The Chase (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> The Chase (11/2/2014 11:30:46)


The Chase

Location: Mogloween '14 - Planet Mortis --> The Chase!
Objective: You have discovered the secret to the Horseman!
Requirements: Completion of Defeat the Horseman
Release Date: October 31, 2014

  • Zombie Mecha

  • Jack
  • Shelley

    <You>: Hmmm...
    <You>: I thought I heard someone as I was getting out of my mecha.
    ???: Go away.
    <You>: Shelley? Is that you in there?
    Shelley: I said go away! I just want to be alone, <You>.
    <You>: Why? Shelley, Jack has been worried about you. That's why I'm here.
    Shelley: I know he has. I just ... I just wanted to make sure Mortis would be safe.
    Shelley: First the original Horseman all those years ago...
    Shelley: Then Evil Jim brainwashing me. Turning me into that... thing.
    Shelley: Then it was EbilCorp with their sound based technology.
    Shelley: Every year something happens and we're defenseless!
    Shelley: I'm tired of my home being constantly threatened, You.
    Shelley: I found the old Horseman's hideout and some of his mecha on one of my walks and I knew what I had to do.
    Shelley: After you defeated him all those years ago, the original Horseman left and never returned.
    Shelley: I repaired the mecha he left behind, improving them using things I had learned from watching Jack.
    Shelley: The monsters around town didn't even try to fight me. They were so afraid of the original Horseman, they simply did whatever I said.
    Shelley: By becoming The Horseman I'm going to scare off anyone who would try and attack us again.
    Shelley: I know I should have told Jack, but I know how he worries.
    <You>: You know you're going to have to tell him now, right?
    Shelley: *sigh* Yes I know, <You>.
    Shelley: I am sorry for attacking you earlier. I just panicked and didn't know what else to do.
    <You>: As long as you're safe, that's all that matters.
    <You>: Although hold off on the rhyming from now on.
    Shelley: *giggles* I thought I was doing it pretty well.
    <You>: Heh, some were better than others.
    <You>: You had better head back to Jack and let him know what happened. I'll be there in a bit so you have some time to talk to him.
    Shelley: I'll see you when you get there. I hope he's not going to be too mad at me.

    Jack: <You>! I'm glad you've returned. Shelley has told me everything.
    Jack: While I'm overjoyed that she is safe, I'm also very thankful for your help resolving this whole ordeal.
    Shelley: Jack doesn't have any issues with my plan to protect Mortis.
    Jack: It's a brilliant plan, but one I wish she had talked with me about first.
    Jack: Now though, I an help her improve The Horseman mecha even more and make it the true guardian of Mortis.
    Shelley: Together we'll be ready for any threats.
    Jack: You are always welcome on Mortis, <You>! If there is any way we can repay you in the future, do not hesitate to ask.
    Shelley: Thank you again, <You>. I finally fell like I have a true purpose.

    Rewards Shop:
  • Mogloween '14 Starship Items
  • Mogloween '14 Mods
  • Mogloween '14 Energy Blades
  • Dark Mecha
  • Shelley Mecha

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