A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (Full Version)

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Sato -> A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (9/7/2014 19:35:57)


Previously owned by Laos and Zyrain
Originally owned by PD[/center]
[size=2][u]Table of Contents[/u][/size]
[ol][*] Introduction
[*] General Farming Tips
[*] Gold
[*] Experience & Class Points
[*] Reputation
[*] Legion Tokens
[*] Credits[/ol]
[u][size=2]What is Farming?[/size][/u]
[quote]1. You think you found a Quest/Place/Battle that offers good Experience/Gold/etc.
2. You will do that Quest/Place/Battle over, and over, and over again (this the truly repetitive part of "Farming").
3. Slowly, you build up a massive pile of Experience, Gold, or others.
4. Once you have done that Quest/Place/Battle so many times, you will have found yourself with a large amount of Experience, Gold, or others, depending on what you did to acquire those rewards that you have desired so much.
That's what Farming is and how it works![/quote]
[size=1][i]Taken from PD's MechQuest Farming Guide.[/i][/size]
Do you have a suggestion to add, change, or delete something in this guide? Great! This guide is always trying to absorb the most select feedback there is. Please post your suggestion here, using the following format:
(code)[b]1. What is being farmed? (Gold/Exp/etc.):[/b]
[b]2. Location and routine:[/b]
[b]3. Monsters/quests/items being farmed:[/b]
[b]4. Rewards and reason to suggest this area:[/b]
[b]5. Advised level range:[/b]
[b]6. Farm solo or as a party?:[/b]
[b]7. Requirements (if any):[/b][/b]
[b]8. Advised classes (if necessary):[/b]
[b]9. Will it remain permanent content?:[/b](/code)
[*] [b]It is always better to farm together, rather than farming alone![/b] - Take advantage of the fact that you're playing an MMORPG, farm together, host parties or join them by using the [u]=AQW= Let's Party![/u] thread in the [url=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tt.asp?forumid=211]AQWorlds General Discussion[/url] forum.
[*] [b]Use the best advised locations[/b] - Sure, you can kill lots of level 5 Zardman quickly, but is it as effective and rewarding as breaking down furniture at Sleuth Hound Inn? Location is also very important when it comes to farming.
[*] [b]Make sure your enhancements are maxed out![/b] - You need to be dealing as much damage as quickly and as hard as possible, otherwise, all I can say is that you aren't hitting hard enough, and that it will slow you down when it comes to farming, and the whole cause of farming has been lost.
Game boosts are incredible, and essential if you want to farm a lot faster. When you activate a boost, it DOUBLES your rewards! These are the following available boosts:
[*] [b]Experience:[/b] [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/xp-boost-1-hr]1 hour[/url], for 150 ACs or through special offers; [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/doom-xp-boost-1-hr]Doom 1 hour[/url], every time you spin the Wheel of Doom you will receive one of these for free; [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/xp-boost-10-min]10 minutes[/url], a free reward from Faith's quests.
[*] [b]Gold:[/b] [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/gold-boost-1-hr]1 hour[/url], through special offers; [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/doom-gold-boost-1-hr]Doom 1 hour[/url], through merging the free Doom 1 hour XP boost.
[*] [b]Class Points:[/b] [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/class-boost-1-hr]1 hour[/url], for 150 ACs or through special offers; [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/doom-class-boost-1-hr]Doom 1 hour[/url], through merging the free Doom 1 hour XP boost; [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/class-boost-20-min]20 minutes[/url], for 3 Realm Gems in the Reward Gem Shop.
[*] [b]Reputation:[/b] [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/reputation-boost-1-hr]1 hour[/url], for 150 ACs or through special offers; [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/doom-rep-boost-1-hr]Doom 1 hour[/url], through merging the free Doom 1 hour XP boost; [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/reputation-boost-10-min]10 minutes[/url], a free reward from Faith's quests.
Check out [url=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21494715]A Guide to AQWorlds Boosts[/url] to see what other items can help you farm more efficiently.
[size=2][u]The Ideal Class[/u][/size]
The [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/darkside]Darkside[/url] and [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/chunin]Chunin[/url] classes were [i]made[/i] for farming! If you are lucky enough to own either of these classes, then you'll find farming a lot easier! Other classes ideal for farming solo include [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/alpha-omega]Alpha Omega[/url], [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/cardclasher]CardClasher[/url], [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/darkblood-stormking]Darkblood Storm King[/url], [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/evolved-shaman]Evolved Shaman[/url], [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/necromancer]Necromancer[/url] and [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/troll-spellsmith]Troll Spellsmith[/url].
