorm reputation and not the Beginning the Final quest.
    Step 2: Make your way to Desoloth the Final and kill him. He is possible to kill on your own, but with over 176,000 HP it could take a while, so a party is optional but highly recommended. Keep killing Desoloth until he drops Desoloth's Bane, which has a 10% drop rate. Once you get it, turn it in right there with the Ascended Paragon Pet for your Legion Tokens.
    Legion Token Reward: 50 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: Rather varied, can be one minute, can be several hours, depending on the drops of the Bane and the people farming at Desoloth
    Inventory Space Required: 2 (one for the pet, one for Desoloth's Bane)
    Additional Notes: Doing this quest can be a decent way to get Gold as well, since Desoloth has two drops that sell for 50,000 Gold each (the Crimson Dragoon armor and helm). If you're a Legend, it's common to find other players farming Desoloth the Final in the Etherstorm War (Desoloth) map on the Sir Ver server. This is a quest you'll want to use a high DPS single-target class for.

    Thanatos Paragon Pet[TPP]
    While called the Thanatos Paragon Pet, this one still actually does look like a Paragon Pet. And doesn't give access to the Thanatos set... However it does give access to the Evolved Thanatos set. This is another of the 50 Legion Token pets, so it's a pretty solid way for farming Legion Tokens.

    Soul of a Dracolich
    This is a pretty simple quest, just requiring you to obtain a fair number of items from a monster that's not terribly difficult. Despite the fact that the description says it is still in testing, it's been the way it is since being changed a few days after release, so it's likely going to stay the way it is.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 20 Elemental Dragon Souls
  • Dragons' Heart, /join dragonheart
    Step 1: Accept the quest from the Thanatos Paragon Pet and head off to the Dragons' Heart area.
    Step 2: Head left three screens to where there are two Zombie Dragons (the level 24 ones, with 10,248 HP). Now stand in the middle circle of the platform. This makes both dragons be in melee range, so you won't have to run around attacking them.
    Step 3: Start whacking dragons until you've got 20 of the Elemental Dragon Souls, then turn in your quest for your Legion Token reward!
    Legion Token Reward: 50 Legion Tokens, with a chance at 10 or 20 bonus
    Time to Complete: Around 4-6 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 10.17
    Inventory Space Required: 1, but 2 HIGHLY recommended (one for the pet, one for Infection Cutter)
    Additional Notes: The drop rate for the Elemental Dragon Souls is, in my experience with it, about 66%. There are occasionally times you'll get a huge streak of it dropping and other times it seems like it never drops, but it usually works out to around 66%. The Zombie Dragons are tagged as Undead so you can use something with a boost to undead against them, but even without it I ran into a problem of killing them faster than the next one could spawn, so there was still some waiting around, which would just be made even longer by using a Undead boost weapon. It's your choice though. The Zombie Dragons also seem to have a 100% drop rate for the Infection Cutter, so unless you want to click No every single time you kill one of the Zombie Dragons, I'd recommend using a space for the drop to prevent it from continually dropping. The 10 and 20 bonus Legion Tokens are incredibly rare so just assume you'll be getting 50 per turn-in.

    Dage the Evil's Legion Quests[Legion]
    Once upon a time, these quests represented the best way to earn Legion Tokens if you didn't have a pet. Since the return of the Evil War quests and a better way to farm Legion Tokens without a pet, these are no longer really that relevant. However, I am preserving them in case anyone needs/wants them and in case the Evil War quests are once again removed.

    Dage's Black Box
    A simple, quick, and easy quest with low payout but high rate of completion. The first entirely free quest.
    Relevant Quests: Lightguard Keep Found. This is an auto-completing quest after a cutscene the first time you enter Doomwood Forest. After the completion of this quest, joining Doomwood again will not trigger the cutscene.
    Item Requirements:
  • Dage's Note
  • Dage's 2nd Note
  • Dage's 3rd Note
  • Box Cutter
  • Boxes, /join boxes
  • Greenguard Dragon's Lair, /join greendragon
  • Doomwood Forest, /join doomwood
    Step 1: Accept the quest from Dage the Evil in the Underworld map, then head off to Boxes to fight some Sneevils. Running in a loop around the map with an AoE class that has a short cooldown (such as Mage or Chaos/Chaotic Slayer) will quickly net you Dage's Note and the Box Cutter. These are pretty easy to get and should drop within a couple loops, if you don't get both on your first loop.
    Step 2: Off to gather Dage's 2nd Note! This one drops from the Greenguard Dragon in his lair. While the dragon does have just over 21,000 HP, the note is close to a 100% drop rate so you shouldn't have to kill this guy more than two times, three if you're really unlucky. It's not worth switching to a high DPS single-target class for this, as you'll just have to switch back again after you get the Note.
    Step 3: Now we're on to the Dage's 3rd Note, our final item! The Doomwood Treeants drop these, so head on over to the Doomwood Forest and find some of these baddies to wail upon. If you're unable to find any, either kill some other enemies to try to get them to spawn, or join a private room (/join doomwood-####). Again, this should only take a few kills until you're able to get the final Note. Now that you've got all four items, return to Dage the Evil in the Underworld and exchange them for your prize.
    Legion Token Reward: 1 Legion Token with a chance of 2, 3, or 5.
    Time to Complete: Roughly 2-3 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 0.78
    Inventory Space Required: 4 slots (One for the Box Cutter, one for each of three Notes)
    Additional Notes: This quest also has a chance to bestow 2, 3, or 5 Legion Tokens, however the chances of this are astronomically low, so it's best to assume you will get 1 Legion Token per quest. Alongside a Legion Token, you will receive one of the Black Boxes. These Boxes have no real use except to sell back for Gold ranging from 250 to 10,000. The hardest monster you'll be fighting here is the Greenguard Dragon, and I found times were faster when using a 50% Dragon boost weapon than the 15% general boost of the Burning Blade, so a Dragon Blade may be good to use for this. This is a quest you'll want to use a single-target high-DPS class for.

