Reasons why HPs and Strenght are OPed (Full Version)

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Thylek Shran -> Reasons why HPs and Strenght are OPed (8/20/2014 22:01:08)

In the past we had Agility. It worked pretty well to balance HPs vs defenses.
However it got removed with Omega. Maybe we do not need Agility anymore
as there also is the scaled stat system which has the effect that it does get
less efficient to invest into stats at around 56 and 86 stat points per category.

Agility + Scaled Stats worked well together but now that one of them got
removed we experience unbalance regarding the Health Point counterpart.
HPs became overpowered and builds around 1500 HPs combined with
85+ Strenght belong to the most powerfull as Strike can be used every turn
and because most of the Cores improve with Strenght. Even Cores that
regenerate Energy Points.

If the scaled stat system does get removed, stats above 56 get more
powerfull compared to Health Points. Another factor that could be changed is
the ammount of HP per level. Atm it changes from 12 to 13 HPs each
character level to an average of 12.5 HP per level. It would be simple to
reduce this ammount to an equal number for each level (12, 11,..).
Lowering this would increase the power of stats.

An addition from 2014-08-27:

We now have the situation that stats get scaled down with an increasing
ammount of stat points while HPs dont get scaled down at higher values
which was the effect of Agility. This does mean that the scaled skill
system should be removed OR that Agility should be reintroduced
because builds with high HPs have an unfair advantage because of this
now especially when using unblockable skills and cores that can
compensate low dex and tech (blocks and deflections). Skills like Poison
and Massacre.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Reasons why HPs and Strenght are OPed (8/21/2014 15:40:30)

IMO if HP is really big of an issue...

%-HP based damage.

Easiest fix ever to exist. Make some cores or introduce some new skills like improbability gate, but make it actually useful and energy cost-efficient. 5% is so negligible it isn't even worth giving up my passive aim assist on use even if the core itself had no energy cost. The idea was good, but the core's bonus damage is so freaking weak that it's next to useless because I'd be better off procing my aim assist passive or attempting to land a clutch stun blast than hitting like an extra 50 damage.

kittycat -> RE: Reasons why HPs and Strenght are OPed (8/22/2014 4:15:08)

If HP and Strength are overpowered, then perhaps adjust Intimidate to be percent-based, because strength is a stat that means free damage at no cost (except for applying the boosts).

veneeria -> RE: Reasons why HPs and Strenght are OPed (8/22/2014 14:19:38)


IMO if HP is really big of an issue...

%-HP based damage.

Easiest fix ever to exist. Make some cores or introduce some new skills like improbability gate, but make it actually useful and energy cost-efficient. 5% is so negligible it isn't even worth giving up my passive aim assist on use even if the core itself had no energy cost. The idea was good, but the core's bonus damage is so freaking weak that it's next to useless because I'd be better off procing my aim assist passive or attempting to land a clutch stun blast than hitting like an extra 50 damage.

Pretty much this.[&:]

Thylek Shran -> RE: Reasons why HPs and Strenght are OPed (8/27/2014 2:54:23)

%-HP based damage for every attack would make it senseless to invest into HP
and would make stats way to powerfull. I want to remind how problematic
Energy Parasite is which is %-EP based.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Reasons why HPs and Strenght are OPed (8/27/2014 15:28:32)


%-HP based damage for every attack would make it senseless to invest into HP

No one ever said it'd be for every attack.


Energy Parasite is which is %-EP based.

You mean where no one noticed it and thought it was pretty bad until it got buffed so strength builds could actually use it?
If it never got that buff to on-hit damage then I'm pretty sure everyone would still turn a blind eye to it.

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