When farming in a party, it is more ideal to have classes which allow you to support each other, such as [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/alpha-omega]Alpha Omega[/url], [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/elemental-dracomancer]Elemental Dracomancer[/url], [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/healer]Healer[/url] and [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/thief-of-hours]Thief of Hours[/url].
[b]Note:[/b] Many of these classes have multiple ways to purchase them. The ones I've linked are only one way. Check the Wiki to see how you can obtain these classes via ACs, as a Legend, through Reputation, or merging items.
For more information on Class strategies and Enhancements, please see the [url=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=20371662]Uselful/Recommended Class Builds[/url] Guide.
[i]The Gold cap is currently set at 5,000,000. However, after reaching 4,000,000 Gold you can only obtain more by selling items.[/i]
[color=#CC9900][size=2][b]1. Cleric Dawn's Quests[/b][/size][/color] (/join portal)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels Any[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] In Portal, Cleric Dawn has 3 quests (a different one available each day, and you can only do one once a day). Upon completing a quest, you will receive an item which then sells for 12,500 Gold. Note that there is a permanent version of the 'Fire Gem' quest in Portal Undead (/join portalundead) which you can complete every day.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] Accept one of Cleric Dawn's quests -- whichever one is available to you. You need a lot of luck on your side as the quest items have low drop rates. For the 'Fire Gem' quest, defeat Skeletal Fire Mages found in Portal Undead (/join portalundead). For the 'Gold Digger' quest, defeat the Lich found in Marsh 2 (/join marsh2). Finally, for the 'Lodes of Gold' quest, defeat Chaotic Draconians (beware, a much tougher opponent!) found in Dwarfhold Keep (/join dwarfhold).
[color=#CC9900][size=2][b]2. The Black Knight[/b][/size][/color] (/join greenguardwest)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 20+[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] The enemy here that is being farmed, is the one and only Black Knight. He is an HP beast, totalling at a grand 50,000 HP. You may think this is going overboard, as well as not deserving a spot here, but believe me, here's the catch -- the drops that the Black Knight has sell for 6,250 Gold each! Also, since you are able to bring in ten other people, taking down this boss will be relatively quick, and since the Black Knight drops often, he's like a Gold Piņata! Beware of lag though.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] First, you must have completed the quest [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/the-black-knight-s-quests]Hardly Suiting Armor[/url] and have the [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/black-knight-orb]Black Knight Orb[/url] in your inventory. Go to the Black Knight Ghost in Green Guard West and summon him. Once you have defeated the Black Knight and obtained a few of the drops, open up a shop via the Game Menu or your Book of Lore to sell them.
[color=#CC9900][size=2][b]3. Tainted Elemental[/b][/size][/color] (/join nulgath) [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/membersmall.png[/image]
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 20+[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] Although Legend-only, this is a fast and easy way to farm gold compared to The Black Knight. However, the drops sell for less, ranging from 125 Gold to 6,250 Gold. The monsters in this map have artificial intelligence, so there's no time to heal! If you have the [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/oblivion-blade-of-nulgath-pet]Oblivion Blade of Nulgath[/url] or [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/crag-bamboozle]Crag & Bamboozle[/url] pets, you can accept quests to obtain Escherion's Helm which then sells for 12,500 Gold.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] Join the location and head towards the Tainted Elemental by going right and right again (it's a hidden location, but just walk right as normal). Once you have obtained a few of the drops, open up a shop via the Game Menu or your Book of Lore to sell them. It might be useful to have a healing class as, due to the AI, it is hard to get a chance to heal properly. If you have the Oblivion Blade of Nulgath pet, accept 'The Dark Deal' quest to turn the Tainted Soul into Escherion's Helm. If you have the Crag & Bamboozle pet, accept the 'Bamboozle vs. Drudgen' quest to turn the Tainted Core into Escherion's Helm.