    Alternative Method: Endurance Test
    If repeating the same quest over and over for 1 Legion Token every time doesn't sit well with you, then there is an alternative quest as well. It requires more bag space if you do the optimum method (which there is no reason not to) as well as a fair bit of time to prepare this optimum method (an hour or more, roughly), but also has a higher payout at the cost of a longer completion time.
    Relevant Quests: Earth Thief Ghost's Quests. There are only two, but they are required to be able to access the Rock Elemental.
    Item Requirements:
  • Broken Blade
  • 20 Charred Skulls
  • Bludrut Keep, /join bludrut
  • Portal (Undead), /join portalundead
    Step 1: Get your adventure rolling by accepting the quest from Dage the Evil in the Underworld. The first thing you'll be getting are the 20 Charred Skulls, which are dropped from Skeletal Fire Mage, specifically the Level 3 version found in the Portal (Undead) map. These Charred Skulls have two outstanding facts about them; they have a somewhat low drop rate (it's not miniscule but it's definitely not 100%) and they are temporary items, which means if you get these but then have to log out, get disconnected, close your browser, or in any other way are no longer connected to the game, they will disappear and you need to get them again. The most efficient way to get these is to copy this (without the period): /join portalundead-123456. Pasting this will send you to a different private room each time, so you can paste it after you kill all the Skeletal Fire Mages in one instance to jump right to another one. This does require you to skip a cutscence every time you enter a new instance, however if you anticipate it and know where the Skip button is, it's not a huge hassle. Kill the Skeletal Fire Mages there and then hop to the next room, skip the cutscene, rinse and repeat until you have your 20 Charred Skulls.
    Step 2: Now that you've got the Charred Skulls, it's on to the Broken Blade. This drops only from the Rock Elemental found in Bludrut Keep (/join bludrut). You can use this map to find your way to the Rock Elemental (he's in the room with the door marked on it). Unfortunately, the Broken Blade is not a 100% drop, so it will take a few kills before you're finally able to get it. You can handle this by waiting for the Rock Elemental to respawn, or go to another private Bludrut (/join bludrut-####) and make your way again to the Rock Elemental. No matter which way you choose, kill it until you've got the Broken Blade.
    Step 3: Head back to Dage the Evil in the Underworld and turn in your items. Here's the important part: If you get a Dage Surprise, keep it. There are only four of them (the differences being how much they can be sold for) but they do not stack. If you repeat the quest enough, you'll eventually get all four Surprises. Because the quest is guaranteed to reward you with one of the Dage Surprises or 5 Legion Tokens, once you get all four Surprises it forces the quest to reward you with the 5 Legion Token reward, as long as you've got all of the Surprises in your inventory. Once you've gotten it all set up to force the 5 Legion Token reward, the quest becomes a rather viable farming method as well.
    Legion Token Reward: 1 Legion Token with a chance of 2 or 3; 5 Legion Tokens with proper setup
    Time to Complete: Usually anywhere from 5-10 minutes, depending on luck with drops
    Inventory Slots Required: 1 for simply doing the quest, 5 with the setup (always one for the Broken Blade, and additional four more for the Surprises)
    Additional Notes: In my experience I have found the drop rates to be rather inconsistent during this quest, meaning sometimes you can get it done fairly quickly and sometimes it can take a while. If you are NOT going to do the setup for forcing 5 Legion Tokens, then this quest is nowhere near as efficient as Dage's Black Box. If you do force 5 Token drop, then it can be a little faster than Dage's Black Box. This is a quest you'll want to use an AoE class for.

