Shadowfeeder Pendant (Full Version)

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Koree -> Shadowfeeder Pendant (9/5/2014 6:23:58)

Shadowfeeder Pendant

«A Miscellaneous item that converts some of your MP into SP each turn. Can be clicked during your turn for a chance of gaining Celerity, allowing you to attack twice.»

Location: Ultimon Saga: War At The Veil
Element: Neutral
Type			G
Level	105	125	145
PowLvl	105	125	148
MPLvl	105	125	147

Price	276276	2227154	17955751
Sell	138138	1113577	8977875
Activation: 0 turns
Cost: «MPCost» MP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Restores «SPRegen» SP each turn. If you click on it during your turn, you pay «SPCost» SP (*1.4 if your pet is out AND active) and the monster makes a save roll*:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: 200 vs MonsterINT
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    *If it fails the save, you, your pet, guest and item gain Celerity for one turn**. Attempting to do this will not take a turn.
    SPRegen	28	34	42
    SPCost	144	179	221
    MPCost	45	56	69
    **Your foe's arcane might manages to nullify your pendant's power!
    **Your pendant accelerates the speed of all on your side!

    A strange pendant discovered by Dwelling Dragonlord that seems to convert mana into pure energy for you to use. It can even give you a burst of Celerity if you click on it!


    Image and description thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to Ash. New numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    September 29, 2013: The item was released.
    January 20, 2016: The misc was updated. Old stats were:
    Level	105	125	145
    SPRegen	24	30	37
    MPCost	49	61	75

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