[color=#CC9900][size=2][b]4. Berzerker Bunny Armor[/b][/size][/color] (/join greenguardwest) [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/seasonalsmall.png[/image]
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels Any[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] Unfortunately, this is a seasonal event. However, whenever it is Easter in AQWorlds, a great opportunity to farm gold appears! The quest is easy and super fast, and you can sell the armor reward for an easy 6,250 Gold.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] Travel to GreenGuard West and head towards the Wereboar. You must have the [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/vorpal-bunny]Vorpal Bunny Pet[/url] available to access it's quests. So if you're not a Legend, you will need someone who is! Accept the pet's 'Bunny Berzerker Armor - Were Egg' quest. All you have to do is defeat the Wereboar who has a 100% drop rate for the quest item and turn it in to receive the armor.
[color=#CC9900][size=2][b]5. Lake Hydra[/b][/size][/color] (/join hydra)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 15+[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] Relatively easy farming, solo or as a party.The drops here sell for 1,250 Gold to 8,750 Gold, however, they are rarer than the above strategies. The Hydra Heads are easier to kill though.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] Join the location which can also be done by speaking to the Time Travel Fairy in Mobius (/join mobius), and make your way to the Hydra Heads. There are 3 of them, so if you are a high enough level, use a class with area of effect skills to take them all on at once.
[color=#CC9900][size=2][b]6. Vasalkar's Lair[/b][/size][/color] (/join lair)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 15+[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] There are two different areas to farm here. Firstly, the Draconians which have items that sell for 500 Gold to 3,750 Gold. The other area is to farm the boss, the Red Dragon. This boss has rare drops, but has many of them -- the highest ones selling at 12,500 Gold.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] For solo farming, head to the room with the 3 Draconians (Purple, Bronze and Venom). If you're a high enough level, attempt to attack all 3 at the same time using an AoE skill. If you're able to farm as a party, take on the Red Dragon. Fighting this boss is pretty simply, and doesn't require much tactics, however, if you're a lower level, make sure you bring a healer!
[/center][i]The Level Cap is currently set at 65. Classes level up to Rank 10.[/i]
[color=#CC00FF][size=2][b]1. SleuthHound Inn[/b][/size][/color] (/join sleuthhound)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 1-15[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] A great area for beginners. The monsters are relatively easy with low health and high Exp. There's also a lot of them. And with friends, you're going to level up today!
[b]What you need to do:[/b] Once you have arrived at the inn, simply go up the staircase in the Main Lobby where the Inn Owner is, and go left, where there is a room of two furniture ghosts, that are close distance of each other. Simply beat down the enemy on one side, and then other. There you go, you have just defeated two level 15 monsters, in just 1 minute's time!  
[color=#CC00FF][size=2][b]2. Dwarfhold Keep[/b][/size][/color] (/join dwarfhold)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 10-20[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] Not only is this a place that lets you rack in Good EXP, it also lets you bring in a juicy amount of Reputation. The enemies here have low HP (save for the Chaotic Draconians) and are high level, which means this place is farmable!
[b]What you need to do:[/b] Once you have arrived at the City (if you are using this place for EXP purposes), simply beat down any Drow you see, going from one room to another as you wait for them to respawn.
[color=#CC00FF][size=2][b]3. Hachiko Temple[/b][/size][/color] (/join hachiko)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 10-20[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] Not only is this a place that lets you rack in Good EXP, it also lets you bring in a juicy amount of Reputation. The enemies here have low health and are high level, which means this place is farmable!
[b]What you need to do:[/b] First, there are some pre-exquisites. You must have finished the Ferry Boat Quest, as well as beat Ryoku in the Tournament. After you do that, you are able to access Ai-No-Miko's Quests. Hachiko will be unlocked! The enemies here have low HP, and are all level 18. Simply Beat down any enemy here, and you are farming!