    High or Exalted Legion Champion
    This is a pretty simple quest to do, and it's a rather rewarding one as well. It is also quite popular so you should have no trouble finding others to help with it. There are actually two different ways you can do it; via Doomhaven or via Battleunder. Some players will not have access to Doomhaven and thus must use Battleunder, however if you do have access to Doomhaven it is a better option.
    Relevant Quests: The Doomhaven method becomes unavailable after completing the quests in Doomhaven from Artix and Robina. Additionally, a cutscene will play when you join Doomhaven until you beat Artix's quest called Undead Assault. If you've already done the quests from Artix and Robina, Battleunder is your only option.
    Item Requirements:
  • Undead Head
  • 13 Champion Heads
  • Doomhaven, /join doomhaven (Pick one)
  • Battleunder, /join battleundera (Pick one)
  • Battleunder B, /join battleunderb
    Step 1 (Doomhaven Method): Begin the quest from Dage the Evil in the Underworld and prepare yourself to slay some Undead. Join Doomhaven and proceed up two screens to the Angry Undead Giant. Kill it to get the Undead Head (which has a 100% drop rate as long as the quest is accepted). Once you've killed it, there are two options. The Undead Heads actually stack to 13, so you can stay in Doomhaven (or room-hop using the copy/paste method with /join doomhaven-123456) and keep stacking the Undead Heads until you have 13, or you can move to Step 2 (see the Additional Notes as to why you may choose not to stack them).
    Step 1 (Battleunder Method): Begin the quest from Dage the Evil in the Underworld and prepare yourself to slay some Undead. Copy "/join battleundera-123456" and use it with the copy/paste method to room-hop Battleunder. You'll find the Angry Undead Giant here, one screen to the left. You may have to hop several times, as the spawn is random and so you may not be able to find one on your first try. Once you find it, kill it to get the Undead Head (which has a 100% drop rate as long as the quest is accepted). Once you've killed one, there are two choices. The Undead Heads do stack up to 13, so many people will keep hopping and stack them. If you don't want to stack them (see Additional Notes for why you might not), you can head on to Step 2.
    Step 2: Now you're going to go visit your old buddy from the your initiation days, the Undead Champion. Join Battleunder B and head down to the Champion. You'll likely find other players there as well, and you'll need to slay him 13 times to get the Champion Heads you need. Unfortunately, these do only stack to 13, so you can only get enough items to turn in the quest once. Once you've gotten the Undead Heads and the Champion Heads, return to Dage and hope you're in luck for a good reward!
    Legion Token Reward: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, or 20 with a chance at 30, 40, or 50 Legion Tokens
    Time to Complete: Roughly 4-5 minutes, depending on the number of others at Undead Champion
    Tokens per Minute: 1.68
    Inventory Slots Required: 1 (you need to have the armor in your inventory, but not necessarily equipped, to be able to accept the quest)

    Additional Notes: Both the Undead Heads and the Champion Heads are temporary items, so if you lose connection or log out or close your browser or anything of that sort, you'll lose the progress you made on the quest. There are almost always others farming the Undead Champion as this quest is extremely popular, so it doesn’t take long to kill the Undead Champion and you'll almost never need to kill it alone. Because neither of the monster you need to kill are in groups, you can use a high DPS single-target class for this quest. Try to find a good server for this quest, where most of the people in BattleunderB are at the Undead Champion rather than farming for the Blinding Light of Destiny in the first room. If you have an alternate account that has not done the Doomhaven line, you can get them to the Angry Undead Giant in Doomhaven and then use the /goto function to get to that Angry Undead Giant on your main account, which saves the trouble of room-hopping. You can save a bit of time, if you've unlocked the BattleUnderC map, by joining that map and then heading back to the left to go to the end of BattleUnderB. The Undead Champion is then one screen up from there. This is a quest you'll want to use a high-DPS single-target class for.

    Dage vs. Nulgath War[DvN]
    Back in the olden days, there was a war. A great, yet terrible war. The War of the Roses Artists, the Dage vs. Nulgath war or the Evil War. It was a pretty controversial war and it was the way AE was announcing Nulgath leaving AQW to go work on his own game, Oversoul, but the part that really matters to you, faithful reader, is that there were farming quests. The war ended and eventually the maps were consolidated into the Underworld map you now know, and the quests were removed. They are back, though! One important thing to note is that all the monsters you'll be fighting in this method are tagged as Undead, so see the Every Bit Helps: Boosts section

