Colosseum Challenge (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Colosseum Challenge (11/16/2014 12:13:22)

Colosseum Challenge

Location: Planet 51 --> Korin --> New Challenge? --> Droid --> Replay Fights
Objective: Excellent work! You have successfully finished another powerful enemy.
Requirements: Rank Grand Champion
Release Date: Needed!

  • Bloodhound
  • Mech-Skeedo
  • ShS Jawseph
  • Master Hazuko
  • Queen Akana
  • Teravolt
  • [url=]Void Doom Lord[/url]

  • Droid

    After defeating an enemy:
    Droid: Well done. You've managed to come out on top.

    If you have defeated all of the enemies:
    Droid: Well done completing the challenge. You may choose which enemy you would like to face again.

  • OC Chips
  • Arms
  • E-blades

    Note: You must defeat the enemies in order.

  • Page: [1]

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