[color=#CC00FF][size=2][b]4. Arcangrove[/b][/size][/color] (/join arcangrove)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 20-30[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] The monsters here are relatively easy, although the Gorillaphants do have easy health. Ideal for farming in a party and with AoE skills too.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] This place is great for EXP. Although it is not required, a class that can multi-target is a good thing to have here. If you can meet the preferences here, this place is no doubt an excellent place to farm. The most common room to farm in is on your first right upon joining Arcangrove.
[color=#CC00FF][size=2][b]5. Chaos Gemralds[/b][/size][/color] (/join blindingsnow)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 20-35[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] A great farming place for lower levels in a party, or solo if you're a higher level. The monsters have relatively low health and can be easily farmed.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] To be able to access the Northlands Forest, you need to have completed the 'Chasing After A Girl' quest to be able to access the monsters. Travel to the screen with three Chaos Gemralds and farm here.
[color=#CC00FF][size=2][b]6. Undead Pirates[/b][/size][/color] (/join pirates)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 35-40[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] The pirates area is a great place to gain EXP. Although they are still a tough fight all at once, it is still much easier than Time Space. Just make sure you're in at least a small party. AoE skills are great here.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] Make your way to the platform with 3 Undead Pirates. Reaping the rewards is easy here as you don't need to do anything special to gain maximum EXP. You're going to want to kill the Undead Pirates repeatedly.
[color=#CC00FF][size=2][b]7. Time Space[/b][/size][/color] (/join timespace)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 40-45[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] Ideal for area of effect farming in a party. However, be careful as the Astral Ephemerites do have high HP and high attacks if you are attacking them as a group.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] Head to the screen with 3 Astral Ephemerites and begin farming. Beware of the lag, as it may cause the monsters to take longer to respawn. It is a good idea to have a healer in the party, whilst the others all have AoE skills -- taking on one of the monsters by yourself, whilst also dealing with the others can easily drain your HP.
[color=#CC00FF][size=2][b]8. Ultra-Tibicenas[/b][/size][/color] (/join cleric) [image]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/image-tags/membersmall.png[/image]
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 35+[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] With the quest from Cleric Dawn accepted, defeating this boss provides 10,000 EXP as well as 10,000 Gold. However, this method is only accessible for Legends.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] First things first, travel to Cleric (/join cleric) and accept Cleric Dawn's quest 'Dys-Geni-c Chaorruption?'. In a group of 4+, travel to the Djinn Realm (/join djinn) and make your way to the normal Tibicenas, then select to fight the ultra version. [url=http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/chaorrupter-locked]Chaorrupter Locked[/url] is an essential weapon for this fight. With the correct strategies, this fight can be won.
[color=#CC00FF][size=2][b]9. Shadow Realm[/b][/size][/color] (/join shadowrealm)
[color=#990000][b][i]Levels 45+[/i][/b][/color]
[b]Basic Analysis:[/b] Essentially, this is a better version of Time Space for those who are Level 45+. The rewards are greater and are ideal for higher level player farming.
[b]What you need to do:[/b] Head to the Shadow Realm, which only allows players level 45+ to enter. The room limit is only 4, but even a small party is essential for faster and repetitive farming. Follow a similar pattern to the Time Space method, killing all monsters as they spawn.
[quote][b]Requirements to Level[/b]
1-2: 65 Exp
2-3: 120 Exp
3-4: 300 Exp
4-5: 600 Exp
5-6: 1,000 Exp
6-7: 1,500 Exp
7-8: 2,000 Exp
8-9: 2,550 Exp
9-10: 3,200 Exp
10-11: 3,850 Exp
11-12: 4,600 Exp
12-13: 5,450 Exp
13-14: 6,450 Exp
14-15: 7,700 Exp
15-16: 9,200 Exp
16-17: 12,900 Exp
17-18: 15,150 Exp
18-19: 17,650 Exp
19-20: 20,650 Exp
20-21: 24,150 Exp
21-22: 28,150 Exp
22-23: 32,650 Exp
23-24: 32,650 Exp
24-25: 37,650 Exp
25-26: 43,650 Exp
26-27: 51,650 Exp
27-28: 63,150 Exp
28-29: 79,650 Exp
29-30: 101,650 Exp
30-31: 131,150 Exp
31-32: 170,650 Exp
32-33: 223,150 Exp
33-34: 290,650 Exp
34-35: 312,500 Exp
35-36: 331,250 Exp
36-37: 350,000 Exp
37-38: 368,750 Exp
38-39: 387,500 Exp
39-40: 406,250 Exp
40-41: 425,000 Exp
41-42: 443,750 Exp
42-43: 462,500 Exp
43-44: 481,250 Exp
44-45: 500,000 Exp
45-46: 518,750 Exp
46-47: 537,500 Exp
47-48: 556,250 Exp
48-49: 575,000 Exp
49-50: 598,750 Exp
50-51: 633,760 Exp
51-52: 664,670 Exp
52-53: 710,130 Exp
53-54: 759,000 Exp
54-55: 785,000 Exp
55-56: 815,000 Exp
56-57: 840,000 Exp
57-58: 870,000 Exp
58-59: 910,000 Exp
59-60: 990,000 Exp
60-61: 1,200,000 Exp
61-62: 1,450,000 Exp
62-63: 1,600,000 Exp
63-64: 1,750,000 Exp
64-65: 1,750,000 Exp