    Lack of Four-Sight
    Heh, another play on words. Rogath isn't wrong when he says that the Bloodfiends cannot fight if they cannot see. He wants their eyes! It's up to you to determine which ones, because there are quite a few you can find.
    Relevant Quests: None!
    Item Requirements:
  • 50 Bloodfiend Eyes
  • 50 Dage's Favors
  • 50 Dage's Approval
  • Evil War Dage, /join evilwardage
    Step 1: Make your way to Rogath by following the path through the Evil War map, which is the same path as the Underworld map. Rogath is in the room after the portal. Accept the quest from him.
    Step 2: In the first room, there are two Bloodfiends that are guaranteed spawns. Kill them and they will drop all three of the required items.
    Step 3: Just keep on killing the Bloodfiends until you've got the required items, and then turn in the quest and hope for a reward!
    Legion Token Reward: 0 if you are unlucky but almost always 20 (see Additional Notes)
    Time to Complete: 6-7 minutes
    Tokens per Minute: 3.39
    Inventory Space Required: 3, 5 optional (see Additional Notes)
    Additional Notes: A few here, so bear with me! The first thing to know is stack limits: the Bloodfiend Eyes go to 100, and the Approvals and Favors go to 5,000. This means you can stack enough of the items to turn in the quest twice, so if you want to do that, you can. On the subject of stacks, though, note that the Bloodfiend Eyes usually drop in stacks of 1, but occasionally will be higher. This means that the Approvals and Favors can actually become your limiting factor. For this reason, I'd recommend farming a little "buffer zone" of Approvals and Favors so that you'll have plenty to turn in the quest without having to worry about getting more. Alternately, if you do find you have enough Bloodfiend Eyes but not enough Approvals and Favors, you can go one screen to the right. There will be random spawns that include the Bloodfiends as well as Dreadfiends of Nulgath, which will drop the Approvals and Favors as well. Now that you know about stacks, let's talk about the reward. This is one of the "May Receive" quests, which means that you're not actually guaranteed the Legion Token reward. This means you can actually get nothing from the quest. However, in all the times I've done the quest (both during the War and during my testing) I've found it drops the reward almost every time. So it's well worth it to do the quest. On the matter of inventory space: In the first room with the two Bloodfiends is also a guaranteed spawning Legion Fenrir. He drops Nulgath's version of Approvals and Favors, which aren't useful for the quest. If you don't want to hit No to them, you can accept them as well, but it will require two more inventory spaces. This is a quest you'll want to use an AoE class for.

