The Horseman (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> The Horseman (10/26/2014 12:32:31)


The Horseman

Location: Mogloween '14 - Planet Mortis --> The Horseman!
Objective: Will you be able to stop The Horseman?
Requirements: None
Release Date: October 24, 2014

  • Zombie Mecha C
  • Zombie Mecha D
  • Desmodus
  • Mechferatu

  • Jack
  • [url=]Horseman[/url]

    Jack: <You>, I was hoping you'd visit this year.
    <You>: I'm sorry it's been so long. Between the Shadowscythe and the constant issues I've had to deal with I've been swamped.
    Jack: That's alright. I know there are larger events happening.
    Jack: Since you are here though, I could use your help.
    Jack: It's about Shelley...
    Jack: I've been worried about her after everything she's been through.
    Jack: This past year things have gotten worse.
    Jack: It started with her disappearing for hours every few weeks.
    Jack: As time went on, hours turned to days. She would just leave and not want to tell me where she was going.
    Jack: I know she values her privacy, but I was worried for her safety. She would always return perfectly fine though.
    Jack: She left over a week ago now and I haven't seen her. Even worse... The Horseman has returned.
    Jack: I don't know if she reactivated him by accident or someone else did. I'm just worried that he took Shelley.
    Jack: I've noticed him wandering around the nearby areas, almost as if he's looking for something.
    <You>: I can go out and look for her. I've faced the The Horseman before and I can handle him again.
    Jack: Thank you, <You>.
    Jack: I do have something to help you though.
    Jack: I've been studying the mecha that EbilCorp made a few years ago.
    Jack: Using what they discovered I've been able to make a program that will allow your mecha to use a unique sound based attack.
    Jack: I adjusted the frequency to match one that will, hopefully, weaken many of The Horseman's systems.
    Jack: It should help even the odds if he's as strong, or stronger, than he used to be.
    Jack: Please, <You>, find Shelley and make sure she's alright.
    <You>: I'll do my best Jack. Do you have any leads on where I should head first?
    Jack: The mountains to the north would be a good start. There are only a few places that he would be able to fit his mecha into up there.
    <You>: I'll head out now. I'll be back when I know something.

    (After battling two enemies:)
    <You>: Nothing here.
    <You>: Hmm. I should try those woods I passed on the way to town. He might be there.

    (After battling two enemies:)
    <You>: Nothing here either.
    <You>: Something doesn't feel right.
    <You>: The only place that's left to search near the town is the cemetery.
    <You>: I can't shake this feeling that something's following me though.

    (After battling three enemies:)
    <You>: No sign of The Horseman or Shelley here either.
    <You>: There should be some kind of clue if either of them had been here.
    <You>: Something's not right. I'm gonna start heading back for town. Maybe Jack can help me figure something out.

    <You>: Wait a minute.
    <You>: Something just pinged my sensors. It wasn't an echo this time, something's out there.
    <You>: Horseman! Show yourself!
    Horseman: Your time has come, make haste if you can, this Horseman once more stalks these lands!
    Horseman: My power has doubled since last we met, you shant be able to best me hence!
    Horseman: I've come for you, yon vacant stranger, so take a moment that you may ponder.
    Horseman: The midnight hour is close at hand, can you hope to best me or even make a stand?
    Horseman: HA HA HA HA HA HA!

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