[i]The Level Cap was increased from 60 to 65 on [u]October 27th, 2014[/u].[/i]

[quote][b]Class Rank Requirements[/b]
1-2: 900 CP
2-3: 2,700 CP
3-4: 6,400 CP
4-5: 12,500 CP
5-6: 21,600 CP
6-7: 34,300 CP
7-8: 51,200 CP
8-9: 72,900 CP
9-10: 100,000 CP[/quote]
[i]Reputations level up to Rank 10.[/i]
For an in-depth guide on how to farm Reputation for each Faction, please see the [url=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21393127]Reputation Farming Guide[/url].
[quote][b]Reputation Requirements[/b]
1-2: 900 Rep
2-3: 2,700 Rep
3-4: 6,400 Rep
4-5: 12,500 Rep
5-6: 21,600 Rep
6-7: 34,300 Rep
7-8: 51,200 Rep
8-9: 72,900 Rep
9-10: 100,000 Rep[/quote]
[i]Legion Tokens currently stack up to 10,000.[/i]
For more information on Legion Tokens, please see the [url=http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21498275]Guide to Dage The Evil & the Undead Legion[/url].
04Sep13 - New guide created. Thanks to Laos and PD for the previous versions of this guide, and the others who contributed to them.
04Sep13 - Thanks to Retro The Watcher for information on ideal farming classes, and suggesting Cleric Dawn's quests, the Lake Hydra and Vasalkar's Lair methods.
04Sep13 - Thanks to PhoenixIce for suggesting the Tainted Elemental method.
05Sep13 - Thanks to Hardcastle McCormick for suggesting the Berzerker Bunny and Ultra-Tibicenas methods.
22Sep13 - Thanks to .Shadow// and Kaloderma for further information on the Tainted Elemental method.
24Sep13 - Thanks to .Shadow// for the banner.
23Nov13 - Thanks to Sato for suggesting the TurkeyChampion Helm method.
01Dec13 - Thanks to .Shadow// for suggesting the Shadow Realm method.
02Jan14 - Thanks to Class Meister for suggesting the Chaos Gemralds method.
07Sep14 - Guide remade due to it being relinquished by former owner Zyrain. Will begin adjusting guide content and swapping sections around if necessary.