    Change Log[Change]
  • 09 March 2014: Guide created
  • 11 March 2014: Slight typo fixes, updated Additional Notes for Dage's Winter is Coming
  • 12 March 2014: Updated Additional Notes for Dage's Winter is Coming
  • 30 March 2014: Updated Some Notes to fix formatting and add a couple notes, updated the ToC with an addition, added information to the Paragon Pet section, fixed some spacing, updated some information for the Hardcore Paragon Pet
  • 05 April 2014: Small changes to the Some Notes section (added previous quest name and LT stack limit), added some information to Hardcore Paragon Pet section, minor typo fixes, update to Ascended Paragon Pet section
  • 18 April 2014: Updated sections to reflect the removal of the Hardcore Paragon Pet
  • 30 May 2014: Made formatting changes to start making it easier to read, and added a new note to the Some Notes section, the Additional Notes for High or Exalted Legion Champion, and a note for the Hardcore Paragon Pet
  • 03 June 2014: Made some major structure changes to the guide, as well as adding a couple of notes to the Some Notes section, rewriting or expanding on some information, adding a few more links, typo fixes
  • 10 June 2014: Began the full Undead Legion Handbook guide
  • 23 June 2014: Linked the Tournament questline for the Ascended Paragon Pet
  • 25 June 2014: Updated High Legion Champion shop pathway, began some restructuring of the Farming section to fit the format all quests in the guide will have, some changes to the Dage's Black Box, Endurance Test, High or Exalted Legion Champion, and Dage's Winter is Coming quest descriptions, addition of a few new notes in the Some Notes section
  • 26 June 2014: Finished work on updating the Farming section to fit the standard quest format the guide will have, as well as update or change a bit of info, added Initiation section
  • 27 June 2014: Changed a bit of wording on the Making the Most of Your 1200 ACs section to make it sound more like an outline than a step-by-step guide
  • 28 June 2014: Added the Every Bit Counts: Boosts to Undead and Introduction sections
  • 30 June 2014: Added a note to High or Exalted Legion Champion section
  • 01 July 2014: Updated path to High Legion Champion armor and standardized some formatting
  • 08 July 2014: Updated path to High Legion Champion armor
  • 14 July 2014: Changed the Chaos Drow information to the ones in Dwarfhold, added a section for the Dwarfhold quests needed
  • 04 August 2014: Added the Infernal Caladbolg section as well as some notes to Additional Notes sections of some quests and another note in the Some Notes section
  • 07 August 2014: Added Infernal Caladbolg to the ToC list and added Rare tags to the ToC to indicate which methods are rare
  • 20 August 2014: Added an additional note of clarification for Infernal Caladbolg as well as adding a credit
  • 01 September 2014: Made some slight formatting changes
  • 16 September 2014: Put in the awesome banner from .Shadow//!
  • 03 November 2014: Updated ToC to reflect Infernal Caladbolg going the way of the poof
  • 06 December 2014: Made an additional note in the Some Notes section about the 24 hour sellback and a possible workaround for the issues some people find with it
  • 31 December 2014: Updated the Absolute Fastest Way section to add the Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider, standardized some formatting, updated a note in the Some Notes section, and fixed a link I realized was to the wrong page
  • 12 January 2015: Moved Infernal Caladbolg into the Absolute Fastest Ways section, changed a few statements about availability, added a new note to the Some Notes section, updated some Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider information
  • 31 January 2015: Added information about Combat Trophies to the Preparing Yourself section and updated The Initiation Quests to reflect the reversion to an old quest
  • 24 February 2015: Updated one of the Some Notes to reflect a change made in-game
  • 01 March 2015: Updated a note in the Hardcore Paragon Pet to reflect the change in bonus damage (and addition) of Chaorrupter Unlocked and the Shadow Chaorrupter +5
  • 25 March 2015: Added the Thanatos Paragon Pet section and updated ToC
  • 01 April 2015: Added Rare tag to Thanatos Paragon Pet
  • 30 April 2015: Bolded all links to make them easier to distinguish
  • 26 June 2015: Updated Legion Token stack limit
  • 30 June 2015: Updated the link to the current version of the Guide to AQWorlds Farming
  • 11 October 2015: Added a second post to the guide for some important information regarding a "new" method of farming, crossed out three methods
  • 21 December 2015: Finally got around to updating with the Most Efficient Non-Pet method section. Changed the Boosts to Undead to just Boosts and added information about the Burning Blade. Made some slight adjustments to the Some Notes section. Added a note in the Making the Most of Your 1200 ACs section.
  • 28 December 2015: Added Bright Paragon Pet section and updated ToC accordingly, updated Some Notes, updated Lack of Four-Sight Additional Notes, updated time to complete on Endurance Test, fixed link to the map for Endurance Test, updated some High/Exalted Legion Champion information, overhauled the Boosts section to be more useful and specific
  • 29 December 2015: Updated time for Infernal Caladbolg and added an additional note about it
  • 11 July 2016: Added the Rare tag for the Bright Paragon Pet in the ToC
  • 12 July 2016: Added in a few notes to the Some Notes section, changed a bit of wording around on a few entries, added a joke (have fun finding it!), added in a bit of info for accepting the Infernal Caladbolg quest, moved some content around for a bit of an overhaul, began adding Arcane Paragon Pet section
  • 13 July 2016: Finished Arcane Paragon Pet section, added in an index system for the Table of Contents, fixed inventory space and updated Additional Notes for Bright Paragon Pet, added note about racial status under the Most Efficient Non-Pet Method section, added in the Tokens per Minute data for all quests I am taking the data for
  • 25 Feb 2017: Finally making an update! Made a large number of changes, and added a few sections
  • 28 Feb 2017: Changed the Festive Paragon Dracolich Rider to a different, slightly faster method
  • 22 Mar 2017: Added in a new section about alts, fixed a typo, added in information about the Black Knight bit of initiation, updated BPP method, updated IC method, updated rate for UCR, added in DrPP section, added in SoDa ShoPP section
  • 23 Mar 2017: Added in the UW3017 section

    Thanks to Van Fanel and aliesterus for help with the Paragon Pet section
    Thanks to zero_2244 for pointing out a crucial error with the Chaos Drows
    Thanks to the Official AQWWiki for, perhaps unwittingly, providing the "Rare" image as well as providing countless links
    Thanks to Zyrain for suggestions of formatting changes to make the guide more accessible
    Thanks to .Shadow// for the awesome banner
    Thanks to HealerQuest for noticing and pointing out that Slay the Unworthy was replaced with the old Player vs. Power quest
    Thanks to The ErosionSeeker for some advice about the Lack of Four-Sight quest monsters and adding a note about their racial status
    Thanks to Banpreiomaster for pointing out an issue with the Inventory Space Required consistency for the Bright Paragon Pet
    Thanks to aang195 for pointing out that FPDR and MoPar used the same enemies for some quests and could thus be combined
    Thanks to iDreadnaut for pointing out that I was originally overcomplicating the MoPar farming and mentioning a better way
    Thanks to Metakirby for bringing up the higher efficiency of Undead Champion Recruitment with the change to the monsters in the map and pointing out a better way to use the Bright Paragon Pet
    Thanks to stealth2953 for pointing out a typo

  • The ErosionSeeker -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (11/11/2015 17:10:06)

    It's worth reminding people that all monsters in Evil War Dage are tagged as undead, so BLoD lets you kill things more efficiently.

