The Heroine appears (Full Version)

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Xalph -> The Heroine appears (11/5/2014 11:47:47)

This short story is a kind of presentation/showcase for the AQWorlds Team. Have fun reading it!

Disclaimer: I do not own AdventureQuest Worlds.

The thunder roared like a ferocious and hungry dragon. It lit up the storming sky for a moment, illuminating everything with a bright sheen. The peak of a specially tall mountain was covered in rain and thrunderclouds, and it pierced the sky like a giant spear. If you looked closely, you could see something on the jagged peak. It was a hand. A steel-clad fist, stubbornly grasping an outshooting cliff. With a roar, the owner of the hand swung herself up, and swung a leg over the cliff. She threw herself up, and landed on the peak of the mountain. She was tall and fierce, wearing a dented and scratched steel plate armur. The visor of her helmet was covering most of her face, But through the eye slits in the steel helmet, you could see a pair of green eyes.

She thrust her sword deep into the the mountain, like a sign of succes. Her eyes wandered across the stormy landscapes. ” I have travelled a long way,” She said to herself. ”But even i have to admit it – there is no place like Lore!”

In that exact moment, another bolt of thunder crashed through the sky, and, unfortunately hit the heroine. ”Aaargh!” She roared, and stumbled. She crashed down the mountainside, denting her armour even more than necessary. After a long (and painfull) tumble down the mountain, the heroine crashed into the ground at the foot of the mountain.

”Ouch!” A voice said from the deep crater at the foot of the mountain. The group of kids came closer. The bravest of them, a little rascal of a boy, sneaked to the edge of the crater. He too a stick, and poked the armoured person carefully. ”Oooow...why did i even think about scaling a mountain..” The voice came from the body. The boy gave of a little shout of horror, and ran back to his friends, spying the person emerging from the crater from a reasonable distance. The person was a girl. The already dented armour looked disastrous after the long tumble. She caught sight of the group of kids. ”Hey!” She shouted. The kids didn't move. ”Come on! I won't eat you if that what scares you.” She said, walking closer to the kids. A small girl looked at the heroine. ”Miss?” She said carefully. ”Why are you wearing a helmet?” The heroine stopped. ”Oh, yes.” She grabbed the helmet and took it off. ”Better now?” she asked. She had long ginger hair, and a brave look in her big green eyes. ”Does anyone now the way to the inn?”

Later the same day, the heroine was sitting in front of the fireplace of Yulgar's inn, dressed in a new shining suit of armour, surrounded by people. She told them about her adventures, and why she had scaled the mountain. But that is another story. Why don't you tell us about your adventures?

Good or evil, it's your choice! Everything is possible in the magical country of Lore!

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