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (11/17/2014 19:09:30)

If I'm allowed to add more things...

1. What is being farmed? (Gold/Exp/etc.): Gold
2. Location and routine: Escherion's Tower (/join escherion)
3. Monsters/quests/items being farmed: Escherion, Staff of Inversion
4. Rewards and reason to suggest this area: The Staff drops 2 items, 1st Lord of Chaos Staff and Staff of Inversion which sell for 6500 and 12500, respectively. In addition, Escherion drops multiple high-selling items, notably 1st Lord of Chaos Helm (6500), Emerald Pickaxe (25000), and Escherion's Helm (12500). In addition, if a Legend has Drudgen the Assistant present in the room (He looks like a Sneevil pulling a cart), click his red Event box to access the Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance quest, which turns Escherion's Helm into a chance to get items worth between 2000, 10000, or most rarely, 250000.
5. Advised level range: All levels, but take note, Escherion can hit hard on low-levelled players at around 70 damage per attack. In addition, you must be a minimum of level 10 to accept the Wheel of Chance quest.
6. Farm solo or as a party?: There is almost always a party farming for Legendary Runes, Escherion's Robe, doing Drudgen the Assistant's quests, or even farming gold through this method, so a party is never worrisome.
7. Requirements (if any): You need to have completed enough of the Chiral Valley arc to be able to access Escherion's Tower.
8. Advised classes (if necessary): Any class that can survive against Escherion. Nowadays it's fairly easy to defeat him with 4 other people in the room, but a heal or a multi-target skill is very useful to have.
9. Will it remain permanent content?: As it is Chaos Lord Saga content, it will never go rare, but it may change.

1. What is being farmed? (Gold/Exp/etc.): Exp / Class points
2. Location and routine: Vordredbattle Evil Warriors
3. Monsters/quests/items being farmed: Evil Warrior (level 52)
4. Rewards and reason to suggest this area: At 3040 HP and a relatively low damage range of 60, the room with 3 Evil Warriors is one of the best regular Exp farming in existence. With 3 monsters in the room, single and multi-target classes can all flourish while destroying Shadow Realm-level monsters at half or even quartered HP.
5. Advised level range: This zone can be used as an alternative to Shadow Realm, but can be used at almost any level, provided you can get to it.
6. Farm solo or as a party?: Vordredbattle (and all of the Drakath fight zones) are single-player rooms, so you have to go solo here.
7. Requirements (if any): You need to have completed enough of the Mount DoomSkull arc to be able to access Vordredbattle. This means that you must be able to defeat a monster that has 100k HP and hits for 270, alone. It is advised to acquire a Chaorruptor (Un)Locked from the High Chaos Knight at Chaos War, as it will deal 50% more damage against Chaos enemies (which Vordredbattle Evil Warriors are classified as, take note!), and 120% more damage against Drakath, which can make the 100k hp battle much easier.
8. Advised classes (if necessary): Any class you are trying to rank up, or multi-target classes to speed up the pace of levelling.
9. Will it remain permanent content?: As it is Chaos Lord Saga content, it will never go rare, but it may change.

Jake Harrison -> RE: A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (12/2/2014 18:55:13)

You might want to use a darker color to replace yellow and maybe use a darker purple. You could also use different formats other than normal, bold, underlined, and colored fonts.I suggest changing size of the title of each section. It is very hard to read. This guide is very comprehensive, helpful, and well... good. So this is just a suggestion. Good job!

Sato -> RE: A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (12/6/2014 15:01:38)

Well, wow! I totally forgot that I had this thread in my possession. I will now initiate the adjustment of this guide as soon as I can find decent time.

Placing suggestions from the official thread as a placeholder for pending spots:


1. What is being farmed? (Gold/Exp/etc.): Gold,legion token
2. Location and routine: Bludrut, Portal Undead
3. Advised level range: Any
4. Monsters/quests/items being farmed: Broken Blade From Rock Elemental And Skeletal Fire Mage Quest Dage the Evil Endurance Test
5. Rewards and reason to suggest this area: 1 Of the Dage Surprise Sell for 125.000 Gold, If you got 3 out of the 4 Suprise you Will Either Get 5 LT or The 4th Surprise that Sell for 125.000 Gold.., if you got Max Legion Token And the Other Surprise You'll only get This Surprise.., Bludrut is Where the Rock Elemental can Be Found and Portal Undead Has Alot of Fire Mage..,
6. Farm solo or as a party?: Solo, Cauze the Monster Are Easy..,
7. Advised classes (if necessary): Evo Dark Caster or Other Farming Class
8. Will it remain permanent content?:Yes
9. Requirment : Complete Fail/Hail to the King Quest