    This isn't an issue for the Bloodfiends when you cast Darkfire with Burning Blade, but since Bloodfiend Eyes spill over, it's not a bad idea to visit the next room and take down Dreadfiends in order to keep your stacks even, especially if you're the only person in the room, and you're waiting for the 2 Bloodfiends and Legion Fenrir to respawn.

    Dark Fire never misses and it always deals enough to kill the 2 Bloodfiends, it takes 12 seconds per Darkfire nuke, translating to 25 * 12 seconds per turn-in, or <5 minutes for 20 LT.

    Since the longstanding bug to doubled rewards (such as the 30/40/50 bonus LT for Exalted Legion Champion) was fixed with the rollout of the Akriloth's Scale quest, it's possible that the rate has also increased for that quest.

    With that one, you average 10 tokens per turn-in, given the low HP of the Undead Champion, it's probably that this quest can be turned in at about the same pace as killing Bloodfiends, but with the bonus 30/40/50. It's also less effort, which is also nice.

    Lightning Sekkara -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (4/1/2016 9:39:37)

    I just noticed,why isn't the arcane paragon pet there? It's a really efficient way to get LT's,for soloing you should do the "keep soul searching" quest which takes around 8-10 mins and rewards 90 tokens,with a party of stonecrusher,arachno,and chrono dragonknight,the "hearts and souls (mem)" quest can give you up to 5000 LT's in an hour. I also recommend using a dragonblade,as it makes things much easier.

    Shadowhunt -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (4/1/2016 10:55:19)

    I've just been really busy lately between school, work, and forum duties. I've also got some plans to restructure the guide a little and I want to get that done before I add the ArcPP stuff. Plus, I've got to clean up some inventory space in-game before I can really get down to testing it all as thoroughly as I'd like to do. I'll get it up there, but it'll probably take a little while.

    Banpreiomaster -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (4/5/2016 21:45:02)

    I've read, on Bright Paragon section, it's said that:


    Inventory Space Required: None, all items are temporary.

    I think it should be changed to:


    Inventory Space Required: 1 (for the pet) OPTIONAL 2 if you want to accept the Mirror Tokens instead of having to hit No for each one

    Since Mirror Token will be dropped every time you successfully kill those monsters (before you hit the max cap, which is 500), you might want to reserve another one space.

    Also, for the strategy:


    Step 1: Accept the quests from the pet and head to the right one screen and down and left one screen. Stay where you arrive in this room.
    Step 2: Blast all the monsters in the room and then head back to the right one room.
    Step 3: Kill the monsters in this room and head back to the left. Most of the monsters have probably respawned, but if not, wait until they do.
    Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you've gotten the 10 Dark Hearts. By the time you get the 10 Dark Hearts, you'll have gotten the items needed for the other quest as well. Turn in both quests and receive your reward.

    If you have good AoE classes and weapon with damage boost (especially against Undead, like BLOD or FLOD), I suggest you to add this strategy:


    Step 1: Accept the quests from the pet then talk to Beleen (she's in the first room at /brightfortress), and choose Dage The Good. You'll be teleported to another room. Move up one room, and stay there.
    Step 2: Blast all the monsters until you've gotten the 10 Dark Hearts. By the time you get the 10 Dark Hearts, you'll have gotten the items needed for the other quest as well. Turn in both quests and receive your reward.

    Thanks for your time reading my post. Hope it'll be useful.

    Yond -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (5/17/2016 8:46:47)

    Hi Legionnaires :) I'm new to the legion just joined a few days ago.I don't know if I'm in the right thread or not I'm new to the forum as well just joined right now. I searched google about fast ways to farm for legion tokens it directed me to 3 methods. 1st you go to evilwardage then do that legion quest were you get 20 LT'S . 2nd is you go to dreadrock map and do the quest were you get 5 Legion Tokens p.s you need undead champion for this one. The 3rd and last quest need you to have Exalted/High Legion Champion which gives 5-20 Legion tokens. I wanna hear your opinion on which of the 3 is more efficient in getting Legion tokens. thanks in advance.

    Sincerely Yours,

    T7388 -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (5/18/2016 23:19:57)

    Hello Yond!

    Please use this Guide for all your farming needs!

    Dr Disrespect -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (5/19/2016 11:08:20)

    I don't cover Legion Token farming in my "AQWorlds Farming Guide" because the guide in which you've posted this question (The Undead Legion Handbook) covers that. The most efficient quest to farm for Legion Tokens out of three you mentioned is the "Lack of Four-sight" quest at /join evilwardage.

    T7388 -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (5/19/2016 11:21:10)

    My bad, I just saw Legion Tokens in 7th place on your Guide. I presumed you covered it there too.

