Shields of the Warbringer (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Shields of the Warbringer (8/6/2014 21:17:17)

Shields of the Warbringer

«Fire shield. Mastercraft; has a built-in Fire skill that can Daze the monster.»

Tier names:
  • Storied Shield of the Warbringer***[11 Z]
  • Fabled Shield of the Warbringer**@[40 Z]
  • Heroic Shield of the Warbringer**@[62 Z]
  • Glorious Shield of the Warbringer**[80 Z]
  • Epic Shield of the Warbringer****@[95 Z]
  • Immortal Shield of the Warbringer@[110 Z]
  • Mythical Shield of the Warbringer*@[125 Z]
  • Legendary Shield of the Warbringer [143 Z]
Other items of the Warlord set:
  • Weapon: Sword of Ares, Spear of Ares, Quarterstaff of Ares
  • Armour: Armour of the Warlord
Location: Warlord Wardrobe Shop
Element: Fire
Type	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
Level	11	40	62	80	95	110	125	143
PowLvl	45 MC	60 MC	75 MC	90 MC	105 MC	120 MC	135 MC	153 MC
CostLvl	36	55	71	87	102	117	132	150

Price	407	924	1540	2200	2871	3674	4620	5940
S <48h	366	831	1386	1980	2583	3306	4158	5346
  >48h	101	231	385	550	717	918	1155	1485
Melee	+5	+7	+10	+12	+13	+14	+14	+16
Ranged	+5	+7	+10	+12	+13	+14	+14	+16
Magic	+4	+6	+9	+11	+12	+12	+13	+15

Fire	-17	-20	-21	-22	-23	-24	-25	-25
  • During your turn, you can click on the shield #† to perform the following, which is treated as a normal Player attack:

    Hits: 2
    Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX = INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
    Element: Fire
    Damage	18-54	26-78	35-103	45-135	57-171	71-212	88-262	106-319
    Stat%	187	245	299	363	427	499	579	660
    BTH	11	15	18	22	26	30	33	38
    SP-Mag	103	151	196	245	295	349	407	481
    SP-Ran	82	120	156	196	236	279	326	385
    Stat bonus to damage is STR/5 + DEX/20 (if Ranged) or INT/4 (if Magic).

    If the hit connects and does more than 0 damage, it will attempt to Daze* the monster. The daze will last for 4 rounds, with the monster having a [*MonFireRes%]*25% chance of being unable to act each round, multiplied by its Fire resistance. The monster receives a +0 bonus to its save**:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourStat vs MonsterSTR
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    @Where YourStat is either YourDEX (if the skill does Ranged damage) or YourINT (if it does Magic damage).

    Fire-element monsters*** are immune to this status.

    You can't use the skill if you don't have the listed SPCost.

    ***The fires of war have intimidated your foe!
    ***Your foe just shouts back at you - clearly they're unimpressed.
    ***Those aligned with Fire are immune to the intimidating effects of this attack.

    **#Click on the shield to call forth the Fires of War! This Magic skill costs «» SP.
    **Click on the shield to call forth the Fires of War! This Ranged skill costs «» SP.
    **You need «» SP to use this attack!

    When you grasp this bronze shield, you feel the vigor of the legendary warlord Ares run through you! Click it to let out a fiery shout which is sure to intimidate anybody standing between you and victory!


    Numbers thanks to Kamui, Zephyros and In Media Res. Write up and Image thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


    The shield's Mastercraft bonus is used to give the shield a built-in skill without a compression penalty.

    This skill starts off as a standard spell:
    Level	11	40	62	80	95	110	125	143
    Powlvl	45	60	75	90	105	120	135	153
    Damage	38-115	53-157	69-205	86-259	106-317	127-380	150-448	179-537
    Stat%	397	496	595	694	793	892	991	1110
    BTH	11	15	18	22	26	30	33	38
    EleComp	1.34425	1.40815	1.43046	1.48841	1.53269	1.59202	1.66371	1.69176
  • The skill is multiplied by the listed Ele-Comp to compensate for doing Fire damage.
  • The skill does 70.25% damage to compensate for the Daze status.
  • With 2 equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the numbers above.


    March 21, 2014: The shield was released.
    June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Level	11	40	62	80	95	110	125	143
    Price	715	1540	3355	7315	8525	9955	11550	13860
    S <48h	643	1386	3020	6584	7673	8960	10395	12474
      >48h	357	770	1678	3658	4263	4978	5775	6930

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