1. What is being farmed? (Gold/Exp/etc.): Exp / Rep
2. Location and routine: /join Swordhavenfalls (screen 3)
3. Monsters/quests/items being farmed: Chaos Invaders
4. Rewards and reason to suggest this area: These 3 monsters have some of the most disproportionate level-to-hp ratios in the game, they have between 2000 and 3000 hp, while sitting just under level 40. This works very well on screen 3, which has 2 Mage Invaders (level 38) and 1 Rogue Invader (level 37) due to Mages having ~2000 hp each compared to the 3000 of the Warrior and Rogue Invaders
5. Advised level range: 30+
6. Farm solo or as a party?: Either works, but certain classes will instakill them too quickly for them to recognize you as an attack target
7. Requirements (if any): Swordhavenfalls unlocked, otherwise none(?)
8. Advised classes (if necessary): All work due to the low hp
9. Will it remain permanent content?: Yes


1. What is being farmed? (Gold/Exp/etc.): EXP/Class points
2. Location and routine: bludrut brawl
3. Monsters/quests/items being farmed: restorers and brawlers
4. Rewards and reason to suggest this area: even though its used for 8v8 pvp the restorers/brawlers give great exp and Class points even better at a private area
5. Advised level range: 35-60
6. Farm solo or as a party?: its an area made for 8v8 brawls solo if high lvl and party if mid/high lvl
7. Requirements (if any):nothing much
8. Advised classes (if necessary):high damage AOE classes(TSS,DBSK, Chaos Slayer,Chunnin,EDC) dodge classes(HE,rouge,blademaster) healing classes(healer,oracle,PHL)
9. Will it remain permanent content?:[/b yea


If I might ignore the template to give a strategy here?

First off, I'm fairly sure the Berserker Bunny armor thing isn't Seasonal, since I'm doing it now to get Gold and it's waaaay past Grenwog... Day... Week.. thing.

Anyways, onto how to do it!

Step 1: You still are going to need the Vorpal Bunny so if you have it or can find someone with it, make use of it
Step 2: Head over to the Wereboar with the Bunny or the person who has the bunny
Step 3: Click the Bunny to open the quest box. If you're the owner of the bunny, good on you. If not, the owner can now leave, though they'll have to come back if you mess up, leave, or do anything else to close the quest box
Step 4: Kill the Wereboar and turn in the quest for the armor and accept it
Step 5: Open a shop using the Game Menu (you don't HAVE to keep it open but you should to be able to check that you do have the armor in your inventory) and find the Berserker Bunny armor and click sell
Step 6: Instead of hitting Yes on the "Sell Confirmation" Box, keep on clicking Sell on the armor and stack a bunch of the "Sell Confirmation" boxes up
Step 7: Click Yes on the "Sell Confirmation" box one time to sell the armor, then repeat the quest and get the armor to drop again
Step 8: When the armor drops, click Yes to accept it, then you just have to move the mouse up a little and hit Yes on the "Sell Confirmation" box again to sell the armor once more
Step 9: Repeat getting the armor and clicking the two Yes's to accumulate fast gold

Once you figure out how to do this efficiently (as in where to have your mouse at what point) and have a good class that can quickly take the Wereboar down, it only takes about 10 seconds to accept the quest, get the armor, and sell it. So, 6250 in 10 seconds. Pretty dang quick!



Perhaps AE forgot to lock the quest because they do it every year-post-Easter.