    Shadowhunt -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (7/13/2016 14:22:43)

    Alright, finally got around to getting this updated and reformatted and adding a bit of information to it!

    The ErosionSeeker: I decided to add in the bit about all the monsters there being tagged Undead, as that is a good bit of advice to keep in mind. The times I get for the quest are almost invariably in the 6-7 minute range, as you have to factor in the respawn times as well (which is longer than the 12 second cooldown). One thing to keep in mind is I do the testing with a private instance, so if you're in a public instance or using alts to increase respawn rate, you can probably drop the time to complete if the respawn time no longer becomes the deciding factor, assuming you aren't competing with others for the same kills. As for ELC, it may drop those now, but it'll require a lot more runs to see if they're very common and if it's enough to affect the TpM value drastically. I doubt they'll be enough to bring it up to Lack of Four-Sight, which right now seems to be about double the pace of H/ELC.

    Banpreiomaster: Thanks for pointing that out! I think I just got so used to putting that for my EtherStorm guide that it just slipped in without me thinking about it. I've fixed it to be more in line with everything else I have in the guide. As for the alternate strategy, I gave it a shot but it ended up being much slower than the method I outlined; while there are four enemies there, they take longer to kill and by staying in just that room you're subjected to the respawn delay, so it overall took about twice the time for the same payout (in this case 70 LTs) as the method I have in the guide. Thanks for the suggestion, but I've chosen not to include it.

    Metakirby -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (2/20/2017 18:50:26)

    I just noticed that this guide haven't been updated for about 7-8 months and since then, a new viable non Paragon LT farming method has popped up, on par with, if not better than Lack of Four-Sight. Dreadrock, "Undead Champion Recuitment" to be exact. With the recent Dreadrock mobs' hp nerf, the quest can be done in about 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on your luck with drops (excluding possible travel time to NPC/Quest Billboard).
    With Blaze Binder + Nightlocke Axe, i can either kill 3 enemies with a nuke, or a Shadow Smoke + Combustion Blaze (i think that's what the first skill is called), with just 1 tick of Shadow Smoke needed, of course there may be better options, but I don't have EI on my alt, which is where i farm that quest on.
    It's RNG dependant and requires alot more walking around than Lack of Four-Sight, but on average 70-80+ tokens per hour faster, that's a good 30-40% faster than beforementioned method.

    Removed reply to deleted post. ~Shadowhunt

    Shadowhunt -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (2/20/2017 20:05:27)

    Yeah, I'm working on doing a bit of a restructure for some stuff, but I hope to get that done pretty soon. I'll try out UCR and see how it compares with the now-weaker mobs.

    Ryuyasha -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (2/22/2017 17:10:46)

    Undead Champion Recruitment isn't the quest you want to be doing. What you really want to be doing is the Undead Champion Soul Trapping Quest from the same NPC. You're gonna need a Corrupted Dragon Slayer, and the Soul Scythe. Corrupted Dragon Slayer is a 5% drop from Legion Exercise 4 but it isn't a daily quest anymore and the Soul Scythe is AC tagged (you need this weapon for both quests anyways) so it's not hard to complete. Complete this quest for 25 Legion Tokens, then log off and go into your AC buyback to get your two weapons back, then repeat the quest. If you want you can also accept Undead Champion Recruitment at the same time but don't stay around to complete it, always log off as soon as you finish Undead Champion Soul Trapping.

    If you have the items, this method is way faster than Undead Champion Recruitment.

    Quick video guide.

    P.S, I doubt this is faster than Bright Paragon but I wouldn't know as I don't have it, let me know if it is though.

    P.S.S, if you think this is slower than Recruitment I'll gladly challenge you to a race to see who gets 25 Legion Tokens first.

    Changed link to quietube. ~Shadowhunt

    stealth2953 -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (2/22/2017 17:45:27)

    Isn't the soul scythe dropped from a monster in an mem-only area though?(I'm not a member right now)

    Ryuyasha -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (2/22/2017 17:53:14)

    The Soulseeker is in the /marsh2 map (non-mem area), and the /ruins (mem-area)

    Metakirby -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (2/22/2017 17:54:32)


    I doubt this is faster than Bright Paragon but I wouldn't know as I don't have it, let me know if it is though.

    It's about half the speed i would say, if you are really trying to frame perfect your buybacks and relogs.

    if you think this is slower than Recruitment I'll gladly challenge you to a race to see who gets 25 Legion Tokens first.

    Ok, but only if you start off by trying to get the Dragon Slayer via the quest[8D]
    Jokes aside, it's a lot faster than UCR and LoFS combined, but it's also very bothersome to have to relog every time, maybe it's just me, but i find myself getting annoyed rather quickly about it, even though I could farm anywhere from 1k-1.5k an hour pretty easily, I rarely ever farmed more than 1k in a day with it, the buyback+relog gets annoying real fast.

