RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (Full Version)

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RKC -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (4/13/2015 21:37:36)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Shadow Scythe Dragonlord or save up my AC's?
Reason on why you can't decided? Well I already have Gravelyn's Dragon armor set but I have 11,000 AC's
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under avatar

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (4/13/2015 21:49:07)

Name of poster seeking advice: RKC
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Save the AC's
Why should they get it or not?: The way I see it, there's not really a reason to get the shadowscythe dragonlord armor. It's nothing more than a glorified fashion statement and not worth ac's. You already have the gravelyn dragon armor and it's very similar to the one you're thinking of buying. I would always think it's a better choice to save up AC's when you can. You never know when something will get released and you'll want AC's for it. I understand that you have the 11k ac's but my answer remains the same. Hold on to them. And honestly, I don't think the armor looks that great. And there's bound to be way better looking armors in the future. Why waste AC's on something that already has a similar armor that can be gotten for free?

SnakeYear -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (4/29/2015 20:17:09)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Any futuristic weapons that might fit with laken's back story? Please recommend futuristic weapons, preferably black/bluish.
Reason on why you can't decided? The reason I didn't post this in looks and char advice is because I want the weapon to be available without using any ACs.
You can tell some ac weapons if you know any, but I'm on a rather limited budget.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under my avatar.

Dr Disrespect -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (4/29/2015 23:14:23)

Name of poster seeking advice: SnakeYear
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Leviasea Sword or the Vorpal Plasma Blade depending on whether you like larger swords or smaller ones.These weapons cost gold and are legend only
Why should they get it or not?:This was the only 'futuristic' looking sword which I thought would match your 'Laken the Evil' armor.It may not be a perfect match because Laken mostly wields somewhat thinner and more 'understated' weapons,whereas the swords I suggested to you are larger and are not that understated.On the plus side it does have that robot like look to it.
Additionally you could try out the following: Behemoth Blade of BlueMoon, Backscattering Blades and Sword of Eternal Light (gives 15% rep boost).

Kogane No Kishi -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/6/2015 14:53:12)

Name of poster seeking advice: Kogane No Kishi
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Any helm/weapon/cape (Nonmember/NonRare/AC) items that will look good in this armor souleater warrior
Why should they get it or not?: I have the armor but didnt use it because couldnt find a set for it

Many thanks

SnakeYear -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/25/2015 10:06:42)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Tomix's Soulweaver
Reason on why you can't decided? I really, really like the look of it, and have about 18k ACs to spare, from one of the sales. But, I already have the shadow soulweaver as well as the dark legion vampire: Is it worth the 500 ACs? Or should I use those for slots?
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Below my avatar.

Hendrik -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/25/2015 16:04:38)

Name of poster seeking advice: SnakeYear
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Tomix's Soulweaver
Why should they get it or not?: In my completely biased opinion that is one of the most amazing armors in the game and I love to see it in game. It is similar to Naval Commanders and Alpha Pirate, which many people seem to obsess over, but it looks more classy. If you have ACs to spare, definitely get it.

JLewis -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/26/2015 16:58:16)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Alpha and Omega, or Undead warrior
Reason on why you can't decided? Alpha and omega is a good class BUT undead warrior gives me access to all the legion stuff
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under Avatar

Dr Disrespect -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/26/2015 20:34:23)

Name of poster seeking advice: JLewis
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Undead Warrior
Why should they get it or not?: Though Alpha Omega is a good class it isn't excellent.When you join the legion you get access to many legion exclusive items.Every year on Dage's Birthday many Legion items are released, most of which go rare, so won't be missing out on them.An added plus point is that, you can get the seasonal Legion Doomknight Class which is one of the, if not the best soloing class in the game.The Undead Legion Handbook should be helpful.

SnakeYear -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/27/2015 9:56:16)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Should I sell Jurassic raptor armor? I have till next morning to get 90% value back
Reason why you can't decide? They fixed walking animation and I love the look of the dinosaur. However, armor is hard to match- there isn't any good helm.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under avatar

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/27/2015 12:04:04)

Name of poster seeking advice: SnakeYear
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Keep the armor
Why should they get it or not?: You already spent the ACs on it, and you like the look of it. If you can't find a helm to match, there's the Looks and Inventory Advice thread here, or the wonderful "hide helm" option that just eliminates the problem entirely. Granted the armor isn't on your CP so you may have already sold it...

Zippleclopper -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/27/2015 21:16:57)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?:Nulgath's Void Rider or Jurassic Raptor Rider
Reason why you can't decide?: I wanted a rare armor but I can't decide which one to get(because I am bad at decision making)Should I get both or one of them or just save the AC's

thedarkened -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/27/2015 21:24:03)

Name of poster seeking advice: Zippleclopper
Which item(s) should they get, if any: nulgath's Void Rider
Why should they get it or not?: First of all, it looks better than Jurassic Raptor Rider (however, that's only my opinion). Plus, it is more rare, I think. Lastly, if you get the nulgath void rider, you get permanent access to it forever. If you sell jurassic raptor rider, it's gone forever. You can also get both the void rider and the raptor rider if you do AExtras.