Anyway, my suggestion:

1. What is being farmed? (Gold/Exp/etc.): EXP & Class Rep
2. Location and routine: dragonbattle and Screen 3.
3. Monsters/quests/items being farmed: Chaos Soldier
4. Rewards and reason to suggest this area: There are 6 Level 42 Monsters with significantly low HP. Also, the room limit is one so therefore monsters tend to respawn faster than a 6 man room.
5. Advised level range: 20-60
6. Farm solo or as a party?: As stated above, solo.
7. Requirements (if any): Completed the Storyline up to Confrontation.
8. Advised classes (if necessary): AoE classes.
9. Will it remain permanent content?: Yes.

< Message edited by Sato -- 8/26/2014 13:54:15 >


Building on to what Sato said, about three days later, the Drakath battle series now has an even higher-levelled group of monster with very low hp.

1. What is being farmed? (Gold/Exp/etc.): XP / Class Points
2. Location and routine: vordredbattle screen 3
3. Monsters/quests/items being farmed: Evil Soldier Level 52
4. Rewards and reason to suggest this area: Just like the area with 6 Level 42 Chaos Soldiers, the Evil Soldiers are extremely high level with very low HP. Since it's only a group of 3, it's better for classes that can only hit up to 3 monsters at once (Shaman, Evo Shaman, Chunin, Dragonlord) while still raking in the benefits of a zone almost on the level of shadowrealm.
5. Advised level range: 42+, before which it's just still easier to do the 6 Chaos Soldiers on the screen before this one
6. Farm solo or as a party?: solo
7. Requirements (if any): Finished dragonbattle, can kill Drakath (60k hp)
8. Advised classes (if necessary): whatever class that you're trying to rank up
9. Will it remain permanent content?:

Shadowhunt -> RE: A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (12/7/2014 16:02:52)

Skimming through, there are a few things you may want to change/update:
-Boosts: Daily login boosts (20 minute ones) should be added
-Classes: Occasionally some classes are mentioned but some of them aren't exactly top-tier, such as AO. You may want to evaluate the ones that are on there and change them if necessary
-Exp: Pretty obvious one here but the cap is now 65 and the curve was readjusted again
-LTs: The linked guide was deleted, my Undead Legion Handbook could probably take the place of that one
-The Vordredbattle suggestion: Great place for it but it's sort of locked to people who didn't unlock it during Finale Version 1, so that would probably be something to note if you add that section

Sato -> RE: A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (12/10/2014 15:45:37)

I am currently taking Jake Harrison's suggestion of renovating the thread and so far I have changed the subtitles with an image font. More of these changes will be applied later on as soon as I find them necessary and appealing.

Here is a thought that was carried way back when Zyrain was the owner of this guide: how should the order of levels be sorted? Should it be into tiers and level order? Should it be sorted by how much is gained / hour? I currently have something in mind but if anyone else has a brilliant idea, feel free to post it here and I'll work something out.

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (12/10/2014 15:57:42)

For xp and class points, I think putting it in tiers is largely pointless because there are very few reasons to not just take the optimal farming zone when given a set of options.

Recommended level is still relevant because of how certain quests are inaccessible to lower levels, which makes sense for it to remain the primary sorting method.

That being said, Vordredbattle and Shadow Realm could be both listed as the top high-level grinding zones, simply because they have different methods of accomplishing the same goal. Solo farming would obviously be better in VB, but a swarm of Chaos Slayers is very powerful in Shadow Realm.

For gold, maybe split it between chance-based shellback methods (Escherion / Staff of Inversion / Drudgen) vs standard (traditional) gold farming methods.

PD -> RE: A Guide to AQWorlds Farming (12/18/2014 16:16:44)

Just came here to say... wow, can't believe people still work on this thing. Quite nice that people cared about this guide all the way to now. I don't play AQW anymore (haven't for 4 years), but it's nice to see how much things have changed. I remember when I came here and made this guide, it was a pretty shameless copy-pasta of my old MQ farming guide, adapted to AQW. Since there weren't many guides around (there wasn't even a aqw guides forum). Good times... good times...

But as for a contribution, while I personally don't know anything about the game anymore, I could say that that there doesn't seem to be an advantage to Spacetime over Shadow Realm. Maybe you could put some Pros and Cons to every place to farm? Could certainly help given that you've put down multiple places for the same level ranges.

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