    I never understood why Soul Scythe needed to get AC tagged, maybe they wanted people to abuse Dreadrock? If the Scythe wasn't AC tagged, it could still be a viable farmnig method, just way more reliant on luck than UCR.

    A little note to add to this method, which Ryuyasha's Video doesn't explain, always make sure you have collected your reward tokens before you do the buyback, because once you have used the buyback, you won't be able to obtain any further items untill you relog (it will force you out of the server if you try to make any inventory changes, which includes everything from equipping items, enchanting items, moving stuff from back/to bank, completing quests, accepting drops etc.)

    Ryuyasha -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (2/22/2017 17:59:26)

    ^Yeah I just keep my username and password box checked and leave account management open on another tab, I also keep some form of /join dreadrock-6436335 copied so I don't even need to use my keyboard.

    And the collected rewards before buyback thing, I thought that was well known. At least if a player learns that the hard way, it won't take them long to get the tokens back, lol.

    Metakirby -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (2/23/2017 9:56:04)

    With my fastest pace, I can complete UCST in 50 seconds average (from the point when i click the server, untill I'm back on the server screen with Soul Scythe and Dragon Slayer rebought, ready for another go), with a lvl 65 BB + Nightlocke War Axe. I'm not sure if it would be faster to use EI because of the 5 mob screen, it does seem to be the point that slows me down using BB.
    And you get the 5 extra LTs about 1/3-1/4 of the time, I would say.
    So if we just say 1/4 of the time, you get 30 LTs, it would be 105 LT per 200 seconds, give or take.
    3600 seconds on an hour, so you can complete this 4 quest cycle approx 18 times within an hour.
    18 x 105 = 1890 LTs per hour.
    This is also being generous, because 50 second completion requires you to be very fast with the buyback, relog and rejoining of Dreadrock, as well as being as fast as you can with the 14 kills + turn in.
    A more reasonable estimate is probably around 1 minute, which will grants you 15, 4 quest cycles.
    15 x 105 =1575 LTs per hour.
    So at it's fastest, it's almost as good as a decent Paragon Pet.
    At it's more reasonable speed, it's a little more than 50% of Bright Paragon's speed.
    The fact it's so fast just blows my mind, why would you buy a Paragon or 2k ACs if you can just do this (unless you are collector)?

    Well, since Soul Scythe and Corrupted Dragon Slayer has officially lost their AC tag, this method is no longer usable, this would leave UCR standing as the current best non Paragon method.

    Also a little update on UCR, I can complete it within 40 seonds to a minute, usually, so it's at least 300+ LTs per hour, there are a couple rare occasions where i go up to 1 minute 30 secs or so, but they are not that common.


    And the collected rewards before buyback thing, I thought that was well known.

    I have met many people who struggles to understand the fact that accepting multiple of the same drop with disconnect them, sometimes they do it multiple times before they understand what's going on. Usually they just blame it on connection issues.
    The buyback Scenario is way rarer, there's very few places to farm stuff where you can actually abuse buyback (Kiss The Void, Soul Trapping and Legion Excersice 4 are the only examples i can think of). On the other hand, having multiple of a drop is very common in many places like Evilwarnul, Evilwardage, Battlegrounde, Shadowblast, Boxes, Battleunderb and those are just the more common farming spots.

    The ErosionSeeker -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (3/3/2017 1:49:07)


    Step 1: Head over to the Dreadrock citadel, and then head to the right two screens. You'll find yourself in a room with five NPCs. The farthest to the right, Sirenia, has the quest you want.
    Step 2: Accept the quest, slay the three monsters in the room, then head to the right.
    Step 3: Beat the three monsters here. Unfortunately, though you've now defeated six Dreadrock enemies, the quest item is not a 100% drop, so head up one screen.
    Step 4: Beat the five enemies on this screen, then head back down and to the left to return the screen with Sirenia.
    Step 5: If you've gotten all six of the items needed, turn in the quest and repeat. If you've not, still repeat the above steps, but head back to Sirenia to turn in the quest once you've gotten all six items.

    The faster thing to do is to join /dreadrock-10000, go right, click on the TV screen, and immediately go up into the room with 4 monsters.
    EI with Chainsaw Katana blasts through those guys with a quick 5 or 3-2-4, before you can copy/paste the join room and repeat.

    This has no lag from other players' skills, no competition from other players, and you access the quest screen very quickly because the TV is less out of the way. You might not encounter as many monsters in total, but you're doing so much faster especially since the 5-room is out of range for EI and you can't walk to the guys fast enough without having to leave the room anyways.

    stealth2953 -> RE: The Undead Legion Handbook (3/3/2017 20:28:46)

    How is new paragon pet?

    Heres a typo I noticed: You said "incredible rare" in your section about the Thanatos pet.

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