RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/3/2016 3:12:47)

Lets use it then, it is closer to the correct time than mine, this internet connection is really getting on my nerves.

As for me clearing out my inbox, once this game is over I plan to delete all the plan pms I have, that should make space.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/3/2016 18:46:09)

Alright, a little late posting but it is from early this morning. Start scores

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/5/2016 1:08:01)

Ok ending screenshot, no need for math here the result is obvious, so lets get down to it. Congratulations Aerodu on winning the longest PUC in history. We in Geoto put up a long fight but in the end we couldn't hold any longer.

This week Aerodu attacked B1, Geoto's last territory. Aerodu gained 280 while Geoto broke even, Aerodu took B1.

The PUC will now take a short break, I could certainly use one as I am sure Aerodu could after this gruelling battle. Could any clans wishing to take part in the next game have their game masters post here to introduce themselves, so I know who to expect pms from when the new game starts.

Screenshot and map update coming soon.

EDIT: Map and screenshot added. Still looking for ideas on a drawing mechanism if anyone has any, we can't let games go on for this long again, we need to keep as many clans active here as we can.

Kilvakar -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/10/2016 16:12:11)

As I am in all likelihood the only active Nautica member, and the one who was in talks to take over as clan leader before the revival thread ended, I will do my best to fight for Nautica in the upcoming battles. (for what little good it will do, lol! :D )

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 7 (9/24/2016 0:31:49)

Good to see at least one other clan taking part. I plan to start the next game on the first weekend of October.

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