JLewis -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/30/2015 1:17:57)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?:Alpha Omega, or some other 1k AC's class
Reason on why you can't decided? ik Alpha Omega is supposedly good but not sure if there are any other 1k's that may be better
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under Avatar

PS- Ik there is no "One" class that is the best, so thats not what im asking for, but there are some classes that are simply better than some others.
So idk if there are anyother suggestions for good classes like Alpha Omega.

Also ik i posted one kinda like this above but i just recently learned i can sell Undead warrior within 24 hours when im done to get 1080AC's..which would give me enough for AO or another 1k class ;p

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (6/30/2015 1:36:06)

Name of poster seeking advice: JLewis
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Either save the ACs or use them for High Legion Champion
Why should they get it or not?: AO is the only class that costs 1k ACs, everything else is 2k or higher. Furthermore AO isn't actually all that great and you've already got classes that are better than it so it would be a bit of a waste of ACs. Alternately if you think your going to want to get some Legion stuff you may want to invest in HLC. This is something that I've outlined in my guide, which Gojeta airway have you the link to.

SnakeYear -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (7/2/2015 11:21:29)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: What juggernaut item should I get?
Reason why you can't decide? I already have Ungodlies- I like the look of the warlord of Nulgath as well as the Nulgath form armor- I feel like crystal phoenix is overused.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under avatar

Dr Disrespect -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (7/2/2015 11:38:18)

Name of poster seeking advice: SnakeYear
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Arcane of Nulgath or Nulgath Armor
Why should they get it or not?: I really like its simple looks, added to that it is completely color custom, so you can create various sets with it.Compared to other Juggernaut items, it is relatively less used.If, not I prefer Nulgath armor because you can look exactly like Nulgath (minus the helm, because the actual Nulgath helm is rare now, however you can still use Nulgath horns).Personally though, I am leaning towards Arcane of Nulgath.

SnakeYear -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (7/16/2015 9:42:13)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Any heromart items under or equal to $20
Reason on why you can't decide? I know the real-life items are cool, but what in your opinion are the best in-game items for my budget? I really like the cardclasher stuff especially, but the xing xang poster gives quite a lot of items, and items for other games too.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under avatar

Hendrik -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (7/20/2015 14:37:54)

Name of poster seeking advice: SnakeYear
Which item(s) should they get, why: I would get J6 Evolution shirt, as the armor included is in my opinion one of the most interesting items in game and I have never actually seen anyone with it.
But if you like CardClasher, go ahead and get the card game.

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Groveborn Defender's Companion
Reason on why you can't decided? I just really like it. But. I will never spend any more money on aqw. I would have to sell Gravefang's Armor to have enough acs. It is the item I am most willing to sell as its look was changed without any warning or reimbursement and I don't like it the way it is now.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Hendrikk4

NatsuDragneels -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (9/19/2015 2:44:48)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Paragon Naval Commander or Arcane Pirate Captain.
Reason on why you can't decided? I only have 1.1k ACs to spend one of these. But I kinda liked both armor, so yeah. I really need some advices here.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under avatar.

SnakeYear -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (9/28/2015 7:55:31)

Name of poster seeking advice: Natsudragneels
Which item(s) should they get, why: I would get the paragon naval commander. I know a lot of people have it now, which makes it less
"valuable" in a way, but by the time next year's naval commanders come out, it'll be just one of those. In my opinion, both are nearly equal in terms of art but I think personally that the paragon naval would be the one I'd go for. Trust me, you'd regret it if you didn't.

HeavenlyDemon -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (12/19/2015 5:07:00)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Blazebinder Class (AC)
Reason on why you can't decided?I have 4k ac and CBA to farm but want this class, should I save up??
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion):Under avvy

BringerOfVictory -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/9/2016 12:01:26)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Any of the classes in the class shop in Battleon.
Reason on why you can't decide? I just got 2000 ACs. I haven't played AQW for a while, and find my current class (Dragonlord) to be slightly outdated. Which classes are good for soloing, and what enhancements should I use for them?
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Here

Solanaceae -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/9/2016 16:51:46)

Name of poster seeking advice: BringerOfVictory
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Either Ultra OmniKnight, wait until March for Legion DoomKnight, or get the Bright Paragon Pet
Why should they get it or not?: UOK and LDmK are the best of the best for soloing, with excellent damage and self-sustain. Notable differences are as follows:

- UOK works best with full Wizard, while LDmK works best with full Lucky
- UOK is more specialized; that is, it can either do more damage than LDmK, or heal more than LDmK, but not both at the same time, while LDmK can keep both offense and defense at their respective maximums
- UOK will go rare, while LDmK is seasonal and returns in March, during Dage's birthday
- UOK requires timing and precision to work best, while LDmK is more of a mash-all-the-buttons setup

Personally, since both UOK and LDmK are farmable, I would get UOK by farming the quests here, join the Legion to be able to farm LDmK (this costs 1200 ACs but you can get 1080 back if you do the joining quests in 24 hours), and if possible get the Bright Paragon Pet (2000 ACs) to make farming for LDmK and all future AC-tagged Legion classes significantly faster.

misterbacon -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/17/2016 7:30:11)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?:Crag & Bamboozle
Reason on why you can't decided?I'm not sure if it is worth the price
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